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Capture Side Effects in a Task

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This is Tutorial 12 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure to read the series introduction where I cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I will be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-week. So come back often, there is a lot more to come!

<< Introduction < Tutorial 11


Welcome to Tutorial 12 in the series Make the leap from Javascript to PureScript. I hope you're enjoying it thus far. If you're new to this series, then be sure to read the series Introduction to learn how to install and run PureScript.

In this tutorial, we are going to create a structure called Task that mimics data.task from the Folktale libraries developed for generic functional programming in JavaScript. In Brian's video tutorial, he used Task from this library to show how, among other things, it can model side-effects explicitly within the structure through lazy evaluation (see Tutorial 12. This way, the programmer has full knowledge of and can encapsulate delayed computations, latency, or anything that isn't pure in one place.

Modeling Task in PureScript

I should let you in on the punch line right up front - there is no explicit structure named Task in PureScript. So, instead, we're going to model it ourselves using two approaches, Continuation Passing Style (CPS) and using the Asynchronous effect monad Aff, covering each in great detail. We'll start with CPS for this tutorial and save Aff for the next, which fits perfectly with Brian's subsequent tutorial on using Task for asynchronous actions.

Continuation Passing Style (CPS)

Before we jump into modeling the Task structure using Continuation Passing Style (CPS), I'm not going to assume that you encountered this style of programming before. So here's a little primer or perhaps a refresher for those who are already familiar with CPS.

In functional programming, CPS is a style of programming functions that, instead of returning a result, passes it onto a continuation. Here, a continuation is basically "what happens next" in the control flow. A function written in CPS will take one extra argument, which is the continuation. For example, it could be a continuation representing success or failure, similar to the Either constructor from Tutorial 3. If you watched Brian's video (and you should), you saw how success and failure were represented by Task.of and Task.rejected respectively.

Now CPS is not only used for expressing a success or failure continuation, but you can also to suspend a computation. This approach keeps your code pure, by deferring evaluation along with any side effects until it's time to return a value. We saw in Brian's video how he withheld the fork call to accomplish this suspension, suggesting the caller of our application do it. This way, they're in charge of the fork, plus all the side-effects that go along with it. We'll see an implementation of fork in our Task constructor examples shortly. But first, I want to show some examples of CPS that I shamelessly copied from Haskell/Continuation passing style and ported to PureScript.

In each of the code snippets below, I'll first show the direct style which is the opposite of CPS; the style in which we usually program. I'll follow this direct style code with a solution using continuations, and finally there's a solution using the continuation monad, Cont. Now we haven't covered monads, which is one of the most confusing topics in functional programming. And I don’t want to address them at this time. However, I would be negligent in not showing Cont to you now, because it helps to remove the long chains of nested lambdas we see in prototypical CPS, as shown below.

Example: Pythagoras using direct style

square :: Int -> Int
square x = x * x

pythagoras :: Int -> Int -> Int
pythagoras x y = add (square x) (square y)

main = log $ pythagoras 3 4

Hopefully, you will agree that this example requires no explanation.

Example: Pythagoras using continuations

addCPS :: forall r. Int -> Int -> ((Int -> r) -> r)
addCPS x y = \k -> k (add x y)

squareCPS :: forall r. Int -> ((Int -> r) -> r)
squareCPS x = \k -> k (square x)

pythagorasCPS :: forall r. Int -> Int -> ((Int -> r) -> r)
pythagorasCPS x y = \k ->
  (squareCPS x) \xSquared ->
  (squareCPS y) \ySquared ->
  (addCPS xSquared ySquared) k

main =  pythagorasCPS 3 4 \k ->
    log $ "Pythagoras with continuations: " <> show k

Ok, there's a lot to unpack here. First, in each of the CPS functions, notice the ((Int -> r) -> r) in the type declaration. This type represents a suspended computation, where the (Int -> r) argument is the continuation function, and the second r is its result. It's how we bring the computation to a conclusion.

Let's work our way up this code listing, starting from main. We call pythagorasCPS 3 4, putting the result into our top-level continuation function (\k -> ...); our side-effect that logs the result of pythagorasCPS 3 4 to the console. Then:

  1. square x and put the result in the (\xSquared -> ...) continuation
  2. square y and put the result in the (\ySquared -> ...) continuation
  3. add xSquared and ySquared and put the result in the top-level/program continuation k.

Whew! Now, I know this is confusing to follow, and it indeed has taken me a good number of "head scratches" to get it finally. "Is there a simpler way, without all those pesky nested lambdas," you ask? Absolutely! We can eliminate them using the Continuation monad:

Example: Pyhagoras using Cont

addCont :: forall r. Int -> Int -> Cont r Int
addCont x y =
  pure (add x y)

squareCont :: forall r. Int -> Cont r Int
squareCont x =
  pure (square x)

pythagorasCont :: forall r. Int -> Int -> Cont r Int
pythagorasCont x y = do
  xSquared <- squareCont x
  ySquared <- squareCont y
  addCont xSquared ySquared

main =  runCont (pythagorasCont 3 4) \k ->
    log $ "Pythagoras with Cont monad: " <> show k

Nice! Notice no more nested lamdas to confuse us. Without opening the "monad pandora's box", perhaps the simplest way to describe what's happening here is that we compose all our continuation functions into r, wrapping this composition in the monad Cont r Int. Then, the function runCont triggers the execution of r. When we execute runCont (pythagorasCont 3 4), we provide it with our top-level continuation: ( \k -> ...), which logs the type Int result of pythagorasCont to our console (note - we transformed the Int to a String using show).

So what is the advantage of using continuations in the above examples? Well, depending on the circumstances, we've given ourselves the power to decide when and how to execute them, or perhaps never execute them at all! Let me explain further - let's say we create a success continuation and a failure continuation, separately. Based on the result of pythagorasCont, we could've decided when and how to invoke the appropriate success or failure continuation. For example, perhaps success or failure mean a result that's inside or outside some bounds, respectively. So we alter the flow of our program with a top-level continuation function to handle each case. And we'll do just that in the next example.

Mimicking Task using CPS in PureScript

Now that we've covered continuation passing style (CPS), we have the tools necessary to emulate the Task constructor from the Folktale suite of libraries, that Brian used in his tutorial video. In this tutorial, I've implemented Task as a type synonym for Either, which we covered in Tutorial 3.
Thus implicitly, taskRejected and taskOf are the Left and Right constructors from Either, which represent a failed or successful computation, respectively. Let's take a look at the first code example:

Example: taskOf and taskRejected

main = 
  let err = \e -> "error: " <> show e
  let success = \x -> "success: " <> show x
  let fork = (taskFork err success) 
  let k = (fork >>> log) 
  let c = contTask $ taskOf 1.0
  runCont c k
  let c = contTask $ taskRejected 1.0
  runCont c k

Let's take it from the top - err, and success are two separate continuation functions, one of which will be invoked by k, our top-level continuation. Within k, notice we are composing taskFork with log. It's the job of taskFork to execute either the err or success continuation based on whether the Task continuation r produced a Left or Right constructor. Thus if my Task has successfully computed something, then taskFork will invoke the success continuation.

In these simple examples taskOf and taskRejected do nothing more than to construct a Right a or Left a, respectively. It's contTask that throws the Task into our continuation monad Cont r (Task a b). Then, when we're ready to run this continuation, we invoke runCont c k giving it the continuation monad c and our top-level continuation k.

Alright, let's take it up a notch, by showing how we can map over a Task, just like other 'container' types, because again, Task is none other than a type alias for Either.


  -- add a prefix string 'p' to our top-level continuation 'k'
  let k p = fork >>> \s -> log $ p <> s

  let c = contTask $ (taskOf 1.0) # map (_ + 1.0) 
  runCont c (k " ")

We can also bind (>>=) (aka chain) over it to return a Task within a Task:


  let c = contTask $
              (taskOf 1.0) #
              map (_ + 1.0) >>=
               \x -> taskOf (x + 1.0)
  runCont c (k " ")

Just like Either, if we return the rejected version of Task (i.e., Left (some value) ), it will short circuit, ignoring map, bind, and the second task in the example below. Thus k will invoke the err continuation.


  let c = contTask $
              (taskRejected 1.0) #
              map (_ + 1.0) >>=
              \x -> taskOf (x + 1.0)
  runCont c (k " ")

Let's launch some missiles!

The final example in Brian's tutorial showed how you could leave it to the caller to fork the task so that they're in charge of the disposition of any side effects. In fact, we've been doing this all along, thanks to contTask and runCont. Take a look at the example below, and you'll see what I mean.

Example: Taking control of any side-effects

  let err = \e -> "error: " <> e
  let success = \x -> "success: " <> x
  let fork = taskFork err success
  let t1 = taskOf "missile" # map (_ <> "!")
  let c = contTask $ t1 # map (_ <> "!") 
  let sideEffects = \t -> do
         log "launch missiles!"
         log t
  runCont c (fork >>> sideEffects)

Here we needed new success and error continuations because, this time we're returning a String, instead of an Int. I compose my set of continuation functions using contTask, and, at this stage, I can even extend the original Task with another computation, as shown above. It's when we execute runCont c k that we finally run the computation c and witness the side-effects to the console with k.


In this tutorial, we looked at how to capture any side-effects that may be lurking within our program into a Task. This way, we have the power to witness these side-effects at will, or even alter the flow of our computation when we wish to act on them differently (see taskFork above). There is no native Task structure in PureScript, so I showed how to emulate it using continuation passing style (CPS) of programming.

In CPS, functions don't return values; instead, they pass control to a continuation, which specifies what happens next in our computation. In particular, I showed the best way to express CPS is with the monad Cont r a which is a type used to wrap our suspended computations r, and the resulting type from this suspended computation will be a. When we're ready to run these suspended computations, we invoke runCont c k, where c is the continuation monad of type Cont r a (i.e., our suspended computations) and 'k' is our top-level/program continuation function.

Once again, whether or not you’re finding these tutorials helpful in making the leap from JavaScript to PureScript then give me a clap, star my GitHub repository, drop me a comment, or post a tweet. I believe any feedback is good feedback and helpful toward making these tutorials better in the future. That’s all for this blog post. Till next time, when we’ll delve deeper into capturing asynchronous side effects with another implementation of Task. Stay tuned.


<-- Tutorials -->

You may find that the README for the next tutorial is under construction. But if you're an eager beaver and would like to look ahead, then all the of code samples from Brian's videos have been ported to PureScript already. But I typically amend them as I write the accompanying tutorial markdown.

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