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Created March 25, 2017 23:37
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Series - Make the Leap from JavaScript to PureScript

Tutorial 1 - Create linear data flow with container style types (Box)

This tutorial is the first in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. First, be sure to read the series Introduction, where we cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript.

The series outline and javascript code samples were borrowed with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf - thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption of each tutorial is that you've watched his video already before tackling the abstraction in PureScript. Brian covers the featured abstraction extremely well, and I feel it's better to understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript. For this tutorial, the abstraction is Box( ) covered in video1. Note that the Box( ) abstraction is better known as the 'Identity' functor in swanky FP circles.

So one more time with feeling - You should be already somewhat familiar with the Box abstraction. You're also able to enter bower update && pulp run and pulp run after that, to load the library dependencies, compile the program, and run the PureScript code example. Finally, if you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or pull request on Github. Let's go!

Baby's first FP abstraction - Box( )

Here's a typical imperative approach to transforming character strings:

const nextCharForNumberString = str => {
  const trimmed = str.trim()
  const number = parseInt(trimmed)
  const nextNumber = number + 1
  return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)

const result = nextCharForNumberString(' 64 ')


What's wrong with it? Well, there's lots of variable assignment and consequently lots of state that our feeble minds must track. Wouldn't it be better to unify it all, by composing it into one linear workflow? Yes, of course!

So let's try bundling everything up into one expression:

const nextCharForNumberString = str =>
  String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str.trim()) + 1)

Perhaps better, but it's terribly hard to follow! We must start with the innermost parentheses, and work our way to the outermost, all while keeping track of the changes to str. Good luck with that on more complex expressions!

There is a better approach that we can borrow from our dear old friend Array. Let's put our string into a box so that we can map our transform functions over it. In PureScript, we typically use the Identity functor for this purpose, because it comes right out of the box (sorry - I couldn't resist the pun). But we don't scare anyone away from this very first tutorial, so instead let's build a new type called Box. Plus, we learn how to create new types in PureScript, which is a nice way to help express the meaning and context of our program!

Time for PureScript

Open the code example Main.purs with your favorite code editor. If you don't have editor support for PureScript, refer to the Introduction for a list of IDE plugins. For now, you can ignore the module declaration and import list at the top. Instead, let's start immediately on our Box declaration.

Create a Box to hold the value

First, we create a new type Box:

newtype Box a = Box a

In PureScript, when we want to give a new name to an existing type, we use the newtype constructor. In our case, this new type is Box, and it will contain the existing type String at the beginning of our composition. But, just a few steps into our function composition, incrementing the Unicode character number requires that we hold an Int (i.e., integer) type also. We handle this by declaring newtype Box a = Box a, instead of newtype Box = Box String, where a can be substituted by any type in our code. See NewTypes from 'PureScript by Example' for more information.

Just as in our JavaScript example:

const Box = x =>
  map: f => (f(x))

we must tell PureScript how to map over Box. In PureScript, we declare that Box is an instance of the Functor class:

instance functorBox :: Functor Box where
  map f (Box x) = Box (f x)

And, as in JavaScript, we also tell the PureScript compiler how to map over Box. Thus, whenever PureScript sees map f (Box x) then it's as easy as one-two-three:

  1. Take x out of the Box,
  2. Apply the function f, and finally
  3. Put x back into the Box.

Next, we should declare how to show the value of Box when logging to the console. In our JavaScript example, we did this by creating Box's prototype for inspect:

const Box = x =>
  map: f => (f(x)),
  inspect: () => 'Box($(x))'

Similar to our Functor instance, we create an instance of the Show class in PureScript and tell it exactly how we want Box to be logged to the console:

instance showBox :: Show a => Show (Box a) where
  show (Box a) = "Box(" <> show a <> ")"

Note that the <> operator is a convenient infix operator alias for PureScript's string concatenation function append.

Finally, what to do with this Box? When we return the string, we don't want it to remain in our Box. To handle this in JavaScript, we add one more function to the Box called fold. It will remove it from the Box before we run the last function(s) before returning; except it doesn't put it back in the Box. First, again in JavaScript:

const Box = x =>
  map: f => (f(x)),
  fold: f => f(x),
  inspect: () => 'Box($(x))'

Next, in PureScript, we declare Box to be 'foldable' by creating an instance of the Foldable class.

instance foldableBox :: Foldable Box where
  foldr f z (Box x) = f x z
  foldl f z (Box x) = f z x
  foldMap f (Box x) = f x

You can ignore foldr and foldl for now because we don't need them to run the nextCharForNumberString function shown below. But by declaring the Foldable instance for Box, PureScript expects us to define foldr and foldl, and so we did. Its foldMap that we care about, which tells PureScript how to take the element out of the Box, and map a function f to it. But don't put it back in the Box - just like the fold function declared in the JavaScript code below.

Compose our functions

At last, we're ready to solve the problem of returning the next character from a given number string. Just like our JavaScript example:

const nextCharForNumberString = str =>
  .map(s => s.trim())
  .map(s => new Number(s))
  .map(i => i + 1)
  .map(i => String.fromCharCode(i))
  .fold(c => c.toLowerCase())

we are going to use function composition in PureScript. In both code samples, the result of each function is passed as the argument of the next, and the result of the last one is the result of the entire function. Function composition is a fundamental construct in FP. It makes it easier to understand the flow of our logic, and thus it's likely our code will be more readable and maintainable.

And without further ado, our PureScript reveal:

1   nextCharForNumberString :: String -> String
2   nextCharForNumberString str =
3     Box str #
4     map trim #
5     map (\s -> fromMaybe 0 $ fromString s) #
6     map (\i -> i + 1) #
7     map (\i -> fromCharCode i) #
8     foldMap (\c -> singleton $ toLower c)

Let's look at the more interesting lines:

  1. We declare the function nextCharForNumberString and tell the PureScript compiler that it should expect a String as input, and to return the transformed String as output. Now JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, and therefore we didn't and couldn't declare our String types. In contrast, PureScript is a statically typed language, which means that it (at compile time) will check to see if we've been asleep at the wheel. For example, using a function argument or returning a value that is not our declared String type.

Now there's been a lot of debate on the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic vs. statically typed languages. I don't care to wax and wane over them, only to point out that JavaScript won't detect wrong argument types until you've run the program. It usually causes a runtime error, and perhaps this too late depending on where you weigh in on 'type ideology'. But with the introduction of TypeScript from Microsoft and Flow from Facebook, clearly, there's a greater awareness and interest in the JavaScript community for static type checking. Nuff said!

  1. Next, we start the function application, assigning our input string to the variable name str.

  2. We put str into our Box so that we can map over it. And 'look ma - no parenthesis!'. PureScript uses white space to separate arguments, avoiding the need for parenthesis in cases where the order of the expression is clear. The # operator is similar to .functionName() in JavaScript or |> in Elm and Elixir. It moves our transformed value along to the next function, placing it at the end of the argument list - very handy indeed!

  3. Use map to take str out of the Box, and trim it using trim function.

  4. Here's where things become very different from the JavaScript example. Besides static type checking, many PureScript library functions have been written to help deal with possible runtime errors at the compiler stage. Here, it is possible that when we attempt to convert a number string (e.g., "1") to a number, fromString might not have given an actual number (e.g., "this is not a number"). So, instead of ignoring the dire consequences, fromString returns a Maybe String type.

Maybe String serves as a clear signal to the programmer and the compiler that the possibility of a non-integer character, and you deal with it. I won't get into the Maybe constructor just yet because it is too early in this series. But to deal with it, I decided to use the fromMaybe function that will convert the string to '0', if ever fromString detects that it has been given a non-integer character by returning Nothing. Finally, the $ operator is the reverse of #. It allows us to avoid placing parenthesis around fromString s - nice!

  1. Now it's time to fold 'em and go home. We convert the character to lower case, then use singleton to convert our Char to our output type, String. foldMap applies these function expressions to the character in Box, and returns the transformed string to our main caller method covered in the next section.

Call the function and log the result

Unless you're calling PureScript from JavaScript (yes you can do that), every PureScript application typically has a main method. The main method runs after all the modules are defined. In our example, there is one module only - Main that imports several other modules listed at the top of the program (e.g., import Data.Char (fromCharCode, toLower). A main method is a simple method call with no arguments.

From our main method we call our function nextCharForNumberString and log the result using the log or logShow functions. The difference between these two is that log expects a string argument, whereas logShow can log a value, so long as an instance of the Show class has been declared. Here's the code:

main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
  log "Create Linear Data Flow with Container Style Types (Box)."

  log "Bundled parenthesis approach. All in one expression is suboptimal."
  log $ nextCharForNumberString' "     64   "

  log "Let's borrow a trick from our friend array by putting the string into a Box."
  log $ nextCharForNumberString "     64   "

You can safely ignore main's type declaration for now. But it tells the compiler and anyone who is reading the program that main will generate a side effect, namely logging to the console. The rest should be self-explanatory, except the special syntax called do notation. In simple terms (for now), do allows us to write our log statements as we would in an imperative program - one after the other. It's much more than that, especially when we encounter expressions that bind elements together or give names to expressions using the let keyword. But this explanation will suffice for now.

To run the program for the first time, cd into the tut01/src and type bower update && pulp run. Then pulp run afterward is enough.

Fun Facts

Some things I didn't cover that you may be wondering about:

  1. Modules must be imported explicitly using the import statement, whenever you use one of its functions. Even the standard PureScript library called the 'Prelude' isn't loaded automatically. Typically you will import all the functions from Prelude with import Prelude, while the imports from other modules are listed explicitly. This helps to avoid conflicting imports.

  2. A PureScript directory structure is typically the following; which is created when you type pulp init inside the root (i.e., my-app):

  bower components/
  1. The transcompiled Javascript from this exercise is stored in output/Main/index.js It's worth having a look and what got generated. For example, our newtype Box a = Box a declaration is translated to:
var Box = function (x) {
    return x;
  1. If you want to run your code in the browser, then have a look at the command pulp browserify. The resulting Javascript code can be saved to a file and included in an HTML document. If you try this, you should see the log statements printed to your browser’s console.

  2. Conversely, if you want to optimize your code, and run your code from the terminal, then use the commands pulp build -O --to output.js && node output.js.

  3. A recent compiler update introduced a new syntactic structure, called an operator section, for simplifying anonymous function arguments. For example, on line 6 of nextCharForNumberString we wrote our increment by one function like this:

map (\x -> x + 1)

Instead, using an operator section, we can save ourselves a few type strokes, and improve readability with this:

map (_ + 1)

Hopefully, it's clear that the underscore represents the anonymous function argument x.

That's all, for now, folks! See you in Tutorial 2


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You may find that the README for the next tutorial is still under construction. Regardless, eager beavers are encouraged to look ahead. You'll find that all the of code samples from Brian's videos have been ported to PureScript already. But I reserve the right to amend them as I draft the accompanying tutorial markdown.

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