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A curated collection of monoids and their uses

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This is Tutorial 9 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript. Be sure* to read the series introduction where I cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I will be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-week. So come back often, there is a lot more to come!

<< Introduction < Tutorial 7

Welcome to Tutorial 9 in the series Make the leap from Javascript to PureScript and I hope you're enjoying it thus far. In this tutorial, we're going to break the topic of monoids wide open by increasing our vocabulary and showing how to put them to good use in production. Be sure to read the series Introduction to learn how to install and run PureScript. I borrowed (with permission) the outline and javascript code samples from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf - thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption is that you have watched his video before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts extremely well, and it's better you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

You will find the markdown and all code examples for this tutorial on Github. If you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request. Finally, If you are enjoying this series, then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and favoring it on social media. My Twitter handle is @adkelley

Time for a quick recap

In the last tutorial, we learned that a monoid is a semigroup with an identity element. Let's deconstruct this sentence so that the definition is clear. A semigroup is an algebraic structure with a binary operation that satisfies the associativity law. For example, addition is a binary operation that is associative. Because, when you add a set of numbers the result is the same regardless of how you group them, e.g., 1 + (2 + 3) = (1 + 2) + 3 = 6.

In PureScript, the binary operation for a semigroup that satisfies the associative property is called append, whose infix operator is <>. I like to think of the append method as smashing two or more elements together to produce a single value. You can construct semigroups by declaring the type(s) that belong to this semigroup together with its append operation. Sticking with addition as our canonical example, and using Purescript's Data.Monoid.Additive we get:

newtype Additive a = Additive a

instance semigroupAdditive :: Semiring a => Semigroup (Additive a) where
  (Additive a) <> (Additive b)  = Additive (a + b)

So what are the types that belong to Additive? Well, the constraint above says that the type a must belong to the Semiring class. It restricts the values to be of type Number, Int, Unit, and..., don't forget, functions that return a Semiring.

Now that we have defined semigroup, we've almost got our monoid definition in the bag. All that is left is to explain is the identity element. This element is a neutral value, such that whenever we append one or more elements to it, we get back those elements. For addition, the identity element is zero, because 1 + 2 + 0 = 1 + 2, 2 + 3 + 0 = 2 + 3, etc. In PureScript, we use mempty (monoid empty) to reference the identity element of a monoid.

At last, we have the two parts necessary to declare our Additive monoid:

newtype Additive a = Additive a

instance semigroupAdditive :: Semiring a => Semigroup (Additive a) where
  (Additive a) <> (Additive b)  = Additive (a + b)

instance monoidAdditive :: Semiring a => Monoid (Additive a) where
  mempty = Additive zero

Also, be aware that most, but not all, semigroups are monoids. For example, in Tutorial 6 I introduced First, whose append method takes the First element while ignoring the rest.

newtype First a = First a

instance Semigroup (First a) where
  a <> _ = a

But what if the first element is an empty array or list? Well, that will just blow up in our faces because we don't have any value to return as our first argument. Moreover, it won't even compile in PureScript, assuming we've defined the array in our code. Fortunately, in Tutorial 7, we found a way to make First a monoid by using the Maybe constructor where Nothing becomes the identity element (mempty)

newtype First a = First (Maybe a)

instance semigroupFirst :: Semigroup (First a) where
  append first@(First (Just _)) _ = first
  append _ second = second

instance monoidFirst :: Monoid (First a) where
  mempty = First Nothing

Did you catch the first@ syntax? When pattern matching, first now refers to the entire type (First (Just a) ). So, instead of retyping a long (First (Just a) ) on the right-hand side, I can type first. This shortener is also handy when passing the type to a function.

Meet the monoids

In the last tutorial, I kept our list of monoids limited to three because it helped us to stay focused on the "what are monoids and what do they do?" part of learning. This tutorial is all about introducing you to the wide variety of monoids available in functional programming, along with examples of their usage. I'll again cover Additive, Conj, and First for good measure. Then I will add Disj, Multiplicative, Max, Min, and Tuple to the family. There are much more, but this will get you started, and you might just come up with a few of your own (did anyone say Last?).

By now, I hope you have watched Brian's video. Sometimes the names are different, so I've created a table below which shows the name of the monoid in JavaScript (from Brian's video) and its equivalent in PureScript.

JavaScript PureScript
Sum Additive
Product Multiplicative
Any Disj
All Conj
Max Max
Min Min
First First1
Pair Tuple

1As discussed above, First in PureScript is different than Brian's implementation of First in JavaScript. PureScript's implementation uses the Maybe constructor to promote it to a monoid using Nothing as the identity element.

Shortening map and foldr to foldMap

I mentioned in Tutorial 8 that I would show you how to reduce the syntax needed to map a list or array of elements to a monoid and append them using foldr. If you recall, we used the following pattern throughout the last tutorial:

foldr (<>) mempty $ map Additive [1, 2, 3]

This pattern is soooooo prevalent in FP, so pay close attention. We map a monoid constructor (e.g., Additive) to elements contained in a foldable structure (e.g.,Array) and reduce them to a single monoid value by appending them to the identity element mempty.

Whenever you see an overly complicated expression like the one above then, you may have a 'code smell' that's in need of a deodorizer! Well, thankfully there is a freshener for this expression, and it is called foldMap. We can also map a chain of multiple functions together with our monoid constructor too. And I'll show you how to compose them in the section Monoids gone wild!.

Let's take a look at the type declaration for foldMap:

foldMap ::  forall a m.  Monoid m => (a -> m) -> f a -> m

It means what I stated above - for all values of type a when given a monoid m, you can map values wrapped in a foldable structure f into monoids. Then, safely fold them using append into a single monoid using the identity element Now

foldr (<>) mempty $ map Additive [1, 2, 3]


foldMap Additive [1, 2, 3]

Very nice and concise! Now let's get started on those monoids:

mempty :: Additive Int -- (Additive 0)
foldMap Additive [1, 2, 3]  -- (Additive 6)

The first line above logs the identity element (Additive 0), while the next line records the result (Additive 6) of reducing the array to a single monoid.

Now, using the same format as above:

mempty :: Multiplicative Int -- (Multiplicative 1)
foldMap Multiplicative [1, 2, 3] -- (Multiplicative 6)
mempty :: Disj Boolean -- (Disj false)
foldMap Disj [false, false, true] -- (Disj true)
mempty :: Conj Boolean -- (Conj true)
foldMap Conj [true, true, false]  -- (Conj false)
mempty :: Max Int -- (Max -2147483648)
foldMap Max [1, 2, 3] -- (Max 3)
mempty :: Min Int -- (Min 2147483647)
foldMap Min [1, 2, 3] -- (Min 1)

As for Max and Min, a further explanation of their respective identity elements is in order. For Max, the neutral element is the minimum safe Int, which is -2147483648. Why, because Int is a 32-bit signed binary integer, so this is the smallest value representable. And, vice-versa, for Min, the neutral element is the maximum safe Int, which is 2147483647.

Monoids gone wild!

Well, so far so good. We've seen several popular monoids along with their identity elements. In the next set of examples, we'll take it up a notch by showing how useful these monoids can be in production.

You've got stats!

type Stats =
  { page :: String
  , views :: Maybe Int

badStats :: Array Stats
badStats =
  [ { page: "Home",  views: (Just 1) }
  , { page: "Blog",  views: Nothing  }
  , { page: "About", views: (Just 10)}

fromNothing :: forall a. Maybe a -> Either String a
fromNothing (Just x) = Right x
fromNothing _ = Left "Nothing"

foldMap (Additive <<< fromNothing <<< _.views) badStats

Working from the top down in the example above, we have a Record of type Stats that we use to compute the number of views for each page on our website. We've also added a safety mechanism by using the Maybe constructor with our views field. In case of some unforeseen event, like the database is down, we can assign views to Nothing and handle the error downstream. Next, we store the stats in an array (in this case badStats), and we'll later use this container to fold the views and derive the total for all the web pages.

So how to deal with the possibility of views becoming Nothing due to a technical error? Well, that is the purpose of fromNothing, which takes a Maybe value and turns it into an Either type. Why is it necessary? Well if you recall from Tutorial 3, a Left value is a good way to stop a fold operation right in its tracks. In our foldMap expression, we are composing three functions Additive(fromNothing(_.views)) that define the Map part of our foldMap. Using badStats as our test array, as soon as foldMap encounters Additive (Left "Nothing") then our append operation stops and foldMap returns with the error; allowing us to deal with it as we please.

Find me an agent

In his JavaScript video Brian showed us how to combine First and Either to find the first element in a list that satisfies a predicate. As you might imagine, this is a common task, so PureScript has a similar version of find in the Data.Foldable module. Note that, instead of Either, Data.Foldable.find uses the Maybe constructor to return the first element satisfying the predicate (i.e., Just a) or Nothing.

You won't learn anything if I use Data.Foldable.find, so let's construct our version find using the constructors we have at hand, namely foldMap and First.

find ::  c a. Foldable c => (a -> Boolean) -> c a -> Maybe a
find f = unwrap <<< foldMap (First <<< maybeBool f)

find (_ > 4) [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] -- (Just 5)

Notice find works with any Foldable data structure, such as an Array or List. It illustrates that polymorphism is your friend; especially for utility functions like this one, so use it whenever possible. Also, if you like, start taking advantage of the ability to use Unicode characters, i.e., instead of forall. You can use them in names, operators, and syntax, and you will find more information on this topic here. I'm also using point free programming (covered in Tutorial 5) by dropping the xs in find f xs = unwrap <<< foldMap (First <<< maybeBool f) xs. Finally, maybeBool does what it says - it tests a value against a predicate f and returns (Just a) or Nothing depending on whether the result of f is true or false.

Filtering on multiple predicates

Amongst Brian's curated examples of monoids, this next one is my favorite. We've got two predicates, hasVowels and longWord, and we want to filter a list of strings down to just those that satisfy both predicates. Here's how we solve it:

regexFlags :: RegexFlagsRec
regexFlags = { global: true, ignoreCase: true
             , multiline: false, sticky: false
             , unicode: false

vowelsRegex :: Regex
vowelsRegex =
    case regex "[aeiou]" (RegexFlags regexFlags) of
      Right r -> r

hasVowels :: String -> Boolean
hasVowels s =
  case match vowelsRegex s of
    Just _ -> true
    _      -> false

longWord :: String -> Boolean
longWord s = length s > 4

multiple   m a b c. Foldable c  Monoid m  (a -> m)
     -> c (b -> a)
     -> b
     -> m
multiple m = foldMap (compose m)

filter (unwrap <<< multiple Conj [hasVowels, longWord]) ["gym", "bird", "lilac"]
filter (unwrap <<< multiple Disj [hasVowels, longWord]) ["gym", "bird", "lilac"]

Let's again start from the top and work our way down. We're going to evaluate a regular expression in hasVowels, so we start by setting our regex flags using regexFlags. In this case, I want to set two flags to true, so we'll have to do it the hard way with a full blown record setter. Next, here comes vowelsRegex which defines our regular expression for searching for words with vowels. Note we covered regular expressions in PureScript in Tutorial 5. So if you're having trouble comprehending what's going on, then please look there. As a hint, unsafePartial is required because I haven't covered the case of a poorly formed regular expression. But here, I know it is correct, and so covering this case is unnecessary.

Next, hasVowels will test the words against the regular expression, unwrapping the Maybe constructor and returning a boolean. And yes, I agree that dealing with regular expressions in PureScript can seem overly verbose compared to JavaScript. But it's all about avoiding mishaps that will burn you at runtime.

We'll skip over longWord since that should be self-explanatory. Up next is my favorite function in the example, multiple. Brian's implementation (i.e., both), is limited to two predicates. I was a little more ambitious with multiple by allowing multiple predicates, and polymorphic monoids & foldable structures - oh my! We have our familiar foldMap expression with the mapping function compose m. "What's this?" you ask? Well compose is located in the prelude package and it's the function behind the operator alias (<<<). For the first filter operation, the composition is Conj(hasVowels(longWord(w))) where w is each word in the ws array ["gym", "bird", "lilac"]. I'm also using point-free again by dropping the ws.

Finally, we've reached our filter expression. The only thing worth mentioning here is that filter requires a boolean predicate, so we unwrap the boolean value from the monoid (e.g., Conj) by composing multiple with unwrap. The first filter will result in ["lilac"], while the second uses the Disj monoid to return ["bird", "lilac"].

And then there was Tuple

With just Tuple left to cover, we've now reached the end of our adventure in 'Monoids in the wild!'. A tuple is a data structure that allows you to pass around multiple values contained within a single type constructor. For example, a two-tuple or pair is a tuple that contains two values, and the types of those values can be the same or different. For example, it's perfectly acceptable to have Tuple 1 false. Here is the relevant subset of the PureScript declaration for Tuple:

data Tuple a b = Tuple a b

instance semigroupTuple :: (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (Tuple a b) where
  append (Tuple a1 b1) (Tuple a2 b2) = Tuple (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2)

instance monoidTuple :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (Tuple a b) where
  mempty = Tuple mempty mempty

To compute the sum of an array of tuples of integers, we turn to our now familiar foldMap using the Additive monoid as our map function:

foldMap Additive [(Tuple 1 2), (Tuple 3 4)] -- (Additive (Tuple 4 6))

Conjunction and Disjunction are similar too:

foldMap Conj [(Tuple true false), (Tuple true false)] -- (Additive (Tuple true false))
foldMap Disj [(Tuple true false), (Tuple false true)]  -- (Additive (Tuple true true))

Here's one approach to mapping and folding over an array of tuples with values that are of different types:

toSumAll :: Tuple Int Boolean -> Tuple (Additive Int) (Conj Boolean)
toSumAll (Tuple a b) = Tuple (Additive a) (Conj b)

fromSumAll :: Tuple (Additive Int) (Conj Boolean) -> Tuple Int Boolean
fromSumAll (Tuple (Additive a) (Conj b)) = Tuple a b

fromSumAll $ foldMap toSumAll [(Tuple 1 false), (Tuple 2 false)]

Perhaps this is not the most elegant solution, but it serves as a good example of how pattern matching can save your skin time and again.


In this tutorial, we expanded our vocabulary of monoids to include Multiplicative, Disj, Max, Min and Tuple. We also explored a few examples of how to use them in practice. We found that foldMap gives us some syntax sugar sweetness when you need to map and reduce over a foldable structure of values. Finally, I would be negligent if I didn't mention that arrays, lists, and strings are monoids too. Each has an identity element, and the append method satisfies the associative law. But I'll leave as an exercise for the reader to determine the identity element for each.

Once again, whether or not you're finding these tutorials helpful in making the leap from JavaScript to PureScript then give me clap, drop me a comment, or post a tweet. My twitter handle is @adkelley. I believe any feedback is good feedback and helpful toward making these tutorials better in the future. Till next time.

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