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Semigroup Examples (DRAFT)

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This is Tutorial 7 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript . Be sure to read the series introduction where I cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I will be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-week. So come back often, there is a lot more to come!

<< Introduction < Tutorial 6

Welcome to Tutorial 7 in the series Make the leap from Javascript to PureScript and I hope you're enjoying it thus far. Be sure to read the series Introduction to learn how to install and run PureScript. I borrowed (with permission) the outline and javascript code samples from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf - thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption is that you have watched his video before tackling the equivalent PureScript abstraction featured in this tutorial. Brian covers the featured concepts extremely well, and it's better that you understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript.

If you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request on Github. Finally, If you are enjoying this series then please help me to tell others by recommending this article and/or favoring it on social media

Robot Voice: Shall we play a game?

Imagine we've developed an online game and one of our players Nico, has made three accounts accidentally; issuing a support ticket to merge them into one account. Well, my first reaction is to ban Nico permanently for negligence. Regrettably, even in my own imaginary games company, that decision is well above my pay grade. So we'll just have to figure out how to accommodate Nico's request.

Anytime you see the words merge, combine, consolidate, etc. in a user story; you should be thinking Semigroups immediately. So, let's help poor Nico out by combining his or her credentials with the aid of our Semigroup types from Tutorial 6. But instead of merely presenting the code and calling it a day, I'll make this tutorial a little more interesting by introducing a few new syntax constructs in PureScript; starting with Records.

PureScript records overview

If you are a professional frontend developer, then it is likely you're using JavaScript objects on a daily basis. You know, those name:value pairs we call properties, enclosed in braces? I'm sure you've seen them, but just in case:

var immy = { firstName: "Imogen", lastName: "Heap", age: 39 };

And by migrating to PureScript, perhaps you've already shed a tear or two; contemplating that sad and tearful goodbye to your dear old friend, Object. Well, dry those tears and put your big boy (or girl) pants back on, because PureScript just waved hello with its Record type constructor. Porting this code snippet we get:

type Person =
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName  :: String
  , age       :: Int

immy :: Person
immy =
  { firstName: "Imogen"
  , lastName: "Heap"
  , age: 39

Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? In fact, the syntax for JavaScript objects and PureScript records are spitting images of one another. Note that { ... } is syntactic sugar for the Record type constructor. Thus, { firstName :: String } is the same as Record ( firstName :: String ). Also, records have a few magical powers worth mentioning. For one, just like JavaScript objects, we have the ability to add extra name:value properties to records:

type Person r =
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName  :: String
  , age       :: Int
  | r

Shazam! But let's go over a couple of 'minor' changes from the first example of Person. By declaring Person r, I am instantiating that this record may contain extra fields r. Thus Person has become a row-polymorphic record (or extensible record type). And, as an example, I'm doing it in the code below by creating the type Musician as an extension of Person r, with the additional field genre.

type Musician = Person ( genre :: String )

Be careful to use parenthesis when creating a record extension, since r has to be a row kind, not a record type. Now that we have defined an extension Musician, let's create one of my favorites:

immy :: Musician
immy =
  { firstName: "Imogen"
  , lastName: "Heap"
  , age: 39
  , genre: "Electronic"

What does it all mean? Well, if this looks unfamiliar to you then recall that we covered the similar concept of extensible effects when we discussed native side-effects in Tutorial 4. To review:

main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit

We are parameterizing the Eff type constructor with a row of effects and its return type. More specifically, we declare that main produces a row that consists of the CONSOLE effect, and perhaps additional effects e, returning Unit (values with no computational content).

Another magic power and a real keystroke saver is assignment using wild cards:

makeMusician :: String -> String -> Int -> String -> Musician
makeMusician = { firstName: _, lastName: _, age: _ , genre: _ }

And for one last magic power, a shorthand for Record updates:

setGenre :: String -> Musician -> Musician
setGenre g m = m { genre = g }

I have included these examples in my github repository, so feel free to try them yourself.

Wow! We covered a lot of ground here, but there's lots more to learn about records in PureScript. So I encourage you to have a look at the documentation and also Chapter 8.14 in PureScript by Example.

Say hello to Additive, Conj, and First

As mentioned in Tutorial 6, PureScript already has Semigroup constructors that copy the functionality of Sum & All. They're named Additive and Conj from the modules Data.Monoid.Additive and Data.Monoid.Conj, respectively. So I'm going to retire Sum & All from Tutorial 6 in favor of the Additive and Conj from here on.

I am also retiring the Semigroup First in favor of Data.Maybe.First. But this type signature is a little different from the First we saw in Tutorial 6. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to modify our original implementation. Plus, it allows me to introduce a major type constructor Maybe (sometimes called Option in other FP languages), which is the subject of our next in-depth look.

Maybe I will, Maybe I won't

Imagine we decide to augment our Person record from above, by giving the user the option to withhold their age. After all, my mother taught me that it is impolite to ask someone their age - right? Well, the Maybe type constructor is an excellent way to make optional cases, like this one, explicit; creating clarity and preventing confusion by readers of our code. As we can see below, the Maybe constructor has two potential values, Nothing, or Just a.

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

You can think of Maybe as something like a type-safe null, where Nothing is null, and Just a is the non-null value of type a. So, augmenting the age type in our Person record, we get:

type Person =
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName  :: String
  , age       :: Maybe Int

And we follow this with an update to our makePerson function:

makePerson :: String -> String -> Maybe Int -> Person
makePerson = { firstName: _, lastName: _, age: _ }

Finally, here's our function assignment:

makePerson "Keith" "Emerson" Nothing
makePerson "Greg" "Lake" Nothing
makePerson "Carl" "Palmer" (Just 67)

Note that Maybe is also a functor (and other abstractions covered in future tutorials), so map (covered in Tutorial 2 works like a charm:

isOverForty :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Boolean
isOverForty = map (_ > 40)

If the argument to isOverForty is Nothing, then map will skip the anonymous function and return Nothing; otherwise, execute the comparison expression and return Just true or Just false.

Time for a check point: I introduced records, the Maybe type constructor, and retired Sum, All and First semigroups from Tutorial 6 for their PureScript library counterparts. Now we're ready to solve the problem of merging Nico's multiple game accounts using Semigroups. But that's not all - I'll take it up a notch further by introducing folds and pattern matching.

Merging multiple records using Semigroups

To repeat what we want to accomplish from the main topic of this tutorial: we have a user, Nico, who has accidentally created three separate accounts on our site and has subsequently issued a support ticket to merge them. How do we go about closing this ticket?

After covering records in detail above, I hope it is no surprise that I'm using this data structure to represent a user account:

type Account = Record
  ( name    :: First String
  , isPaid  :: Conj Boolean
  , points  :: Additive Int
  , friends :: Array String

One nice property of semigroups is that if you have a record whose fields are semigroups, then that record is also a semigroup. Thus, to append two or more record semigroups, we concatenate each of their fields to make a new record. Consequently, I'm using the semigroup constructors First, Conj, Additive, and Array in my type declarations. I'll show you how to do this shortly, so keep this in mind.

We also want a function to log the contents of an Account to the console. As shown below, I'm using a couple of new tricks, namely pattern matching and a right fold to 'pretty print' the record to the console.

showAccount :: Account -> String
showAccount { name, isPaid, points, friends } =
  foldr (<>) ""
    [ "{ name: ", show name, ",\n  "
    , "isPaid: ", show isPaid, ",\n  "
    , "points: ", show points, ",\n  "
    , "friends: ", show friends, "  }"

Let's cover these one at a time.

Pattern Matching

In most FP languages, pattern matching is an integral part of code development. In showAccount, we used it to match values against the field labels of Account. But there are other variations on pattern matching that you should be made aware. For example, let's rewrite isOverForty from the previous section:

isOverForty :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Boolean
isOverForty (Just age) = Just (age > 40)
isOverForty _ = Nothing

But, in this case, I still prefer the map implementation above for its succinctness.


In showAccount, I used the function fold right (foldr) to concatenate my field labels and values in Account into one big string. Otherwise, my function might have looked like this:

showAccount :: Account -> String
showAccount { name, isPaid, points, friends } =
  "{ name: "  <> show name    <> ",\n  " <>
  "isPaid: "  <> show isPaid  <> ",\n  " <>
  "points: "  <> show points  <> ",\n  " <>
  "friends: " <> show friends <> "  }"

Not only is this ugly, but it violates the DRY (Don't repeat yourself) principle, by repeating virtually the same concatenation pattern four times! Fortunately, we can DRY this up with the help of a fold.

Like pattern matching, folds are ubiquitous in FP. We use them to reduce any structure that is foldable, as in concatenating a list or array of strings into a single string. Below is the type signature for foldr:

foldr :: forall a b s. Foldable s => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> s a -> b

So how does foldr evaluate? Well, let's create a recursive implementation on a list, and then it will be clear:

foldr :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldr f z xs =
  case xs of
    Nil -> z
    (x : xs) -> f x foldr f z xs

You should see that foldr is right-associative, which means how we group the associativity of an operator in the absence of parenthesis. Putting the parenthesis in, we get: (x : xs) -> f x (foldr f z xs).

For a concrete example, let the List (1 : 2 : 3 : Nil) be our foldable structure s; (+) be the function (a -> b -> b); and 0 be the specific value b. Then, by recursively parenthesizing we get: (+) 1 ((+) 2 ((+) 3 0)).

Just as foldr is right-associative, there is a fold function that is left-associative, namely foldl (duh). It has the same type signature, but the recursive implementation is different and will produce a different output depending on whether the binary function (a -> b -> b) is associative.

foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldl f z xs =
  case xs of
    Nil -> z
   (x:xs) = let z' = f z x
            in foldl f z' xs

In the case of (+) there will be no difference because addition is associative. But, if the binary operator is not associative, (e.g., subtraction) then we will get a different answer, depending on whether you use foldl or foldr; so be careful.

foldl: ((-) ((-) ((-) 0 1) 2) 3) = -6

foldr: (-) 1 ((-) 2 ((-) 3 0)) = 2


With just appendAccount to go, we are in the final stretch. To restate what I said at the beginning of this section - if you have a record whose fields are semigroups, then this entire data structure is also a semigroup. So to merge Nico's three user accounts, all that is required is to append each of their fields separately to make a new, merged record. Take a look at the code below:

appendAccount :: Account -> Account -> Account
  { name: a1, isPaid: b1, points: c1, friends: d1 }
  { name: a2, isPaid: b2, points: c2, friends: d2 } =
  { name: a1 <> a2, isPaid: b1 <> b2, points: c1 <> c2, friends: d1 <> d2 }

infixr 5 appendAccount as ++

The function appendAccount will take two Accounts and merge them to return a new Account. Again, we use pattern matching to deconstruct the field's values from their labels. Once we have deconstructed the values from the two records, then we create a new record by concatenating them.

Keep in mind that we declared Account to be a record whose fields are defined by the semigroup constructors, First, Conj, Additive and Array. So if you forgot what will be the result of each concatenation, make sure that you review Tutorial 6.

Finally, notice I've declared an infix operator alias (++) for calling appendAccount. I set the operator's precedence to 5, to match the precedence of (<>). Now, to merge three accounts, instead of writing

acct1 `appendAccount` acct2 `appendAccount` acct3

I can write the shorthand version acct1 ++ acct2 ++ acct3. And finally, using foldr, we can DRY this up with foldr (++) acct1 [acct2, acct3], which would come in handy if the number of accounts to merge was great.


In this tutorial, we looked at a practical application of semigroups by merging multiple user account records. Along the way, I also introduced some new constructs including, folds, pattern matching, and records. Folds are a nice way to encapsulate recursive functions on lists or arrays that have the familiar x:xs pattern. They can also help to DRY up your code. So whenever you see an expression with the same binary operator (e.g., <>) used multiple times, then consider refactoring it with a proper fold.

In addition to its magic powers of deconstruction, pattern matching also makes your code simpler to read. The order is important when specifying patterns in recursive functions, so be sure to add your base case first, followed by more specific patterns, and then the general ones last.

Finally, by including a Record type construct, the authors of PureScript have filled what could've been a huge gap for developers coming from JavaScript - the support for an equivalent to JavaScript Objects. They help a lot with incorporating JavaScript FFI routines, but also when contemplating a native port from JavaScript to PureScript too.

That's all for now. Again, if you're enjoying this series, then please tell others by sharing, liking and posting it on your favorite social media sites. Till next time!


< Tutorial 6 Tutorials Tutorial 8 >

You may find that the README for the next tutorial is under construction. But if you're an eager beaver and would like to look ahead, then all the of code samples from Brian's videos have been ported to PureScript already. But I may amend them as I write the accompanying tutorial markdown.

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