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Last active July 19, 2024 20:11
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Minecolonies + ComputerCraft (CC:Tweaked) + Refined Storage + Advanced Peripherals script to automatically fulfill open work requests
-- RSWarehouse.lua
-- Author: Scott Adkins <> (Zucanthor)
-- Published: 2021-09-21
-- This program monitors work requests for the Minecolonies Warehouse and
-- tries to fulfill requests from the Refined Storage network. If the
-- RS network doesn't have enough items and a crafting pattern exists, a
-- crafting job is scheduled to restock the items in order to fulfill the
-- work request. The script will continuously loop, monitoring for new
-- requests and checking on crafting jobs to fulfill previous requests.
-- The following is required for setup:
-- * 1 ComputerCraft Computer
-- * 1 or more ComputerCraft Monitors (recommend 3x3 monitors)
-- * 1 Advanced Peripheral Colony Integrator
-- * 1 Advanced Peripheral RS Bridge
-- * 1 Chest or other storage container
-- Attach an RS Cable from the RS network to the RS Bridge. Connect the
-- storage container to the Minecolonies Warehouse Hut block. One idea is
-- to set up a second RS network attached to the Warehouse Hut using an
-- External Storage connector and then attach an Importer for that network
-- to the storage container.
-- Line 59: Specify the side storage container is at.
-- Line 66: Name of log file for storing JSON data of all open requests.
-- Lines 231+: Any items you find that should be manually provided.
-- Line 373: Time in seconds between work order scans.
-- Initialize Monitor
-- A future update may allow for multiple monitors. This would allow one
-- monitor to be used for logging and another to be used for work requests.
local monitor = peripheral.find("monitor")
if not monitor then error("Monitor not found.") end
monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
print("Monitor initialized.")
-- Initialize RS Bridge
local bridge = peripheral.find("rsBridge")
if not bridge then error("RS Bridge not found.") end
print("RS Bridge initialized.")
-- Initialize Colony Integrator
local colony = peripheral.find("colonyIntegrator")
if not colony then error("Colony Integrator not found.") end
if not colony.isInColony then error("Colony Integrator is not in a colony.") end
print("Colony Integrator initialized.")
-- Point to location of chest or storage container
-- A future update may autodetect where the storage container is and error
-- out if no storage container is found.
local storage = "left"
print("Storage initialized.")
-- Name of log file to capture JSON data from the open requests. The log can
-- be too big to edit within CC, which may require a "pastebin put" if you want
-- to look at it. Logging could be improved to only capture Skipped items,
-- which in turn will make log files smaller and edittable in CC directly.
local logFile = "RSWarehouse.log"
-- Prints to the screen one row after another, scrolling the screen when
-- reaching the bottom. Acts as a normal display where text is printed in
-- a standard way. Long lines are not wrapped and newlines are printed as
-- spaces, both to be addressed in a future update.
-- NOTE: No longer used in this program.
function mPrintScrollable(mon, ...)
w, h = mon.getSize()
x, y = mon.getCursorPos()
-- Blink the cursor like a normal display.
-- For multiple strings, append them with a space between each.
for i = 2, #arg do t = t.." "..arg[i] end
if y >= h then
mon.setCursorPos(1, y)
mon.setCursorPos(1, y+1)
-- Prints strings left, centered, or right justified at a specific row and
-- specific foreground/background color.
function mPrintRowJustified(mon, y, pos, text, ...)
w, h = mon.getSize()
fg = mon.getTextColor()
bg = mon.getBackgroundColor()
if pos == "left" then x = 1 end
if pos == "center" then x = math.floor((w - #text) / 2) end
if pos == "right" then x = w - #text end
if #arg > 0 then mon.setTextColor(arg[1]) end
if #arg > 1 then mon.setBackgroundColor(arg[2]) end
mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
-- Utility function that returns true if the provided character is a digit.
-- Yes, this is a hack and there are better ways to do this. Clearly.
function isdigit(c)
if c == "0" then return true end
if c == "1" then return true end
if c == "2" then return true end
if c == "3" then return true end
if c == "4" then return true end
if c == "5" then return true end
if c == "6" then return true end
if c == "7" then return true end
if c == "8" then return true end
if c == "9" then return true end
return false
-- Utility function that displays current time and remaining time on timer.
-- For time of day, yellow is day, orange is sunset/sunrise, and red is night.
-- The countdown timer is orange over 15s, yellow under 15s, and red under 5s.
-- At night, the countdown timer is red and shows PAUSED insted of a time.
function displayTimer(mon, t)
now = os.time()
cycle = "day"
cycle_color =
if now >= 4 and now < 6 then
cycle = "sunrise"
cycle_color =
elseif now >= 6 and now < 18 then
cycle = "day"
cycle_color = colors.yellow
elseif now >= 18 and now < 19.5 then
cycle = "sunset"
cycle_color =
elseif now >= 19.5 or now < 5 then
cycle = "night"
cycle_color =
timer_color =
if t < 15 then timer_color = colors.yellow end
if t < 5 then timer_color = end
mPrintRowJustified(mon, 1, "left", string.format("Time: %s [%s] ", textutils.formatTime(now, false), cycle), cycle_color)
if cycle ~= "night" then mPrintRowJustified(mon, 1, "right", string.format(" Remaining: %ss", t), timer_color)
else mPrintRowJustified(mon, 1, "right", " Remaining: PAUSED", end
-- Scan all open work requests from the Warehouse and attempt to satisfy those
-- requests. Display all activity on the monitor, including time of day and the
-- countdown timer before next scan. This function is not called at night to
-- save on some ticks, as the colonists are in bed anyways. Items in red mean
-- work order can't be satisfied by Refined Storage (lack of pattern or lack of
-- required crafting ingredients). Yellow means order partially filled and a
-- crafting job was scheduled for the rest. Green means order fully filled.
-- Blue means the Player needs to manually fill the work order. This includes
-- equipment (Tools of Class), NBT items like armor, weapons and tools, as well
-- as generic requests ike Compostables, Fuel, Food, Flowers, etc.
function scanWorkRequests(mon, rs, chest)
-- Before we do anything, prep the log file for this scan.
-- The log file is truncated each time this function is called.
file =, "w")
print("\nScan starting at", textutils.formatTime(os.time(), false) .. " (" .. os.time() ..").")
-- We want to keep three different lists so that they can be
-- displayed on the monitor in a more intelligent way. The first
-- list is for the Builder requests. The second list is for the
-- non-Builder requests. The third list is for any armor, tools
-- and weapons requested by the colonists.
builder_list = {}
nonbuilder_list = {}
equipment_list = {}
-- Scan RS for all items in its network. Ignore items with NBT data.
-- If a Builder needs any items with NBT data, this function will need
-- to be updated to not ignore those items.
items = rs.listItems()
item_array = {}
for index, item in ipairs(items) do
if not item.nbt then
item_array[] = item.amount
-- Scan the Warehouse for all open work requests. For each item, try to
-- provide as much as possible from RS, then craft whatever is needed
-- after that. Green means item was provided entirely. Yellow means item
-- is being crafted. Red means item is missing crafting recipe.
workRequests = colony.getRequests()
for w in pairs(workRequests) do
name = workRequests[w].name
item = workRequests[w].items[1].name
target = workRequests[w].target
desc = workRequests[w].desc
needed = workRequests[w].count
provided = 0
target_words = {}
target_length = 0
for word in target:gmatch("%S+") do
table.insert(target_words, word)
target_length = target_length + 1
if target_length >= 3 then target_name = target_words[target_length-2] .. " " .. target_words[target_length]
else target_name = target end
target_type = ""
target_count = 1
if target_type ~= "" then target_type = target_type .. " " end
target_type = target_type .. target_words[target_count]
target_count = target_count + 1
until target_count > target_length - 3
useRS = 1
if string.find(desc, "Tool of class") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Hoe") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Shovel") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Axe") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Pickaxe") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Bow") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Sword") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Shield") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Helmet") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Leather Cap") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Chestplate") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Tunic") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Pants") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Leggings") then useRS = 0 end
if string.find(name, "Boots") then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Rallying Banner" then useRS = 0 end --bugged in alpha versions
if name == "Crafter" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Compostable" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Fertilizer" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Flowers" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Food" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Fuel" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Smeltable Ore" then useRS = 0 end
if name == "Stack List" then useRS = 0 end
color =
if useRS == 1 then
if item_array[item] then
provided = rs.exportItemToPeripheral({name=item, count=needed}, chest)
color =
if provided < needed then
if rs.isItemCrafting(item) then
color = colors.yellow
print("[Crafting]", item)
if rs.craftItem({name=item, count=needed}) then
color = colors.yellow
print("[Scheduled]", needed, "x", item)
color =
print("[Failed]", item)
nameString = name .. " [" .. target .. "]"
print("[Skipped]", nameString)
if string.find(desc, "of class") then
level = "Any Level"
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Leather") then level = "Leather" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Gold") then level = "Gold" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Chain") then level = "Chain" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Wood or Gold") then level = "Wood or Gold" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Stone") then level = "Stone" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Iron") then level = "Iron" end
if string.find(desc, "with maximal level:Diamond") then level = "Diamond" end
new_name = level .. " " .. name
if level == "Any Level" then new_name = name .. " of any level" end
new_target = target_type .. " " .. target_name
equipment = { name=new_name, target=new_target, needed=needed, provided=provided, color=color}
table.insert(equipment_list, equipment)
elseif string.find(target, "Builder") then
builder = { name=name, item=item, target=target_name, needed=needed, provided=provided, color=color }
table.insert(builder_list, builder)
new_target = target_type .. " " .. target_name
if target_length < 3 then
new_target = target
nonbuilder = { name=name, target=new_target, needed=needed, provided=provided, color=color }
table.insert(nonbuilder_list, nonbuilder)
-- Show the various lists on the attached monitor.
row = 3
header_shown = 0
for e in pairs(equipment_list) do
equipment = equipment_list[e]
if header_shown == 0 then
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "center", "Equipment")
header_shown = 1
row = row + 1
text = string.format("%d %s", equipment.needed,
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "left", text, equipment.color)
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "right", " " .., equipment.color)
row = row + 1
header_shown = 0
for b in pairs(builder_list) do
builder = builder_list[b]
if header_shown == 0 then
if row > 1 then row = row + 1 end
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "center", "Builder Requests")
header_shown = 1
row = row + 1
text = string.format("%d/%s", builder.provided,
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "left", text, builder.color)
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "right", " " .., builder.color)
row = row + 1
header_shown = 0
for n in pairs(nonbuilder_list) do
nonbuilder = nonbuilder_list[n]
if header_shown == 0 then
if row > 1 then row = row + 1 end
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "center", "Nonbuilder Requests")
header_shown = 1
row = row + 1
text = string.format("%d %s", nonbuilder.needed,
if isdigit(,1)) then
text = string.format("%d/%s", nonbuilder.provided,
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "left", text, nonbuilder.color)
mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "right", " " .., nonbuilder.color)
row = row + 1
if row == 3 then mPrintRowJustified(mon, row, "center", "No Open Requests") end
print("Scan completed at", textutils.formatTime(os.time(), false) .. " (" .. os.time() ..").")
-- Scan for requests periodically. This will catch any updates that were
-- triggered from the previous scan. Right-clicking on the monitor will
-- trigger an immediate scan and reset the timer. Unfortunately, there is
-- no way to capture left-clicks on the monitor.
local time_between_runs = 30
local current_run = time_between_runs
scanWorkRequests(monitor, bridge, storage)
displayTimer(monitor, current_run)
local TIMER = os.startTimer(1)
while true do
local e = {os.pullEvent()}
if e[1] == "timer" and e[2] == TIMER then
now = os.time()
if now >= 5 and now < 19.5 then
current_run = current_run - 1
if current_run <= 0 then
scanWorkRequests(monitor, bridge, storage)
current_run = time_between_runs
displayTimer(monitor, current_run)
TIMER = os.startTimer(1)
elseif e[1] == "monitor_touch" then
scanWorkRequests(monitor, bridge, storage)
current_run = time_between_runs
displayTimer(monitor, current_run)
TIMER = os.startTimer(1)
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image image

Hello everyone! I currently have the program up and running again and working with above fixes on the following: Modpack - ATM8 1.0.21b AP Version - AdvancedPeripherals-1.19.2-0.7.29r ComputerCraft Version - cc-tweaked-1.19.2-1.101.2 Minecolonies Version - minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1489-BETA Refined Storage Version - refinedstorage-1.11.6

The program can be found here ""

Run this to override startup so it starts when you load your save " pastebin get C4RKCU0y startup "

This also is confirmed to work in 1.0.25 version of ATM8 without changing anything.

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image image

Hello everyone! I currently have the program up and running again and working with above fixes on the following: Modpack - ATM8 1.0.21b AP Version - AdvancedPeripherals-1.19.2-0.7.29r ComputerCraft Version - cc-tweaked-1.19.2-1.101.2 Minecolonies Version - minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1489-BETA Refined Storage Version - refinedstorage-1.11.6

The program can be found here ""

Run this to override startup so it starts when you load your save " pastebin get C4RKCU0y startup "

Which items you've used to make this works ?
I've to do this direct on the Warehouse Block ?

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xp0colipse commented Aug 31, 2023

image image
Hello everyone! I currently have the program up and running again and working with the above fixes on the following: Modpack - ATM8 1.0.21b AP Version - AdvancedPeripherals-1.19.2-0.7.29r ComputerCraft Version - cc-tweaked-1.19.2-1.101.2 Minecolonies Version - minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1489-BETA Refined Storage Version - refinedstorage-1.11.6
The program can be found here ""
Run this to override startup so it starts when you load your save " pastebin get C4RKCU0y startup "

Which items you've used to make this works? I've to do this directly on the Warehouse Block?

Colony Integrater, RS Bridge, Advanced Computer (with "startup" overridden with previously mentioned command) 9x Advanced Monitors connected with modems and cables from CC (the gray cables)

RS Controller, Grid, and an External Storage (connect this to your warehouse hut block) connect RS bridge to the mentioned RS components with RS cables. You will also want to attach several Crafters so your network can auto-craft and fulfill requests from your colonists.

You must have a colony created before you can successfully run the script. Please read the comments in the program so you can familiarize yourself with the functions and color coding of the displayed test. DO NOT upgrade your warehouse with these components inside the hut. You will have to search for your stuff in the warehouse if you do. To mitigate running into this issue, place the network outside of the hut boundaries and connect the RS network via a network transmitter. This could be in your base or, commonly, placed in any level 5 hut. For example, I like to place this in the Town Hall once it reaches level 5. If you have any questions you can DM me or I also have a discord with pinned messages and mini-tutorials.

Hope this helps!

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Screenshot 2023-09-01 182040
im trying to connect it to minecolonies stash and tips?

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Xerrass commented Oct 8, 2023

image image
Hello everyone! I currently have the program up and running again and working with the above fixes on the following: Modpack - ATM8 1.0.21b AP Version - AdvancedPeripherals-1.19.2-0.7.29r ComputerCraft Version - cc-tweaked-1.19.2-1.101.2 Minecolonies Version - minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1489-BETA Refined Storage Version - refinedstorage-1.11.6
The program can be found here ""
Run this to override startup so it starts when you load your save " pastebin get C4RKCU0y startup "

Which items you've used to make this works? I've to do this directly on the Warehouse Block?

Colony Integrater, RS Bridge, Advanced Computer (with "startup" overridden with previously mentioned command) 9x Advanced Monitors connected with modems and cables from CC (the gray cables)

RS Controller, Grid, and an External Storage (connect this to your warehouse hut block) connect RS bridge to the mentioned RS components with RS cables. You will also want to attach several Crafters so your network can auto-craft and fulfill requests from your colonists.

You must have a colony created before you can successfully run the script. Please read the comments in the program so you can familiarize yourself with the functions and color coding of the displayed test. DO NOT upgrade your warehouse with these components inside the hut. You will have to search for your stuff in the warehouse if you do. To mitigate running into this issue, place the network outside of the hut boundaries and connect the RS network via a network transmitter. This could be in your base or, commonly, placed in any level 5 hut. For example, I like to place this in the Town Hall once it reaches level 5. If you have any questions you can DM me or I also have a discord with pinned messages and mini-tutorials.

Hope this helps!

where is the mentioned discord at?

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Latest update to CC broke some of the args, so color stopped working. Here is a working version of Scott's code with all missing updates.

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luan122 commented Dec 14, 2023

Correction for item = workRequests[w].items[1].name:

		if #workRequests[w].items < 1 then
			color =
			nameString = name .. " [" .. workRequests[w].target .. "]"
			item = ""
			item = workRequests[w].items[1].name

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BadMuthaJeffer commented Dec 14, 2023

Hey, I'm getting an error
/RSWarehouse:219: Here is no colony or you don't have the right permissions
Line 219
workReRequests = colony.getRequests()

Can someone point me in the right direction to sort this please? I have zero knowledge with this.

We're on a ATM 9 server playing version 1.20. 1

Edit: Ignore this I didn't realise the Colony Integrator had to be within the colony boundry

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Has anyone been able to get this script working in ATM9? Ive been trying to get an AE Variant going and the issue i keep running into is that it will happily craft the items but for some reason the script doesn't see the items in the AE in order to pull them out and put them in the warehouse

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Has anyone been able to get this script working in ATM9? Ive been trying to get an AE Variant going and the issue i keep running into is that it will happily craft the items but for some reason the script doesn't see the items in the AE in order to pull them out and put them in the warehouse

This is the script I used for atm9.

Thanks - gave that a go and it (modified for AE of course) didnt work unfortunately

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gus3000 commented Jan 23, 2024

On top of @laurad2423's script (thank you by the way), I had to do the following changes :

  • Connect the storage you're exporting into via a CC network cable, check the name the modem gives you
  • change the following line :
local storage = "right"

to :

local storage = "minecraft:chest_4" --put the name of the storage you're exporting into

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just a passing question, ive been useing this program for awhile and really enjoy it as it makes the minecolony so much easier to use, however today it started thowing this error, anyone got any ideas ?

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Has anyone been able to get this script working in ATM9? Ive been trying to get an AE Variant going and the issue i keep running into is that it will happily craft the items but for some reason the script doesn't see the items in the AE in order to pull them out and put them in the warehouse

This is the script I used for atm9.

its working? because for my it didnt works :(

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xp0colipse commented Apr 13, 2024

Has anyone been able to get this script working in ATM9? Ive been trying to get an AE Variant going and the issue i keep running into is that it will happily craft the items but for some reason the script doesn't see the items in the AE in order to pull them out and put them in the warehouse

This is the script I used for atm9.

its working? because for my it didnt works :(

I was able to just hook it all up and it worked using the script the others have been using (
Im using version 2.56, latest ATM9 pack.

2024-04-13_11 00 40

2024-04-13_11 00 48

2024-04-13_11 00 57

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For the newest ATM9 Version i just changed line based on

276 provided = rs.exportItemToPeripheral({name=item, count=needed}, chest)

276 provided = rs.exportIteml({name=item, count=needed}, "up")

and put an quantum entangler linked to the warehouse on top.


Works like a charm.
If anybody wants :

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LemoneJamTart commented Jul 5, 2024

just a passing question, ive been useing this program for awhile and really enjoy it as it makes the minecolony so much easier to use, however today it started thowing this error, anyone got any ideas ? image

getting this same error-- has anyone else figured out the cause, or a fix?

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