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Created March 3, 2017 16:09
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<title>Live Like a Hippy</title>
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class: center, top, title
# Live Like a Hippy
## Amos King
### Elixir Daze 2017 - St. Augustine, Florida
class: me
# Who am I?
* Amos King
* @adkron
* Binary Noggin
* This Agile Life
class: center, top, family
# Spawned Processes
I'm almost like Johnny
I like to spawn processes
Paul says that all great talks start with a story
class: umbrella
# Umbrella App
class: meaning
# What does it mean to live like a hippy?
* Festivals are like conferences
* Free of constraints
* Enjoying life
* Enjoy making things themselves
* Clothes
* Jewelry
* Macramé
* Fault Tolerant Software
* Tie-dye
class: using-db
Using the DB
* Password Reset System
* Better than another dependency for me
* Slower than some dependencies
* Didn't want this
* Demo - using_db
class: center, middle
# Josh, the database is *NOT* your friend.
class: processes
* Saša Jurić
* Where do I store data?
* Give background of idea
* Sensible - Submit CFP
class: data-processes
* Store Data in your process
class: why
# Why?
* Why not grab a key value store
class: ddos
# Because DDoS
* Doesn't mean Distributed Denial of Service
# Because DDoS
* Dependencies
* One less library
* less to learn
* less to maintain
# Because DDoS
* Dependencies
* Deployment
* Configuring communication channels
* need less experts
# Because DDoS
* Dependencies
* Deployment
* Optimization
* what is faster than data in an in memory database?
# Because DDoS
* Dependencies
* Deployment
* Optimization
* Security
* Attack footprint
* Shodan 6,550 insecure Redis instances
* Unikernel
* machine image
* like embedded
* You app is the OS
class: uncle-bob
* Uncle Bob - Put off persistence as long as possible
* Architecture - The Lost Years - 2011
class: horder
# Horde(r)?
class: hoarder
# Err, Hoarder
class: organized
# Classify Our Data
1. Classify your junk
2. Put it in the right place
3. Protect your junk
* Static
* Changing
## Static
* Config files
* Store in code
## Changing
* Medical History
* Blog comments
* User Data - Email, or Name
* Temporal
* Transient
* Ephemeral
* Temporal - Relating to Time - current weather
* Transient - lasting only a short time - Cache
* Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time - Transport
class: agent
# Agent
* Great simple data store
* Stores our data structures
* No conversion to wire protocol
* Quick
class: agent-diagram
# What It Looks Like
* separate business logic
* failure is likely to happen there
#Agent Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def start_link do
* Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def add(token, user) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.put(&1, token, user))
def get_user(token) do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Map.fetch(&1, token))
def remove(token) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.delete(&1, token))
* starting state
#Agent Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def add(token, user) do
* Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.put(&1, token, user))
def get_user(token) do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Map.fetch(&1, token))
def remove(token) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.delete(&1, token))
* Agent.update/2
* put user and token in
#Agent Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def add(token, user) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.put(&1, token, user))
def get_user(token) do
* Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Map.fetch(&1, token))
def remove(token) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.delete(&1, token))
* grab the user out
#Agent Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def add(token, user) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.put(&1, token, user))
def get_user(token) do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Map.fetch(&1, token))
def remove(token) do
* Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &Map.delete(&1, token))
* delete the user so the token can't be used again
class: crashes
# What about crashes?
Keep the data you are storing focused
"Let It Fail"
"Keep state together that changes together"
class: genserver
# GenServer
* Call
* Cast to push data - set it and forget it
* Custom termination logic
# Failover Code
defmodule PasswordResetHoard.FailoverStorage do
def start_link do
* Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def dump(state) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, fn(_) -> state end)
def load do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn(state) -> state end)
# Failover Code
defmodule PasswordResetHoard.FailoverStorage do
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def dump(state) do
* Agent.cast(__MODULE__, fn(_) -> state end)
def load do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn(state) -> state end)
# Failover Code
defmodule PasswordResetHoard.FailoverStorage do
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)
def dump(state) do
Agent.cast(__MODULE__, fn(_) -> state end)
def load do
* Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn(state) -> state end)
# GenServer Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def init(:ok) do
* {:ok,FailoverStorage.load}
# add remove get_user
def terminate(_reason, state) do
# GenServer Code
defmodule PasswordReset.Hoard do
def init(:ok) do
# add remove get_user
def terminate(_reason, state) do
* FailoverStorage.dump(state)
class: fault-tolerant
# Failure Tolerance
* Most likely failure at the bottom
* Supervisors - More chances before catastrophic failure
* Now the only failure is the system coming down
* Supervisor
* Default Max restarts = 3
* Max Seconds = 5
* Demo - master
* Expiration
* Distributed
* Binary Data
* better solution Signed Keys and user id in url
* Move business logic away from
cachex - elixir lib
Chris McCord ElixirConf EU 2016 - Phoenix 1.2
Binary Data
* GC is different
* 64 bytes is a magic number
* GC only ~90% of system memory
* UUID is binary
* 36 bytes under limit
* less than or equal 64 bytes in process heap
* greater than 64 bytes stored in ProcBin - shared memory and Ref counted
* Store Domain Representation
* Well documented search online
# What's Next
* Mnesia
* Write an application with no DB
* used maps
* why ets and dets
* code failures
* same api
* write to disk for crashing applications
* Mnesia
* from elixir school
* Do I need to roll back transactions?
* Do I need an easy to use syntax for reading and writing data?
* Should I store data across multiple nodes, rather than one?
* Do I need a choice where to store information (RAM or disk)?
# How To Live Like a Hoarder
* Agent good for temporal data
* GenServer is your friend
* Push logic to the bottom
* Stack fail over data at the top
* Keep data in its own process
* Always have a backup
class: resources
# Resources
Architecture the Lost Years
Zen of Erlang
McCord - Phoenix 1.2 and Beyond
# Thank You
* Elixir Daze
* Oliver Ferrigni
* Adam Ritzel
* Craig Buchek
* STL Elixir
class: lets-talk
# Come Talk to Me
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