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Last active March 31, 2017 03:00
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API idea
defmodule Alarm.Worker do
@moduledoc false
use GenServer
# Pick ports that work on both the GrovePi+ and GrovePi Zero
@button_pin 14 # Port A0
@buzzer_pin 3 # Port D3
def start_link() do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [])
def init([]) do
#GrovePi is the application so no need to start
{:ok, _} -> GrovePi.Button.attach(@button_pin),
{:ok, buzzer_pi} -> GrovePi.Buzzer.attach(@buzzer_pin),
:ok -> GrovePi.listen_for({:pressed, @button_pin}),
{:ok, :ok}
def handle_info({:pressed, @button_pin}, state) do
# Sound the alarm, but only for a second, 1000)
{:noreply, state}
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adkron commented Mar 31, 2017

I was thinking that each attach call would start its own little process tree, but that that tree would be under a GrovePi supervisor. The reason I was thinking that is that I'm looking at the GrovePi as an independent thing that has a bunch of attachments. The outside application code is a configuration, and then it registers for events that come from the GrovePi itself. We could also add a detach to the API that will end that little process tree.

I actually just noticed that this module no longer needs state at this point.

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