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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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  • Save adl/40390ec9fb296d5dbf1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adl/40390ec9fb296d5dbf1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hoa logo
\iconfalse % <- set to true if you want to output the icon
\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1mm,>={Stealth[round,bend]},line join=round,line cap=round]
\tikzset{hoacol1/.style={cyan!80!black,line width=1.5mm},
hoacol2/.style={magenta!80!black,line width=1.5mm},
% White lines are .5mm wider than that will be printed onto them
clearblk/.style={white,line width=1.5mm,line cap=butt},
clearcol/.style={white,line width=2.0mm,line cap=butt}
\node[draw,circle,minimum width=1cm] (o) at (0,0) {}; % Black circle
\draw[hoacol2] (o) circle(\pradius); % Outer circle
\coordinate (top) at (0,0.7); % Top line of all letters
\coordinate (bot) at (0,-0.7); % Bottom line for all letters
\coordinate (a1) at (bot -| .9,0); % Bottom left of A
\coordinate (a3) at ($(a1) + (.9,0)$); % Bottom right of A
\coordinate (a2) at ($(top -| a1)!.5!(top -| a3)$); % Top of A
\coordinate (h1) at (bot -| -1.2,0); % Bottom right of H
\coordinate[xshift=-7mm] (h2) at (h1); % Bottom left of H
\clip (-1.2,-1) rectangle (1.2,1.4);
\draw[clearblk] (o) -- (1.01,0); % White shadow for right arrow
\draw[->] (o) -- (1.195,0); % right arrow
\draw[clearblk,->] (-1.1,0) -- (o); % White shadow for left arrow
\draw[->,shorten >=1pt] (-1.145,0) -- (o); % Left arrow
\draw[hoacol1] (a1) -- (a2) -- (a3); % Draw A
\draw[clearblk] (o) -- (2,0); % White shadow for right arrow
\draw[->] (o) -- (2.2,0); % Right arrow
\draw[clearcol,shorten <=5mm] (a2) -- (a3); % White shadow for right of A
\draw[hoacol1] (a2) -- (a3); % right of A
\draw[hoacol1] ($(a1)!.37!(a2)$) to[out=-15,in=-165,looseness=1] ($(a3)!.37!(a2)$);
\draw[hoacol1] ($(h1)!.63!(h1 |- top)$) to[out=180,in=0,looseness=1] ($(h2)!.37!(h2 |- top)$);
\draw[clearblk,->] (-2,0) -- (o); % White shadow for left arrow
\draw[->,shorten >=1pt] (-2.2,0) -- (o); % Left arrow
\draw[clearcol] ($(h1)!.55!(h1 |- top)$) -- (h1); % White shadow for right of H
\draw[hoacol1] (h1) -- (h1 |- top); % Right of H
\draw[clearcol] ($(h2)!.45!(h2 |- top)$) -- (h2 |- top); % White shadow for left of H
\draw[hoacol1] (h2) -- (h2 |- top); % Left of H
\draw[clearblk,overlay,->,shorten <=3mm] (o) edge[out=103,in=75,loop,looseness=9] (o); % White shadow for loop
\draw[->] (o) edge[loop above] (o); % Loop
\draw[clearcol] (95:\pradius) arc[radius=\pradius,start angle=95,delta angle=24]; % Outer circle shadow on loop
\draw[hoacol2] (92:\pradius) arc[radius=\pradius,start angle=92,delta angle=30]; % Outer circle on loop
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