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Created October 3, 2015 17:45
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Save adlai/190ad077210fe35a76e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. verifier
;;; package
(cl:defpackage :deed-it-happen
(:use :cl . #.(ql:quickload :ironclad))
(:intern ironclad::simple-octet-vector))
(cl:in-package :deed-it-happen)
;;; secp256k1
(macrolet ((define-constants (&rest constants)
`(progn ,@(loop for (name value) on constants by #'cddr
collect `(defconstant ,name ,value)))))
p #.`(- ,@(mapcar (lambda (n) (ash 1 n)) '(256 32 9 8 7 6 4 0)))
xg #x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798
yg #x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8
;;; Fp operations
(macrolet ((define-operations (&rest pairs)
`(progn ,@(loop for (op name) on pairs by #'cddr collect
`(defun ,name (x y) (mod (,op x y) p))))))
(define-operations + add - sub * mul #|expt pow lolno|#))
;;; modular exponentiation (by squaring)
(defun pow (x n &optional (x^n 1)) ; (declare (notinline pow))
(do ((x x (mul x x)) (n n (ash n -1))) ((zerop n) x^n)
(when (oddp n) (setf x^n (mul x^n x)))))
;;; Extended Euclidean Algorithm
(defun eea (a b &optional (x 0) (prevx 1) (y 1) (prevy 0))
(if (zerop b) (values prevx prevy)
(multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor a b)
(eea b r (sub prevx (mul q x)) x (sub prevy (mul q y)) y))))
;;; multiplicative inverse mod p
(defun inv (x) (nth-value 1 (eea p (mod x p))))
;;; Addition for points on the elliptic curve
(defun addp (xp yp xq yq) ;
(if (and xp yp xq yq) ; first screen out those pesky infinite points
(macrolet ((ua (s r) `(let* ((s ,s) (x (sub (mul s s) ,r))) ; iyhtaynk
(values x (sub 0 (add yp (mul s (sub x xp))))))))
(if (/= xp xq) (ua (mul (sub yp yq) (inv (- xp xq))) (add xp xq)) ; p+q
(if (zerop (add yp yq)) (values nil nil) ; p = -q, so p+q = infinity
(ua (mul (inv (* 2 yp)) (mul 3 (pow xp 2))) (mul 2 xp))))) ; 2*p
(if (and xp yp) (values xp yp) (values xq yq)))) ; pick the [in]finite one
;;; Scalar multiplication (by doubling)
(defun smulp (k xp yp)
(if (zerop k) (values nil nil)
(multiple-value-bind (xq yq) (addp xp yp xp yp)
(multiple-value-bind (xr yr) (smulp (ash k -1) xq yq)
(if (evenp k) (values xr yr) (addp xp yp xr yr))))))
;;; Tests if a point is on the curve
(defun e (x y) (= (mul y y) (add (pow x 3) 7)))
;;; "a horseshoe will bring you good luck whether you believe in it or not"
(macrolet ((check-sanity (&rest checks)
`(progn ,@(loop for (test text) on checks by #'cddr
collect `(assert ,test () ,text)))))
(check-sanity (= 977 (sub (pow 2 256) (pow 2 32))) "madness! blasphemy!"
(e xg yg) "base autism" (not (smulp ng xg yg)) "base disorder"))
;;; TODO: sha256, ripemd-160, decentralized self-compiling synthetic brain
(use-package (ql:quickload :ironclad))
(import 'ironclad::simple-octet-vector)
;;; ashes to ashes, bytes to bytes
(defun privkey-to-pub (key)
(flet ((digest (hashes seq)
(reduce 'digest-sequence hashes :from-end t :initial-value seq)))
(let ((tocheck
'simple-octet-vector '(0)
(digest '(ripemd-160 sha256)
(apply 'concatenate 'simple-octet-vector '(4)
(mapcar 'integer-to-octets
(multiple-value-list (smulp key xg yg))))))))
(concatenate 'simple-octet-vector tocheck
(subseq (digest '(sha256 sha256) tocheck) 0 4)))))
(defun base58enc (bytes)
(loop with code = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for x = (octets-to-integer bytes) then (floor x #10R58) until (zerop x)
collect (char code (mod x #10R58)) into out finally
(return (coerce (nreverse (append out (loop for b across bytes
while (zerop b) collect #\1)))
;;; dunno if to laugh or cry
(defun privkey-to-wif (key &aux (pre (concatenate 'simple-octet-vector '(#16R80) key)))
(flet ((digest (hashes seq)
(reduce 'digest-sequence hashes :from-end t :initial-value seq)))
(let ((tocheck (digest '(sha256 sha256) pre)))
(base58enc (concatenate 'simple-octet-vector pre (subseq tocheck 0 4))))))
(defun hash-string-to-octets (hash-string)
(coerce (loop for i below (length hash-string) by 2 collect
(parse-integer hash-string :start i :end (+ i 2) :radix 16))
;;; deed it happen?
(defun notarization-address (file)
(base58enc (privkey-to-pub (octets-to-integer (digest-file 'sha256 file)))))
;; % curl | python
;; % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
;; Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
;; 100 5971 100 5971 0 0 80729 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 116k
;; 12oyq7WVLvRSkokWUwHrwd57zyBL6vWjMP
;; import hashlib, fileinput
;; from pybitcointools import privkey_to_pubkey, pubkey_to_address
;; print pubkey_to_address(privkey_to_pubkey(hashlib.sha256(''.join(fileinput.input())).digest()))
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