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Last active October 16, 2018 10:56
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Parimutuel Payout pProximation
(use-package (mapcan 'ql:quickload '(:drakma :cl-json :local-time)))
(defun fetch-bet-json (id)
(http-request (format () "" id)))
(defun parse-json-str (str) (with-input-from-string (in str) (decode-json in)))
(defun process-bet-data (data)
(loop for bet in (cdr (assoc :bets data))
for side = (cdr (assoc :side bet))
for weight = (parse-integer (cdr (assoc :weight bet)))
for amount = (/ (parse-integer (cdr (assoc :amount--in bet))) (expt 10 8))
if (string= side "Yes") sum (* weight amount) into yes-weight
and sum amount into yes-amount
else sum (* weight amount) into no-weight
and sum amount into no-amount
finally (return (list (cdr (assoc :weight--current data))
yes-weight no-weight yes-amount no-amount))))
(defun fetch-bet-status (id)
(process-bet-data (parse-json-str (fetch-bet-json id))))
(defvar *bet-status-cache* (make-hash-table))
(defun bet-status (id &aux (now (now)))
(rest (symbol-macrolet ((cache (gethash id *bet-status-cache*)))
(or (if cache (< (timestamp-difference now (car cache)) 300) cache)
(setf cache (cons (now) (fetch-bet-status id)))))))
(defun calc-payout (amount weight pot dilution)
(* 99/100 (+ amount (/ (* amount weight pot) (+ dilution (* amount weight))))))
(defun calc-both (yes no id)
(destructuring-bind (cw yw nw ya na) (bet-status id)
(values (- (calc-payout yes cw (+ no na) yw) yes no)
(- (calc-payout no cw (+ yes ya) nw) yes no))))
(defun anneal-bet (id funds &key (epsilon 0.0001) (descent -0.999) (bet :yes))
(flet ((calc (r)
(multiple-value-bind (yes no)
(calc-both (* funds r) (* funds (- 1 r)) id)
(case bet
(:yes (and (plusp yes) (- (/ yes no))))
(:no (and (plusp no) (- (/ no yes))))))))
(loop for delta = 1/2 then (* delta descent) with ratio = 1/2
for lopsi = (or (calc ratio) -1)
for candidate = (when (> 1 (+ ratio delta) 0) (calc (+ ratio delta)))
;; do (format t "~&R ~8F Δ ~8@F L ~8@F C ~8@F~%" ratio delta lopsi candidate)
until (or (> epsilon (abs delta)))
when (and candidate (> candidate lopsi))
do (setf ratio (+ ratio delta))
finally (return (let ((y-bet (* funds ratio))
(n-bet (* funds (- 1 ratio))))
(multiple-value-call #'values y-bet n-bet (calc ratio)
(calc-both y-bet n-bet id)))))))
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