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Created February 22, 2012 06:13
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Parse the 'desc' XML from MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) into Python objects
from xml.etree import cElementTree as elemtree
from datetime import date
Use this to parse XML from MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). More information
on the format at:
End users will primarily want to call the `parse_mesh` function and do something
with the output.
def parse_mesh(filename):
"""Parse a mesh file, successively generating
`DescriptorRecord` instance for subsequent processing."""
for _evt, elem in elemtree.iterparse(filename):
if elem.tag == 'DescriptorRecord':
yield DescriptorRecord.from_xml_elem(elem)
def date_from_mesh_xml(xml_elem):
year = xml_elem.find('./Year').text
month = xml_elem.find('./Month').text
day = xml_elem.find('./Day').text
return date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
class PharmacologicalAction(object):
"""A pharmacological action, denoting the effects of a MeSH descriptor."""
def __init__(self, descriptor_ui):
self.descriptor_ui = descriptor_ui
def from_xml_elem(cls, elem):
descriptor_ui = elem.find('./DescriptorReferredTo/DescriptorUI')
return cls(descriptor_ui)
class SlotsToNoneMixin(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for attr in self.__slots__:
setattr(self, attr, kwargs.get(attr, None))
def __repr__(self):
attrib_repr = ', '.join(u'%s=%r' % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self.__slots__)
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + attrib_repr + ')'
class Term(SlotsToNoneMixin):
"""A term from within a MeSH concept."""
__slots__ = ('term_ui', 'string', 'is_concept_preferred', 'is_record_preferred',
'is_permuted', 'lexical_tag', 'date_created', 'thesaurus_list')
def from_xml_elem(cls, elem):
term = cls()
term.is_concept_preferred = elem.get('ConceptPreferredYN', None) == 'Y'
term.is_record_preferred = elem.get('RecordPreferredYN', None) == 'Y'
term.is_permuted = elem.get('IsPermutedTermYN', None) == 'Y'
term.lexical_tag = elem.get('LexicalTag')
for child_elem in elem:
if child_elem.tag == 'TermUI':
term.ui = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'String': = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'DateCreated':
term.date_created = date_from_mesh_xml(child_elem)
elif child_elem.tag == 'ThesaurusIDlist':
term.thesaurus_list = [th_elem.text for th_elem in child_elem]
return term
class SemanticType(SlotsToNoneMixin):
__slots__ = ('ui', 'name')
def from_xml_elem(cls, elem):
sem_type = cls()
for child_elem in elem:
if child_elem.tag == 'SemanticTypeUI':
sem_type.ui = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'SemanticTypeName': = child_elem.text
class Concept(SlotsToNoneMixin):
"""A concept within a MeSH Descriptor."""
__slots__ = ( 'ui', 'name', 'is_preferred', 'umls_ui', 'casn1_name', 'registry_num',
'scope_note', 'sem_types', 'terms')
def from_xml_elem(cls, elem):
concept = cls()
concept.is_preferred = elem.get('PreferredConceptYN', None) == 'Y'
for child_elem in elem:
if child_elem.tag == 'ConceptUI':
concept.ui = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'ConceptName': = child_elem.find('./String').text
elif child_elem.tag == 'ConceptUMLSUI':
elif child_elem.tag == 'CASN1Name':
concept.casn1_name = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'RegistryNumber':
concept.registry_num = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'ScopeNote':
concept.scope_note = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'SemanticTypeList':
concept.sem_types = [SemanticType.from_xml_elem(st_elem)
for st_elem in child_elem.findall('SemanticType')]
elif child_elem.tag == 'TermList':
concept.terms = [Term.from_xml_elem(term_elem)
for term_elem in child_elem.findall('Term')]
return concept
class DescriptorRecord(SlotsToNoneMixin):
"A MeSH Descriptor Record."""
__slots__ = ('ui', 'name', 'date_created', 'date_revised', 'pharm_actions',
'tree_numbers', 'concepts')
def from_xml_elem(cls, elem):
rec = cls()
for child_elem in elem:
if child_elem.tag == 'DescriptorUI':
rec.ui = child_elem.text
elif child_elem.tag == 'DescriptorName': = child_elem.find('./String').text
elif child_elem.tag == 'DateCreated':
rec.date_created = date_from_mesh_xml(child_elem)
elif child_elem.tag == 'DateRevised':
rec.date_revised = date_from_mesh_xml(child_elem)
elif child_elem.tag == 'TreeNumberList':
rec.tree_numbers = [tn_elem.text
for tn_elem in child_elem.findall('TreeNumber')]
elif child_elem.tag == 'ConceptList':
rec.concepts = [Concept.from_xml_elem(c_elem)
for c_elem in child_elem.findall('Concept')]
elif child_elem.tag == 'PharmacologicalActionList':
rec.pharm_actions = [PharmacologicalAction.from_xml_elem(pa_elem)
for pa_elem in child_elem.findall('PharmacologicalAction')]
return rec
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