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Created August 11, 2012 06:54
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minecraft moderator help for

==== guide syntax ====

/this is a command

this is a comment about something something


when you see a "$" that means the next thing is a variable (can change as needed)

for example "$user" means any user of choice. you replace the "$user" with the name desired, $ included. example:

/lb lookup player $user since $time area $size with $user == 'admalledd', $time =='1 hour' and so on: /lb lookup player admalledd since 1 hour area 32

each command shown will have a comment explaining, then a variable example, then a real example, this line would be the explenation

/tell $user personal message that is an example command

/tell admalledd i <3 you too

==== teleporting and homes ====

for the plugin "myhome" and in fact all other teleporting plugins you have admin powers. so you can teleport however you wish.

teleport to $user:

/tp $user

teleport to admalledd

/tp admalledd

teleport $user_A to $user_B

/tp $user_A $user_B

teleport madox to admalledd

/tp admiral_madox admalledd

summon a player to you (derived from above)

/tp $user darnoc

teleport admalledd to darnoc

/tp admalledd darnoc

-- myhome --

go to $user's home`

`/home $user

/home admalledd

set your /home to where you are standing (do not builde where you are standing!)

/home set

make your /home public for anyone to go to

/home public

make your home private so only invited players are allowed

/home private

invite some one to your /home when it is private (this keeps between /home public and subsuquent /home private)

/home invite $user

invite admalledd to your home

/home invite admalledd

now then, we also have a plugin called "mywarp" that acts like myhome, but please dont create new warps with it. the only warp that people should be using is

/warp hub

which brings a player to the "warp hub" so that they may travel to many fall-gate locations. a quick note about the warp hub, if a world group shares a primary block (currently there are only two: lapis for survival and daimond for creative) then they also share a invintory across those worlds. current worlds: 'main' (the one new players spawn in on first log in) 'kobold' (linked with main world) 'wcreative' and 'build'

==== player management (server access) ====

The server uses a whitelist to manage players as well as a current slot count (16 max players currently) this means that players must be added by a moderator before they can join the server (or email for auto-whitelisting)

to add a player to the white list, note that correct-case is not necisarialy requred, but recomended:

/whitelist add $user

/whitelist add darnocfan42

removing a player is basicly the same as above, just a diffrent keyword:

/whitelist remove $user

/whitelist remove darnocfan42

now when you only want kick them for a small reminder or something:

/kick $user

kicking with an explination

/kick $user $reason

if you have need to make sure a player never returns, you can ban that player. do not worry about the whitelist if you do this, just mention it to admalledd and he will clean it up. note that you can also only ban for a certain ammount of time and then relent. see next command for more info.

/ban $user $reason

the $reason is a short message to remind you (or other mods) why this player was banned. try to be usefull, note that the player also receives this.

/ban admalledd we hate admins round these parts. you unban yourself! hurmph...

now if a ban is to be forgiven (as in the ban was only temporary like a one week hiatus or some such) we use

/pardon $user

note that sometime players who are really mean might find a way to use multiple accounts, and there are ways to bypass a whitelist if they know some internal things about the server. in these rare cases we use a more powerfull /ban-ip $ipaddr where $ipaddr is a IPV4 address ( for example)

/ban-ip $ipaddr


same as pardon, you can forgive an ipaddress:

/pardon-ip $ipaddr


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