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Created August 31, 2017 09:38
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  • Save admk/42752eef6de2fc042c1dc7519b8f00de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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background_class: {has: true, use: true}
channel_means: [0.485019607843137, 0.4579607843, 0.407607843137255]
name: imagenet
num_classes: 1001
num_examples_per_epoch: {train: 1281167, validate: 50000}
path: {train: imagenet/train-*, validate: imagenet/validation-*}
shape: {channels: 3, height: 224, width: 224}
depth_multiplier: 1
- &id002 {scale: 4.0e-05, type: tensorflow.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer}
- kernel_size: [3, 3]
normalizer_fn: &id001 {center: true, decay: 0.9997, epsilon: 0.001,
scale: true, type: tensorflow.contrib.slim.batch_norm}
padding: same
type: convolution
weights_initializer: &id003 {stddev: 0.09, type: tensorflow.truncated_normal_initializer}
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
normalizer_fn: *id001
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- kernel_size: [7, 7]
padding: valid
stride: 2
type: average_pool
- {keep_prob: 0.999, type: dropout}
- activation_fn: null
kernel_size: [1, 1]
normalizer_fn: null
num_outputs: num_classes
type: convolution
weights_regularizer: *id002
logits: logits
name: mobilenet_v1
- kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv0
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 32
padding: same
stride: 2
type: convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
weights_regularizer: *id002
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv1
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 64
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv2
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 128
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 2
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv3
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 128
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv4
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 256
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 2
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv5
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 256
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv6
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 2
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv7
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv8
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv9
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv10
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv11
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 512
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv12
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 1024
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 2
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- depth_multiplier: 1
depthwise_regularizer: null
kernel_size: [3, 3]
name: conv13
normalizer_fn: *id001
num_outputs: 1024
padding: same
pointwise_regularizer: *id002
stride: 1
type: depthwise_separable_convolution
weights_initializer: *id003
- kernel_size: [7, 7]
name: pool
padding: valid
stride: 2
type: average_pool
- {keep_prob: 0.999, name: dropout, type: dropout}
- activation_fn: null
kernel_size: [1, 1]
name: fc
normalizer_fn: null
num_outputs: num_classes
type: convolution
weights_regularizer: *id002
- axis: [1, 2]
name: logits
type: squeeze
- {scale: 2.0, shift: -1.0, type: linear_map}
- {type: distort_bbox}
- {type: distort_color}
- {type: random_flip}
- {central_fraction: 0.875, type: central_crop}
batch_size: 256
checkpoint: {load: latest, save: true}
log_level: {mayo: info, tensorflow: 2}
max_steps: 10000000
num_gpus: 4
num_preprocess_threads: 16
checkpoints: [checkpoints]
datasets: [datasets]
summaries: [summaries]
use_pdb: true
learning_rate: {_num_epochs_per_decay: 30.0, decay_rate: 0.16, decay_steps: 150136.7578125,
learning_rate: 0.1, staircase: true, type: tensorflow.train.exponential_decay}
moving_average_decay: 0.9999
optimizer: {decay: 0.9, epsilon: 1.0, momentum: 0.9, type: tensorflow.train.RMSPropOptimizer}
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