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Created November 6, 2013 07:21
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Save adnan-SM/7332237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"Action On Incoming" : "{\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"setNewActionConfigLabel\" : \"Set New Action Configuration\",\n \"action1DescriptionLabel\" : \"(e.g. Existing contact sends you sms, you can create case or task using that sms automatically)\",\n \"action2Label\" : \" Action 2 : If senders mobile number is unknown\",\n \"createTaskLabel\" : \"Create Task\",\n \"actionOnIncomingTitleLabel\" : \"Create new action on incoming SMS\",\n \"nameLabel\" : \"Name\",\n \"createCaseLabel\" : \"Create Case\",\n \"createOpportunityLabel\" : \"Create Opportunity\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"doNothingLabel\" : \"Do Nothing\",\n \"createContactLabel\" : \"Create Contact\",\n \"configureActionDescriptionLabel\" : \"When Incoming SMS is received in your org, You can configure following actions,\",\n \"action1Label\" : \"Action 1: If senders mobile number is already stored in some Objects Record\",\n \"helpLabel\" : \"Help for this page ?\",\n \"createLeadLabel\" : \"Create Lead\"\n}",
"New SMS Template" : "{\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"insertButtonLabel\" : \"Insert\",\n \"templateTextSectionLabel\" : \"Template Text\",\n \"backButtonLabel\" : \"Back\",\n \"templateTypeLabel\" : \"Select template type\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"sectionTitleHeaderLabel\" : \"SMS Magic\",\n \"helpTitleLabel\" : \"Help For this Page?\",\n \"deleteButtonLabel\" : \"Delete\",\n \"newSMSTemplateTitleLabel\" : \"Create New template\",\n \"newSMSTemplateLabel\" : \"New SMS Template\",\n \"numberOfCharactersTextOutputLabel\" : \"You can type maximum 700 characters.\",\n \"dashboardButtonLabel\" : \"Dashboard\",\n \"nameSectionLabel\" : \"Name\",\n \"newSMSButtonLabel\" : \"New SMS\"\n}",
"SMS Settings" : "{\n \"pullAuthAccessLabel\" : \"SMS Pull Auth Access\",\n \"setupAlertForIncomingLabel\" : \"Setup Alert For Incoming Messages\",\n \"accessToScreenMagicOutputLabel\" : \"Do you want to give access to Screen-Magic? Please Click On Approval Links\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"apiConfigSectionLabel\" : \"API key Configuration - Update your API key\",\n \"passwordLabel\" : \"Password\",\n \"configureTemplateTypeButtonLabel\" : \"Configure Template Type\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"helpTitleLabel\" : \"Help For this Page?\",\n \"selectProfileOutputLabel\" : \"Select Profile\",\n \"loginLabel\" : \"Login\",\n \"DefaultSenderIdListLabel\" : \"Default SenderId List\",\n \"accessToScreenMagicSectionLabel\" : \"Access to Screen- Magic\",\n \"smsMagicConfigLabel\" : \"SMS Magic Configuration\",\n \"senderIdsSectionLabel\" : \"Sender Ids\",\n \"securityTokenLabel\" : \"Security Token\",\n \"actionOnIncomingStep3DescriptionLabel\" : \"Using Step3, Lead, Contact, case, task or opportunity will be created using incoming sms.\",\n \"actionOnIncomingStep1Label\" : \"Step 1: Create Lookup field on Incoming SMS object.\",\n \"actionOnIncomingStep3Label\" : \"Step 3: Create Action on Incoming SMS.\",\n \"saveDefaultSenderIdOutputLabel\" : \"Save Default Sender Id\",\n \"sandboxLabel\" : \"Sandbox\",\n \"configureActionOnIncomingButtonLabel\" : \"Configure Action On Incoming SMS\",\n \"productionLabel\" : \"Production\",\n \"editApiKeyLabel\" : \"Edit Api Key\",\n \"setDefaultCountryCodeSectionLabel\" : \"Set Default Country code\",\n \"chooseSenderIdOutputLabel\" : \"Choose Sender Id\",\n \"editButtonLabel\" : \"Edit\",\n \"currentDefaultSenderIdOutputLabel\" : \"Current Default Sender Id\",\n \"actionOnIncomingStep2DescriptionLabel\" : \"With above steps, Incoming sms's mobile number will be searched and added to related list of objects configured here.\",\n \"sectionTitleHeaderLabel\" : \"SMS Magic\",\n \"optoutSettingsLabel\" : \"Optout Settings\",\n \"updateApiKeyLabel\" : \"Update Api Key\",\n \"defaultSenderIdSectionLabel\" : \"Profile Based Senderid Configuration\",\n \"incomingSMSSettingsLabel\" : \"Incoming SMS Settings\",\n \"actionOnIncomingStep2Label\" : \"Step 2: Create New Lookup Rule. (click \\\"New Incoming Lookup\\\" button)\",\n \"basicSettingsButtonLabel\" : \"Basic Settings\",\n \"incomingSMSSettingsButtonLabel\" : \"Incoming SMS Settings\",\n \"editDefaultSenderIdOutputLabel\" : \"Edit Default Sender Id\"\n}",
"Incoming Lookup" : "{\n \"quickHelpLabel\" : \"Quick Help\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"step3DescriptionLabel\" : \"Select Reference field of Incoming SMS object refering to above selected object.\",\n \"step2Label\" : \"Step 2\",\n \"step2DescriptionLabel\" : \"Select the mobile field name of the object you selected in step 1.\",\n \"mobileFieldNameLabel\" : \"Mobile Field Name\",\n \"incomingLookupDescriptionLabel\" : \"Configuration to relate incoming sms with any object\",\n \"step1Label\" : \"Step 1\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"chooseObjectLabel\" : \"Choose Object\",\n \"hideHelpLabel\" : \"Hide Help\",\n \"chooseFieldLabel\" : \"Choose Field\",\n \"step3DescriptionLabel2\" : \" if it is not there.\",\n \"refrenceFieldLabel\" : \"Reference Field Name\",\n \"step3DescriptionLabel1\" : \"Please create Look-up/Ref field on Incoming SMS Object refering to selected object\",\n \"step3Label\" : \"Step 3\",\n \"forDetailedStepsLabel\" : \"for detailed steps\",\n \"referLabel\" : \"Refer \",\n \"notifyOwnerRecordLabel\" : \"Notify Record Owner\",\n \"helpLabel\" : \"Help\",\n \"objectNameLabel\" : \"Object Name\",\n \"step1DescriptionLabel\" : \"Select the Object to which you want to relate or attach the new incoming SMS record.\",\n \"incomingLookupTitleLabel\" : \"New Incoming Lookup Configuration\"\n}",
"SMHome" : "{\n \"recentSMSSectionTitleLabel\" : \"Recent SMS\",\n \"registerButtonLabel\" : \"Register\",\n \"accountIdLabel\" : \"\",\n \"apiKeyConfigurationTitleLabel\" : \"API key Configuration\",\n \"createdOnColumnLabel\" : \"Created On\",\n \"apiKeyOutputTextLabel\" : \"API Key\",\n \"recentInboundSMSLabel\" : \"Recent Inbound SMS\",\n \"newSMSTemplateButtonLabel\" : \"New SMS Template\",\n \"textColumnLabel\" : \"Text\",\n \"buyCreditsLabel\" : \"Click to buy more credits\",\n \"inboundNumberColumnLabel\" : \"Inbound Number\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"sectionTitleHeaderLabel\" : \"SMS Magic\",\n \"helpTitleLabel\" : \"Help For this Page?\",\n \"remainingCreditsLabel\" : \"Remaining Credits\",\n \"SMSMagicLabel\" : \"SMS Magic\",\n \"registrationOutputTextLabel\" : \"For registration click on register button\",\n \"smsMagicInfoTitleLabel\" : \"SMS Magic Information\",\n \"mobileColumnLabel\" : \"Mobile\",\n \"registrationTitleLabel\" : \"Registration\",\n \"nameColumnLabel\" : \"Name\",\n \"dashboardLabel\" : \"Dashboard\",\n \"newSMSButtonLabel\" : \"New SMS\"\n}",
"New SMS" : "{\n \"senderIdLabel\" : \"Sender Id\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"smsTextLabel\" : \"SMS Text\",\n \"composeNewSMSLabel\" : \"Compose New SMS\",\n \"reloadingRecipientsListLabel\" : \"reloading recipients list\",\n \"contactLabel\" : \"Contact\",\n \"smsMagicLabel\" : \"SMS Magic\",\n \"nameLabel\" : \"Name\",\n \"newSMSLabel\" : \"New SMS\",\n \"addButtonLabel\" : \"add\",\n \"userLabel\" : \"User\",\n \"recipientsLabel\" : \"Recipients\",\n \"sendToLabel\" : \"Send To\",\n \"smsTextDescriptionLabel\" : \"You can type maximum 700 characters\",\n \"newSMSTemplateLabel\" : \"New SMS Template\",\n \"sendButtonLabel\" : \"Send\",\n \"waitLabel\" : \"wait\",\n \"prefixISDCodeLabel\" : \"Please prefix ISD code\",\n \"backLabel\" : \"Back\",\n \"helpLabel\" : \"Help for this page\",\n \"addToListLabel\" : \"Add To List\",\n \"leadLabel\" : \"Lead\",\n \"mobileNumberLabel\" : \"MobileNumber\",\n \"dashboardLabel\" : \"Dashboard\"\n}",
"Optout" : "{\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"chooseObjectLabel\" : \"Choose Object\",\n \"optoutConfigTitleLabel\" : \"Opt out field Configuration\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"keywordLabel\" : \"Keyword\",\n \"saveOptoutSettingsLabel\" : \"Save Optout Settings\",\n \"chooseFieldLabel\" : \"Choose Field\",\n \"optoutFieldNameLabel\" : \"Optout Field Name\",\n \"objectNameLabel\" : \"Object Name\"\n}",
"Campaign" : "{\n \"senderIdLabel\" : \"Sender Id\",\n \"sendSMSLabel\" : \"Send SMS\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"contactSMSTextLabel\" : \"Contact SMS Text\",\n \"selectLeadTemplateLabel\" : \"Select Template For Lead\",\n \"yesLabel\" : \"Yes\",\n \"sendToOptoutMembersLabel\" : \"Send to Optout Members\",\n \"smsSentToLabel\" : \"SMS will be send to the\",\n \"noLabel\" : \"No\",\n \"contactsLabel\" : \"Contacts\",\n \"loadingLeadTemplateLabel\" : \"loading lead template...\",\n \"leadsAndLabel\" : \"Leads and\",\n \"selectContactTemplateLabel\" : \"Select Template For Contact\",\n \"filterMemberLabel\" : \"Filter Member by Status\",\n \"runCampaignButtonLabel\" : \"Run Campaign\",\n \"numberOfCharsLabel\" : \"You can type maximum of 700 characters.\",\n \"chooseTemplateLabel\" : \"Choose the Template\",\n \"helpLabel\" : \"Help For this page ?\",\n \"loadingContactTemplateLabel\" : \"loading contact template...\",\n \"leadSMSTextLabel\" : \"Lead SMS Text\",\n \"runSMSCampaignLabel\" : \"Run SMS Campaign\",\n \"campaignNameLabel\" : \"Campaign Name\"\n}",
"Template Type" : "{\n \"addrelatedObjectLabel\" : \"Add Related Object\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"configureNewTemplateTypeLabel\" : \"Configure New SMS Template Type\",\n \"relatedObjectApiNameLabel\" : \"Related Object API Name\",\n \"addButtonLabel\" : \"Add\",\n \"removeRelatedObjectLabel\" : \"Remove Related Object\",\n \"selectRelatedObjectsLabel\" : \"Select related objects\",\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"chooseObjectLabel\" : \"Choose Object\",\n \"chooseRelatedObjectLabel\" : \"Choose Related Object\",\n \"selectedRelatedObjectsLabel\" : \"Selected Related Objects\",\n \"objectApiNameLabel\" : \"Object API Name\",\n \"removeButtonLabel\" : \"Remove\"\n}",
"Help" : "{\n \"incomingSMSHelp5Label\" : \"Drop an email to care@screen-magic and we will make the configurations required to push SMS into SF\",\n \"smsHomeHelp8Label\" : \"Use templates\",\n \"newtemplateHelp2Label\" : \"While creating a template you are asked for template object type. Please select the object for which you want to select the template ( E.g.: to create a template for opportunity object the template type should be opportunity.\",\n \"smsHistoryHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for SMS History\",\n \"registrationStepsDescriptionLabel\" : \"SMS Magic application requires an API key authentication for registration. Below steps need to be followed for registration\",\n \"incomingLookupHelp1Label\" : \"Select the name of Object on which you wants a Lookup\",\n \"smsHomeHelp5Label\" : \"Send SMS from Apex Code\",\n \"campaignSMSHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for sending SMS from Campaign\",\n \"setDefaultCountryLabel\" : \"You can set the default country for sending SMS\",\n \"incomingLookupHelpDescriptionLabel\" : \"Forward Configuration is an action on Incoming SMS. Here you can define auto lookup action on Incoming SMS\",\n \"senderIdHelp1Label\" : \"Alphanumeric Sender IDs are not allowed. Only Numeric Sender ID is allowed. SMS goes with standard US number (+12147587469)\",\n \"step2DescriptionLabel\" : \" SMS Magic API key will be emailed to you (To the email id mentioned in Salesforce User details)\",\n \"incomingSMSHelp6Label\" : \"Now you can use this sender ID to send SMS's and the users can reply back to the SMS received. The reply will be visible in your SF org\",\n \"newSMSHelp3Label\" : \"The send SMS button picks up mobile number from \\\"mobile\\\" field. If you want to pick it from your custom field you can change the button configurations.\",\n \"smsHomeHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for SMS Magic Home\",\n \"smsHomeHelp1Label\" : \"Send Branded Message (Configure your Sender ID)\",\n \"helpForAPIKeyLabel\" : \"Help for SMS Magic API key\",\n \"templatesHelp3Label\" : \"The templates will be visible only in the object defined in the template type configuration\",\n \"forwardConfigHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for Forwarding Configuration\",\n \"smsHomeHelp4Label\" : \"Create Auto SMS from within the object like events and tasks\",\n \"campaignSMSHelp1Label\" : \"You can select the desired users and add them in a campaign\",\n \"smsHomeHelp2Label\" : \"Create/Edit/Use Templates for SMS for Standard Objects\",\n \"incomingSMSHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for Incoming\",\n \"step1DescriptionLabel\" : \"Click \\\"Register\\\" button on SMS Magic Dashboard (under SMS Magic tab)\",\n \"bulkSMSHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for sending Bulk SMS\",\n \"incomingLookupHelp2Label\" : \"Before that you need to add lookup field of that object into Incoming SMS object\",\n \"smsHistoryHelp1Label\" : \"SMS history will give you a view of the SMS’s sent\",\n \"newSMSHelp1Label\" : \"Please make sure to add country code before mobile numbers while sending SMS.\",\n \"feedbackLabel\" : \"FeedBack\",\n \"newTemplateHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for Creating New SMS Template\",\n \"campaignSMSHelp3Label\" : \"You can also schedule the campaigns created\",\n \"step3DescriptionLabel\" : \"Copy the API key from email ID and paste it in space provided in SMS Magic tab\",\n \"newSMSHelp4Label\" : \"Just change the highlighted filed in the Send SMS button code to the desired field.\",\n \"incomingSMSHelp4Label\" : \"Create a new sender ID containing the VMN. (e.g. If you have a VMN 441234567890 then create a sender ID 441234567890)\",\n \"apiKeyHelpLabel\" : \"Here you can update your API key. This API key is used in authentication process\",\n \"smsHomeHelp7Label\" : \"API Support for\",\n \"incomingSMSHelp2Label\" : \"Goto Configurations button under SMS Magic object\",\n \"bulkSMSHelp2Label\" : \"The send Bulk SMS button picks up mobile number from \\\"mobile\\\" field. If you want to pick it from your custom field you can change the button configurations\",\n \"campaignSMSHelpDescriptionLabel\" : \"For sending mass SMS to all your customers, you can make use of Campaigns\",\n \"smsHomeHelp3Label\" : \"Send Bulk SMS from Contacts and Leads in just a click\",\n \"newSMSHelp2Label\" : \"If you want a specific country code to be prefixed default for all your SMS, drop and email to.\",\n \"smsHomeHelp7DescriptionLabel\" : \"Sending SMS / Bulk SMS (from any Apex Code trigger you write)\",\n \"incomingLookupHelp3Label\" : \"Then select the mobile number field from the drop down\",\n \"senderIdHelp2Label\" : \"The Sender ID request will be initial part of engagement. The sender ID request placed is configured within 4-6 hrs on any working day. The sender ID should be 5-8 (minimum 5 characters and Maximum 8 characters Long). (strictly only for India)\",\n \"contactUsTextLabel\" : \"If you face any issue, please contact us at\",\n \"incomingSMSHelpSectionDescriptionLabel\" : \" For setting up incoming SMS in your SF org, please follow the below steps\",\n \"incomingLookupHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for Incoming Lookup Configuration\",\n \"templatesHelp2Label\" : \"Please make sure that the template name is not left blank\",\n \"campaignSMSHelp2Label\" : \"Use Send SMS button on campaigns to send SMS to all the campaign members\",\n \"apiKeyHelpDescriptionLabel\" : \"Admin gets this API key via email after registering SMS Magic\",\n \"othersLabel\" : \"Others\",\n \"templatesHelp1Label\" : \"Allows you to view/edit the existing templates\",\n \"incomingLookupHelp4Label\" : \"Now select the reference field from the object (Incoming SMS)\",\n \"forwardConfigHelp2Label\" : \"You can either select SMS alert or E-mail alert or both\",\n \"senderIdHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Under configurations you can configure a sender ID that you require. Follow below Rules to decide the Sender ID at your end\",\n \"templateTypeObjectHelpLabel\" : \"You can create the template object type in the Configurations tab. Before creating the template for any object the template type should be defined here.\",\n \"step4DescriptionLabel\" : \"Click Save\",\n \"forwardConfigHelpDescription1Label\" : \"Forward Configuration is an action on Incoming SMS. Here you can define action on Incoming SMS such as SMS alert or E-mail alert\",\n \"incomingSMSHelp1Label\" : \"Procure a Virtual Mobile number\",\n \"newtemplateHelp1Label\" : \"Please add name to a template. If templates are created without name then send SMS button will give an error\",\n \"forwardConfigHelp1Label\" : \"You can define Keyword. If you define any keyword then when any message start from that keyword then that SMS / E-mail alert will be send to define User\",\n \"incomingSMSHelp3Label\" : \"Fill in the credentials for the SMS pull Authorization\",\n \"smsHomeHelpDescriptionLabel\" : \"SMS Magic Basic Package has following features\",\n \"helpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for SMS Magic Configuration\",\n \"smsHomeHelp6Label\" : \"Use SMS Magic SMS sending/receiving pipe\",\n \"newtemplateHelp3Label\" : \"If you cannot see the object type in the drop down while creating a template please add the template object type from the configuration\",\n \"forwardConfigHelp3Label\" : \"(Note : You can save the record without any keyword. In that case you will get alerts for all Incoming SMS.)\",\n \"forwardConfigHelpDescription2Label\" : \"Here you can define to which User you want to send SMS / E-mail alert. You can filter it using Keyword\",\n \"senderIdHelp3Label\" : \"The Sender ID can be 11 characters long (Alphanumeric) and 13 chars allowed for numeric number (i.e. standard number in International format). It can be configured under configuration button on SMS Magic Tab\",\n \"bulkSMSHelp1Label\" : \"Please make sure that country codes are present in a uniform format\",\n \"templatesHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for SMS Templates\",\n \"newSMSHelpSectionLabel\" : \"Help for Composing New SMS\",\n \"smsHomeHelp9Label\" : \"Write Trigger for workflows (Write simple Apex Triggers for workflows to send\"\n}",
"Incoming Alert" : "{\n \"saveButtonLabel\" : \"Save\",\n \"keywordLabel\" : \"Keyword\",\n \"setNotificationsLabel\" : \"Set Notifications for User\",\n \"userConfigLabel\" : \"User Configuration\",\n \"disableForAllUsersLabel\" : \"Disable For All Users\",\n \"customizeSettingsLabel\" : \"Customize Settings for Each User\",\n \"notificationMethodLabel\" : \"Notification Method\",\n \"incomingSMSLabel\" : \"Incoming SMS Notification\"\n}",
"Feedback" : "{\n \"submitButtonLabel\" : \"Submit\",\n \"descriptionLabel\" : \"Description\",\n \"cancelButtonLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"enterFeedbackLabel\" : \"Enter your Feedback\",\n \"chooseCategoryLabel\" : \"Choose Category\",\n \"feedbackTitleLabel\" : \"SMS Magic Feedback\",\n \"subjectLabel\" : \"Subject\"\n}",
"Bulk SMS" : "{\n \"senderIdLabel\" : \"Sender Id\",\n \"yesLabel\" : \"yes\",\n \"composeNewSMSLabel\" : \"Compose New SMS for Selected Contacts\",\n \"smsTextLabel\" : \"SMS Text\",\n \"sendToOptoutMembersLabel\" : \"Send to Optout members\",\n \"useTemplatesLabel\" : \"Use Templates\",\n \"sendLabel\" : \"Send\",\n \"noLabel\" : \"No\",\n \"cancelLabel\" : \"Cancel\",\n \"smsTextDescriptionLabel\" : \"You can type maximum 700 characters.\",\n \"chooseTemplateLabel\" : \"Choose a template\",\n \"helpLabel\" : \"Help For this Page?\",\n \"usersLabel\" : \"Users\",\n \"chooseSenderIdLabel\" : \"Choose SenderId\",\n \"selectedNumbersLabel\" : \"Selected Numbers\"\n}"
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