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Created December 29, 2017 12:47
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Excerpt from a service that constructs a complex SQL-GIS query
* Whenever possible try and construct all the queries by using the ORM API.
* Manually written queries are susceptible to SQL-injections
_getClosestQuery(params) {
const seq = this.Model.sequelize;
const point = seq.fn('ST_MakePoint', ...params.point.coordinates);
const srid = seq.fn('ST_SetSRID', point, 4326);
const stDistanceSphere = seq.fn('ST_DISTANCE_SPHERE', seq.col('point'), srid);
const query = {
attributes: {
include: [[stDistanceSphere, 'distance']]
include: [{model: this.server.plugins.users.User.scope('canReceiveOffers'), required: true}],
order: [[stDistanceSphere, 'ASC']],
if (params.limit) {
query.limit = params.limit;
if (_.isObject(params.where)) {
query.where = _.assign(query.where, params.where);
return query;
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