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Last active November 23, 2023 23:09
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Save adnbr/2352797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple AVR code for using a MAX7219 7-segment display driver
/* MAX7219 Interaction Code
* ---------------------------
* For more information see
* 668 bytes - ATmega168 - 16MHz
// 16MHz clock
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
// Outputs, pin definitions
#define PIN_SCK PORTB5
#define PIN_SS PORTB2
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define MAX7219_LOAD1 PORTB |= (1<<PIN_SS)
#define MAX7219_LOAD0 PORTB &= ~(1<<PIN_SS)
#define MAX7219_MODE_DECODE 0x09
#define MAX7219_MODE_INTENSITY 0x0A
#define MAX7219_MODE_SCAN_LIMIT 0x0B
#define MAX7219_MODE_POWER 0x0C
#define MAX7219_MODE_TEST 0x0F
#define MAX7219_MODE_NOOP 0x00
// I only have 3 digits, no point having the
// rest. You could use more though.
#define MAX7219_DIGIT0 0x01
#define MAX7219_DIGIT1 0x02
#define MAX7219_DIGIT2 0x03
#define MAX7219_CHAR_BLANK 0xF
#define MAX7219_CHAR_NEGATIVE 0xA
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
char digitsInUse = 3;
void spiSendByte (char databyte)
    // Copy data into the SPI data register
    SPDR = databyte;
    // Wait until transfer is complete
    while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
void MAX7219_writeData(char data_register, char data)
        // Send the register where the data will be stored
        // Send the data to be stored
void MAX7219_clearDisplay()
    char i = digitsInUse;
    // Loop until 0, but don't run for zero
    do {
        // Set each display in use to blank
        MAX7219_writeData(i, MAX7219_CHAR_BLANK);
    } while (--i);
void MAX7219_displayNumber(volatile long number)
    char negative = 0;
    // Convert negative to positive.
    // Keep a record that it was negative so we can
    // sign it again on the display.
    if (number < 0) {
        negative = 1;
        number *= -1;
    // If number = 0, only show one zero then exit
    if (number == 0) {
        MAX7219_writeData(MAX7219_DIGIT0, 0);
    // Initialization to 0 required in this case,
    // does not work without it. Not sure why.
    char i = 0;
    // Loop until number is 0.
    do {
        MAX7219_writeData(++i, number % 10);
        // Actually divide by 10 now.
        number /= 10;
    } while (number);
    // Bear in mind that if you only have three digits, and
    // try to display something like "-256" all that will display
    // will be "256" because it needs an extra fourth digit to
    // display the sign.
    if (negative) {
        MAX7219_writeData(i, MAX7219_CHAR_NEGATIVE);
int main(void)
    DDRB |= (1 << PIN_SCK) | (1 << PIN_MOSI) | (1 << PIN_SS);
    // SPI Enable, Master mode
    SPCR |= (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR)| (1<<SPR1);
    // Decode mode to "Font Code-B"
    MAX7219_writeData(MAX7219_MODE_DECODE, 0xFF);
    // Scan limit runs from 0.
    MAX7219_writeData(MAX7219_MODE_SCAN_LIMIT, digitsInUse - 1);
    MAX7219_writeData(MAX7219_MODE_INTENSITY, 8);
    MAX7219_writeData(MAX7219_MODE_POWER, ON);
    int i = 999;
        if (i == 0) {
            i = 999;
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ShadyTh commented Feb 4, 2021

Great coding, very clear and neat comments too!
Thanks for that <3

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Thank You! You save my life!
Great Code!

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farukmw commented Oct 22, 2023

is this work with codevisionavr IDE?

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