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Last active July 25, 2021 09:46
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#pkcs7.py3: Implementation of PKCS #7 padding. Based on:
Python implementation of PKCS #7 padding.
RFC 2315: PKCS#7 page 21
Some content-encryption algorithms assume the
input length is a multiple of k octets, where k > 1, and
let the application define a method for handling inputs
whose lengths are not a multiple of k octets. For such
algorithms, the method shall be to pad the input at the
trailing end with k - (l mod k) octets all having value k -
(l mod k), where l is the length of the input. In other
words, the input is padded at the trailing end with one of
the following strings:
01 -- if l mod k = k-1
02 02 -- if l mod k = k-2
k k ... k k -- if l mod k = 0
The padding can be removed unambiguously since all input is
padded and no padding string is a suffix of another. This
padding method is well-defined if and only if k < 256;
methods for larger k are an open issue for further study.
# Original Source:
# Updated to Python 3.
# Despite some complaints of Python 3, using it correctly simplified the
# original greatly.
## @param bytestring The padded bytestring for which the padding is to be removed.
## @param k The padding block size.
# @exception ValueError Raised when the input padding is missing or corrupt.
# @return bytestring Original unpadded bytestring.
def decode(bytestring, k=16):
Remove the PKCS#7 padding from a text bytestring.
val = bytestring[-1]
if val > k:
raise ValueError('Input is not padded or padding is corrupt')
l = len(bytestring) - val
return bytestring[:l]
## @param bytestring The text to encode.
## @param k The padding block size.
# @return bytestring The padded bytestring.
def encode(bytestring, k=16):
Pad an input bytestring according to PKCS#7
l = len(bytestring)
val = k - (l % k)
return bytestring + bytearray([val] * val)
# Tests
# =====
import unittest
class Pkcs7Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pkcs7(self):
# Not a unit at all, but whatever.
import pkcs7
import os
import random
def test(text):
a = pkcs7.encode(text)
b = pkcs7.encode(text)
assert len(a) % 4 == 0
assert len(b) % 4 == 0
assert a == b
for i in range(1000):
text = os.urandom( int(random.random()*10000) )
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