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Last active January 4, 2016 02:09
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message.py3: Simple class to combine a signer and/or cipher to "authenticate" a message `payload`.(Use with whmac and aes in this gist.)
Several Messaging classes, building blocks and helpers.
import os
import base64
import json as _json
import functools
import collections
import whmac
# Don't really need these anymore.
b64encode = lambda t: base64.b64encode(t)
b64decode = lambda t: base64.b64decode(t)
class DotDict(dict):
a dictionary that supports dot notation
as well as dictionary access notation
usage: d = DotDict() or d = DotDict({'val1':'first'})
set attributes: d.val2 = 'second' or d['val2'] = 'second'
get attributes: d.val2 or d['val2']
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
def __init__(self, dct={}):
for key, value in dct.items():
if hasattr(value, 'keys'):
value = DotDict(value)
self[key] = value
json = DotDict()
# Provides consistency for serialization/hashing.
json.dumps = functools.partial(_json.dumps, separators=(',', ':'))
json.loads = functools.partial(_json.loads,
# Exceptions
# ==========
class AuthException(Exception):
Base message authentication exception.
class ClientBad(AuthException):
Client wasn't found in the data model.
def NonePass(*args, **kwa):
Dummy object.
return None
class Message(object):
Just a simple packaging for messages that will hook in a `signer` and
a `cipher`.
`wrapper` must expose .pre_send, .post_send, .pre_receive and .post_receive
`signer` must expose .sign and .verify
`cipher` must expose .encrypt and .decrypt
def __init__(self, wrapper=None, signer=None, cipher=None):
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.signer = signer
self.cipher = cipher
def wrapped(func):
Decorator to hook `wrapper` methods before and after decorated function.
def _inner(self, *args):
if self.wrapper:
# print(func.__name__)
if func.__name__=='send':
pre = self.wrapper.pre_send
post = self.wrapper.post_send
pre = self.wrapper.pre_receive
post = self.wrapper.post_receive
pre_return = pre(*args)
func_return = func(self, *pre_return)
return post(*func_return)
return func(self, *args)
return _inner
def send(self, payload, *args):
Prepare a message for sending.
if self.cipher:
payload = self.cipher.encrypt(payload)
if self.signer:
signature = self.signer.sign(payload, *args)
return payload, signature
return (payload,)
def receive(self, payload, challenge, *args):
Process a received message.
if self.signer and not self.signer.verify(challenge, payload, *args):
raise NotImplementedError('Signature failed but signer didnt throw'
'an error.')
if self.cipher:
return (self.cipher.decrypt(payload),)
return (payload,)
class JsonWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, json=json):
self._json = json
def pre_send(self, payload, *args):
payload = self._json.dumps(payload).encode()
return (payload,) + args
def post_send(self, payload, challenge, *args):
payload = payload.decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
payload = b64encode(payload)
return (payload, b64encode(challenge)) + args
def pre_receive(self, payload, challenge, *args):
payload = self._json.dumps(payload).encode()
# payload = payload.encode()
#except AttributeError:
# payload = b64decode(payload)
return (payload, b64decode(challenge)) + args
def post_receive(self, payload):
return self._json.loads(payload.decode())
Remote = {'secret': None,
'key': None,
'tight': False }
class Remotes(object):
def __init__(self, remotes=None):
_remotes = remotes or {}
for k,v in _remotes.items():
remote = Remote.copy()
_remotes[k] = remote
self._remotes = _remotes
print (self._remotes)
def get(self, id_):
if not id_ in self._remotes:
raise ClientBad("Remote id %s is not a valid client." % id_)
return self._remotes[id_]
def update(self, id_, val):
remote = Remote.copy()
self._remotes.update({id_: remote})
def remove(self, id_):
if not id_ in self._remotes:
raise ClientBad("Remote id %s is not a valid client." % id_)
del self._remotes[id_]
def __contains__(self, id_):
return id_ in self._remotes
class AuthApi(object):
def __init__(self, sender_id, remotes=Remotes(), message_wrapper=NonePass,
signer_cls=whmac.TimedHmac, cipher_cls=NonePass, time_provider=whmac.time_provider):
self.sender_id = sender_id
self.remotes = remotes
self._message_wrapper = message_wrapper
self._signer_cls = signer_cls
self._cipher_cls = cipher_cls
self.time_provider = time_provider
def add_remote(self, remote_id, value):
self.remotes.update(remote_id.encode(), value)
def remove_remote(self, remote_id):
def send(self, remote_id, payload, *args):
remote = self.remotes.get(remote_id)
secret = remote['secret']
key = remote['key']
nonce = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16))
wrapper = self._message_wrapper()
signer = self._signer_cls(secret, time_provider=self.time_provider)
cipher = self._cipher_cls(key, nonce)
message = Message(wrapper=wrapper, signer=signer, cipher=cipher)
return (nonce,) + message.send(payload, self.sender_id, nonce, *args)
def receive(self, remote_id, nonce, challenge, payload, *args, expiry=600):
remote = self.remotes.get(remote_id)
secret = remote['secret']
key = remote['key']
wrapper = self._message_wrapper()
signer = self._signer_cls(secret, expiry=expiry)
cipher = self._cipher_cls(key, nonce)
message = Message(wrapper=wrapper, signer=signer, cipher=cipher)
return message.receive(payload, challenge, remote_id, nonce, *args)
class JsonAuthApi(AuthApi):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwa):
kwa['message_wrapper'] = JsonWrapper
AuthApi.__init__(self, *args, **kwa)
def send(self, remote_id, payload, *args):
nonce, payload, signature = AuthApi.send(self, remote_id, payload,
#nonce = b64encode(nonce)
return {'sender_id': self.sender_id, 'nonce': nonce, 'payload': payload, 'signature': signature}
def receive(self, packet, *args, expiry=600):
return AuthApi.receive(self, packet['sender_id'].encode(), packet['nonce'].encode(), packet['signature'],
packet['payload'], *args, expiry=expiry)
# Just convenient to include the tests here for now.
import unittest
class TestMessage(unittest.TestCase):
def test_temporary_message(self):
# Not a real test, just some dev code.
import message
import aes
import whmac
a = message.Message(signer=whmac.TimedHmac(b'12345', expiry=1),
msg = b'a'
payload, sig = a.send(msg)
assert a.receive(payload, sig)
def test_temporary_auth_api(self):
# Not a real test, just some dev code.
import message
import aes
a = message.AuthApi(b'server1',
{b'client1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
b = message.AuthApi(b'client1',
{b'server1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
nonce, payload, signature = a.send(b'client1', b'123456')
assert b.receive(b'server1', nonce, signature, payload)
a = message.JsonAuthApi(b'server1',
{b'client1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
b = message.JsonAuthApi(b'client1',
{b'server1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
package = a.send(b'client1', {'this':'123456'})
assert b.receive(b'server1', package)
a = message.JsonAuthApi(b'server1',
{b'client1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
b = message.JsonAuthApi(b'client1',
{b'server1': ('12345678901234567890123456789012',
package = a.send(b'client1', {'this':'123456'})
assert b.receive(b'server1', package) == {'this':'123456'}
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