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Created January 25, 2014 05:20
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rng.js: Random number generator
// prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG
function Arcfour() {
this.i = 0;
this.j = 0;
this.S = new Array();
// Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]
function ARC4init(key) {
var i, j, t;
for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
this.S[i] = i;
j = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;
t = this.S[i];
this.S[i] = this.S[j];
this.S[j] = t;
this.i = 0;
this.j = 0;
function ARC4next() {
var t;
this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;
this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;
t = this.S[this.i];
this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];
this.S[this.j] = t;
return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];
Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init; = ARC4next;
// Plug in your RNG constructor here
function prng_newstate() {
return new Arcfour();
// Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.
// An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()
var rng_psize = 256;
// Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js
// For best results, put code like
// <body onClick='rng_seed_time();' onKeyPress='rng_seed_time();'>
// in your main HTML document.
var rng_state;
var rng_pool;
var rng_pptr;
// Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool
function rng_seed_int(x) {
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;
if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;
// Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool
function rng_seed_time() {
rng_seed_int(new Date().getTime());
// Initialize the pool with junk if needed.
if(rng_pool == null) {
rng_pool = new Array();
rng_pptr = 0;
var t;
if(window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
// Use webcrypto if available
var ua = new Uint8Array(32);
for(t = 0; t < 32; ++t)
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = ua[t];
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion < "5" && window.crypto) {
// Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available
var z = window.crypto.random(32);
for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t)
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255;
while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()
t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;
rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;
rng_pptr = 0;
function rng_get_byte() {
if(rng_state == null) {
rng_state = prng_newstate();
for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)
rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;
rng_pptr = 0;
//rng_pool = null;
// TODO: allow reseeding after first request
function rng_get_bytes(ba) {
var i;
for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();
function SecureRandom() {}
SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;
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