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Last active July 27, 2023 10:11
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"Whats the Best Way to Learn Elixir?"

What's the Best Way to Learn Elixir?

Learning Elixir Efficiently TL;DR

  • Start with the official documentation and Elixir School website.
  • Consider learning Elixir first before diving into Erlang or OTP.
  • Explore resources like Exercism, Pragmatic Studio courses, and books such as "Programming Elixir" and "Elixir in Action"

Learning Resources

The official Elixir documentation is highly recommended as a starting point for learning Elixir. Additionally, the Elixir School website provides comprehensive lessons on the basics of Elixir.

It is not necessary to learn Erlang or OTP before diving into Elixir. Many users suggest starting with Elixir itself and gradually incorporating Erlang and OTP concepts as needed.

Other recommended resources include Exercism, which offers practice problems to reinforce functional programming concepts, and courses from Pragmatic Studio, such as "Elixir for Programmers" and "Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix". Books like "Programming Elixir" and "Elixir in Action" are also highly regarded for learning Elixir.

Efficient Learning Approach

To efficiently learn Elixir, it is recommended to combine reading and studying resources with hands-on practice. Building small projects or working on real-world applications can help solidify your understanding of the language and its concepts. Additionally, participating in coding challenges like Advent of Code can provide practical experience and problem-solving skills.

It is also important to have a motivating project or goal that allows you to apply what you learn in a practical context. This can help maintain interest and motivation throughout the learning process.

Remember that learning Elixir is a journey, and it's okay to start with the basics and gradually build upon your knowledge. Consistent practice and exposure to real-world scenarios will contribute to becoming proficient in Elixir.

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