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Last active December 9, 2021 15:46
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#lang racket
(define (part-1)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(define input
(for/list ([ln (in-lines)])
(string->number ln)))
(for/fold ([n 0] [p (first input)])
([x (in-list (rest input))])
(values (if (> x p) (add1 n) n)
(define (part-2)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(define input
(for/list ([ln (in-lines)])
(string->number ln)))
(for/fold ([n 0] [s +Inf.0])
([(x y z) (in-parallel input (cdr input) (cddr input))])
(define sum
(+ x y z))
(values (if (> sum s) (add1 n) n)
#lang racket
(define (part-1)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(define-values (d h)
(for/fold ([depth 0] [horiz 0])
([cmd (sequence-map string-split (in-lines))])
(match cmd
[`("forward" ,n)
(values depth (+ horiz (string->number n)))]
[`("up" ,n)
(values (- depth (string->number n)) horiz)]
[`("down" ,n)
(values (+ depth (string->number n)) horiz)])))
(* d h))))
(define (part-2)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(define-values (_ d h)
(for/fold ([aim 0] [depth 0] [horiz 0])
([cmd (sequence-map (compose (match-lambda
[`(,c ,n) `(,c ,(string->number n))])
(match cmd
[`("forward" ,n)
(values aim (+ (* n aim) depth) (+ horiz n))]
[`("up" ,n)
(values (- aim n) depth horiz)]
[`("down" ,n)
(values (+ aim n) depth horiz)])))
(* d h))))
#lang racket
(define (part-1)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(define-values (ones n)
(for/fold ([acc (make-list 12 0)] [n 0])
([x (in-lines)])
(values (map + acc (map string->number (remf* (curry string=? "") (string-split x ""))))
(add1 n))))
(define-values (γ ε)
(for/fold ([γ 0] [ε 0])
([x ones])
(values (+ (* γ 2) (if (<= (- n x) x) 0 1))
(+ (* ε 2) (if (<= (- n x) x) 1 0)))))
(* γ ε))))
(define (part-2)
(with-input-from-file "input"
(let ([data
(for/list ([ln (in-lines)])
(map string->number
(remf* (curry string=? "") (string-split ln "")))))])
(define (most-common-bits xss)
(let ([ones
(for/fold ([sum (make-vector 12 0)])
([xs (in-list xss)])
(vector-map + sum xs))])
(for/vector ([n ones])
(if (> (- (length xss) n) n) 0 1))))
(define (invert-bits xs)
(for/vector ([x (in-vector xs)])
(if (= x 0) 1 0)))
(define (rate fn readings)
(for/fold ([elts readings])
([n (in-range 12)]
#:break (= (length elts) 1))
(let ([mcb (fn elts)])
(for/list ([elt (in-list elts)]
#:when (= (vector-ref elt n) (vector-ref mcb n)))
(define (bits->number xs)
(for/fold ([e 0])
([x (in-vector xs)])
(+ (* e 2) x)))
(* (bits->number (rate most-common-bits data))
(bits->number (rate (compose invert-bits most-common-bits) data)))))))
#lang racket
(require srfi/43)
(struct board ([win? #:mutable] [moves #:mutable] rows) #:transparent)
(define (read-data)
(define (read-board)
(for/list ([ln (in-lines)]
#:break (zero? (string-length ln)))
(for/vector ([n (in-list (regexp-split #px"\\s+" (string-trim ln)))])
(string->number n))))
(with-input-from-file "input"
(values (map string->number (string-split (read-line) ","))
(begin (read-line)
(for/list ([b (in-producer read-board (compose zero? length))])
(board #f '() b)))))))
(define (winning-board? board)
(or (for/or ([row (in-list (board-rows board))])
(for/and ([col (in-vector row)])
(eq? col '*)))
(apply vector-any (λ cols (andmap (curry eq? '*) cols)) (board-rows board))))
(define (apply-moves moves b)
(for* ([m (in-list moves)]
[row (in-list (board-rows b))]
[(col i) (in-indexed row)]
#:break (board-win? b))
(when (eqv? m col)
(vector-set! row i '*)
(set-board-win?! b (winning-board? b)))
(set-board-moves! b (cons m (board-moves b))))
(define (board-score board)
(* (car (board-moves board))
(for*/sum ([row (in-list (board-rows board))]
[col (in-vector row)]
#:unless (eq? col '*))
(define (find-winning-board rank moves boards)
(board-score (rank (compose length board-moves)
(filter board-win?
(map (curry apply-moves moves) boards)))))
(define (part-1)
(call-with-values read-data (curry find-winning-board argmin)))
(define (part-2)
(call-with-values read-data (curry find-winning-board argmax)))
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