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Created September 12, 2015 23:25
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module Main where
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
import Control.Exception
data Ctx = Ctx Connection
type DBResult = Either String ()
success :: Monad m => m DBResult
success = return $ Right ()
failure :: (Monad m, Exception e) => e -> m DBResult
failure e = return $ Left $ "Upgrade aborted: " ++ show e
newtype SQLUpgrade a = SQLUpgrade { runSQLUpgrade :: Ctx -> IO a }
instance Monad SQLUpgrade where
u >>= f = SQLUpgrade $ \ ctx -> do a <- runSQLUpgrade u ctx
runSQLUpgrade (f a) ctx
return x = SQLUpgrade $ \ _ -> return x
sql :: String -> SQLUpgrade DBResult
sql q = SQLUpgrade $ \ (Ctx c) -> (run c q [] >> success) `catchSql` failure
(∧) :: SQLUpgrade DBResult -> SQLUpgrade DBResult -> SQLUpgrade DBResult
u ∧ v = SQLUpgrade $ \ ctx -> do a <- runSQLUpgrade u ctx
case a of
Left msg -> return $ Left msg
Right () -> runSQLUpgrade v ctx
(∨) :: SQLUpgrade DBResult -> SQLUpgrade DBResult -> SQLUpgrade DBResult
u ∨ v = SQLUpgrade $ \ ctx -> do a <- runSQLUpgrade u ctx
case a of
Left _ -> runSQLUpgrade v ctx
Right () -> success
upgrade :: SQLUpgrade DBResult
upgrade =
sql "CREATE TABLE Doc (id INTEGER NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(75), data BLOB)" ∧
sql "UPDATE Doc SET fileName = title"
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- connectSqlite3 "upgrade.db"
r <- runSQLUpgrade upgrade (Ctx c)
putStrLn $ show r
commit c
disconnect c
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