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Last active January 5, 2021 16:12
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The morphism Spec R[x] --> Spec R, induced by the natural inclusion C : R --> R[x], is an open map.
import algebraic_geometry.prime_spectrum
import ring_theory.polynomial.basic
open ideal polynomial prime_spectrum set
The morphism `Spec R[x] --> Spec R` induced by the natural inclusion `R --> R[x]`
is an open map.
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {P : ideal R}
/-- `quoisintdomain` shows that if `P` is a prime ideal of `R`,
then `R[x]/(P)` satisfies is_integral_domain. -/
lemma quoisintdomain (H : is_prime P) :
is_integral_domain (quotient (map C P : ideal (polynomial R))) :=
ring_equiv.is_integral_domain (polynomial (quotient P))
(integral_domain.to_is_integral_domain (polynomial (quotient P)))
(polynomial_quotient_equiv_quotient_polynomial P).symm
/-- `liftprime` shows that if `P` is a prime ideal of `R`,
then `P.R[x]` is a prime ideal of `R[x]`. -/
lemma liftprime (H : is_prime P) : is_prime (map C P : ideal (polynomial R)) :=
(quotient.is_integral_domain_iff_prime (map C P : ideal (polynomial R))).mp (quoisintdomain H)
/-- `image_of_Df` is the subset of `Spec R[x]` that we will prove is the image of
the non-vanishing set of `f`. -/
def image_of_Df (f : polynomial R) :=
{p : prime_spectrum R | ∃ i : ℕ , (coeff f i) ∉ p.1}
lemma std_aff_is_open (a : R) : is_open ({p : prime_spectrum R | a ∉ p.1 }) :=
refine ⟨{a} , ext (λ x, ⟨λ xh, _,λ xh, _⟩)⟩;
simpa only [mem_zero_locus, not_not, mem_set_of_eq, singleton_subset_iff, mem_compl_eq] using xh,
lemma total_image (f : polynomial R) :
is_open ({p : prime_spectrum R | ∃ i : ℕ , coeff f i ∉ p.1 }) :=
rw set_of_exists (λ i (x : prime_spectrum R), coeff f i ∉ x.val),
exact is_open_Union (λ i, std_aff_is_open (coeff f i)),
lemma fincN (f : polynomial R) :
f ∈ ideal.span {tt : polynomial R | ∃ i : ℕ ,tt = (C (coeff f i))} :=
conv_lhs {rw as_sum_support f},
refine submodule.sum_mem _ (λ i hi, _),
rw [← C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial, mul_comm],
refine submodule.smul_mem _ _ (submodule.subset_span ⟨i, rfl⟩),
/-- `imma_f2ind` shows that the image of `Df` is contained in an open set
(with which it actually coincides). -/
lemma imma_f2ind (f : polynomial R) (I : prime_spectrum (polynomial R)) :
f ∉ I.1 → ∃ i : ℕ , coeff f i ∉ (prime_spectrum.comap (polynomial.C : R →+* polynomial R) I).1 :=
intros cini,
have anc1 : {tt : polynomial R | ∃ (i : ℕ), tt = C (f.coeff i)} ⊆ I.val,
{ rintros tt ⟨i, rfl⟩,
exact (submodule.mem_coe I.val).mpr (cini i) },
have anc3 : (span {tt : polynomial R | ∃ (i : ℕ), tt = C (f.coeff i)}).1 ⊆ I.val :=
bInter_subset_of_mem anc1,
{ refine (anc3) (fincN f), },
/-- `imma_spec` shows that if a point of `Spec R[x]` is not contained in the vanishing set of `f`,
then its image in `Spec R` is contained in the open where at least one of the coefficients
of `f` is non-zero. This lemma is a reformulation of `imma_f2ind`. -/
lemma imma_spec {f : polynomial R} {I : prime_spectrum (polynomial R)}
(H : I ∈ (prime_spectrum.zero_locus {f} : set (prime_spectrum (polynomial R)))ᶜ ) :
prime_spectrum.comap (polynomial.C : R →+* polynomial R) I ∈ image_of_Df f :=
refine imma_f2ind f I _,
rw [mem_compl_eq, mem_zero_locus, singleton_subset_iff] at H,
exact H,
theorem Rx2Ropen :
is_open_map (prime_spectrum.comap (polynomial.C : R →+* polynomial R)) :=
rintros U ⟨fs, cl⟩,
have funis : fs = (⋃ i : fs , {i.1}),
{ refine ext (λ x, ⟨λ hf, mem_Union.mpr (Exists.intro ⟨x, hf⟩ (mem_singleton x)), _⟩),
rintro ⟨-, ⟨⟨-, xfs⟩, rfl⟩, ⟨⟩⟩,
exact xfs },
rw [funis, zero_locus_Union] at cl,
have uuni : U = (⋂ (i : ↥fs), zero_locus {i.val})ᶜ,
{ obtain F := (congr_arg compl cl).symm,
rwa compl_compl at F },
rw [uuni, compl_Inter, image_Union],
refine is_open_Union (λ f, _),
convert total_image f.1,
refine ext (λ x, ⟨_, λ hx, ⟨⟨map C x.1, (liftprime x.2)⟩, ⟨_, _⟩⟩⟩),
{ rintro ⟨xli, complement, rfl⟩,
exact imma_spec complement },
{ rw [mem_compl_eq, mem_zero_locus, singleton_subset_iff],
cases hx with i hi,
exact λ a, hi ( a i) },
{ refine subtype.ext (ext (λ x, ⟨λ h, _, λ h, submodule.subset_span (mem_image_of_mem C.1 h)⟩)),
rw ← @coeff_C_zero _ x,
exact h 0}
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