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Created February 3, 2024 23:00
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A simple-minded script for adding deprecation statements to carefully prepared PRs
#! /bin/bash
if [ -z "${1}" ]
commit="$( git merge-base master "$( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD )" )"
read -p $'Type a commit number such that all diff lines containing `theorem/def`
correspond to deprecated declarations (use '"'${commit}'"' otherwise):
' comm
[ -n "${comm}" ] && commit=${comm}
git cat-file -e "${commit}" || exit 1
## `mkDeclAndDepr <file>` outputs a single line of the form
## `@[deprecated xxx]|||alias yyy :=||| xxx -- deprecated on yyyy-mm-dd@@@`
## for each modified declaration in `<file>`.
## The separators `@@@` delimit different declarations.
## The separators `|||` are later replaced by line breaks.
mkDeclAndDepr () {
git diff --unified=0 "${commit}" "${1}" |
awk -v date="$( date +%Y-%m-%d )" 'function depr(ol,ne) {
return sprintf("@[deprecated %s]|||alias %s :=||| %s -- deprecated on %s", ne, ol, ne, date)
/^-[^+-]*(theorem|lemma)/ {
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (($i ~ /theorem$/) || ($i ~ /lemma$/)) { old=$(i+1) }
/^+[^+-]*(theorem|lemma)/ {
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (($i ~ /theorem$/) || ($i ~ /lemma$/)) {
sub(/^+/, "", $i)
printf("%s %s ,%s@@@", $i, $(i+1), depr(old, $(i+1)))
## `addDeprecations <file>` adds the deprecation statements to `<file>`,
## using the first new line after the start of each declaration as position
addDeprecations () {
awk -v data="$( mkDeclAndDepr "${1}" )" 'BEGIN{
split(data, pairs, "@@@") ## we setup the data:
for(i in pairs) {
if (pairs[i] ~ ",") {
split(pairs[i], declDepr, ",")
lines[i]=declDepr[1] ## `lines` contains `theorem/lemma name`s
deprs[i]=declDepr[2] ## `deprs` contains the deprecation statements
## scanning the file, if we find an entries of `lines`, the we assign `currDep`
} /theorem|lemma/ { for(l in lines) { if ($0 ~ lines[l]) { found=1; currDep=deprs[l] } } } {
## when we find the next empty line, we print the deprecation statement in `currDep`
if ((found == 1) && (NF == 0)) {
printf("\n%s\n", currDep)
} ## we print all the lines anyway
print $0 }
END{ # in case the statement to deprecate is the last of the file
if (found == 1) { printf("\n%s\n", currDep) } }' "${1}" |
sed 's=|||=\n=g'
## loops through the changed files and runs `addDeprecations` on each one of them
while [ -f "${new}" ]; do new=${new}0; done
for fil in $( git diff --name-only ${commit} ); do
printf $'Processing %s\n' "${fil}"
addDeprecations "${fil}" > "${new}" ; mv "${new}" "${fil}"
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