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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Make a ribosomal RNA interval_list for Picard Tools
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Kamil Slowikowski
# Created: December 12, 2014
# Original:
# Modified: January 22, 2014
# António Domingues
# Added arguments - easier to run and choose species
# rRNA coordinates can be in Bed format
## Usage
usage() {
echo " Usage: `basename $0` genomeVersion rRNA.bed"
echo " Creates a rRNA interval list suitable for RNASEQ-QC"
echo ""
echo "example: `basename $0` hg19 rRNA.[bed/GTF]"
echo ""
echo " The expected inputs are:"
echo " arg1=species as listed by UCSC genome browser"
echo " arg2=genomic locations of rRNAs either in bed format, or a Gencode GTF"
echo " Gencode files can be obtained from (hg19)"
echo " Look for the chromosome sizes file in the current folder, e.g. hg19.chrom.sizes. If not present it will download the information from UCSC."
exit 2
## are 2 arguments supplied?
if [ "$#" != "2" ]
exit 1
## set the input variables
export genome=$1
# 1. Download Chromosome sizes from the UCSC genome browser
if [[ ! -s $chrom_sizes ]]
echo "File with chromosome sizes was not found."
echo "Downloading from UCSC..."
mysql -N --user=genome -A -e \
"SELECT chrom,size FROM chromInfo ORDER BY size DESC;" $genome \
> $chrom_sizes
echo "Done."
# 2. rRNA interval_list file
## is it a bed file or a GTF?
filename=$(basename "$rRNA_file")
echo $extension
if [[ $extension == "bed" ]]
echo "rRNA is in $extension format"
# Output file suitable for Picard tools
# Sequence names and lengths. (Must be tab-delimited.)
perl -lane 'print "\@SQ\tSN:$F[0]\tLN:$F[1]\tAS:$ENV{'genome'}"' $chrom_sizes | \
grep -v _ \
>> $rRNA
# Intervals for rRNA transcripts.
cat $rRNA_file | \
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1, $2, $3, $6, $4}' | \
sort -k1V -k2n -k3n \
>> $rRNA
echo "rRNA interval file created. Have fun."
elif [[ $extension == "gtf" ]]
echo "rRNA is in $extension format"
# Output file suitable for Picard tools
# Sequence names and lengths. (Must be tab-delimited.)
perl -lane 'print "\@SQ\tSN:$F[0]\tLN:$F[1]\tAS:$ENV{'genome'}"' $chrom_sizes | \
grep -v _ \
>> $rRNA
# Intervals for rRNA transcripts.
grep 'gene_type "rRNA"' $rRNA_file | \
awk '$3 == "transcript"' | \
cut -f1,4,5,7,9 | \
perl -lane '
/transcript_id "([^"]+)"/ or die "no transcript_id on $.";
print join "\t", (@F[0,1,2,3], $1)
' | \
sort -k1V -k2n -k3n \
>> $rRNA
echo "rRNA interval file created. Have fun."
echo "Please make sure that the file format with the rNA locations is either bed or gtf, and the extension match 'bed' or 'gtf'."
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