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Created September 12, 2017 14:23
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This function computes the geoid and store the results as a grid. We have another function to do the pointwise computations.
function [latbp, lonbp, grid, windowSize] = geoidUndulationMod(model,nmax,varargin)
% [lonbp,LATD,GEOPOT_GRID] = geoidUndulation(MODEL,NMAX,VARARGIN)
% What this function does is calculating the geoid height of specific lon/ lat (location)
% Parameters it takes:
% 1. 'model': Name of *.mat file that contains cnm & snm. It also should come with maximum degree.
% All these steps are handled in ggmReader script, you should run it before. You can take the cnm & snm and pass them
% as inputs.
% 2. nmax is maximum degree of model to be used in geoid height calculation. Highest degrees will get you fine results but requires
% long time in computations (think of a good ram & cpu)
% 3. Optional arguments:
% Comming soon!
% 'subtract_normal_field'=3 .. coefficients C00, C20 are put equal to zero
% 'cnm'..matrix of spherical harmonic coefficients
% 'snm'..matrix of spherical harmonic coefficients
% 'Re' = reference radius of the body (m)
% 6378136.3 m for Earth (default)/other value
% 'gm'=geocentric gravitational constant (m3/s2)
% 3.986004415e14 m3/s2 for Earth (default)/other value
% The function tests, whether the grid has already been computed and stored.
% In the folder 'temp', computed geopotential grids are stored for speeding up the execution of the function.
% You may delete its contents if you wish.
% We save only grids which took more than 'time_limit_to_save_grids' seconds to compute (default 1 sec).
%% Default parameters
functional = 'gh';
subtract_normal_field = 1;
grid_stepd = floor(360 / nmax / 4 * 60) / 60;
time_limit_to_save_grids = 1;
i = 1;
while i <= length(varargin),
switch lower(varargin{i})
case 'functional'
functional = varargin{i + 1};
case 'grid_stepd'
grid_stepd = varargin{i + 1};
case 'subtract_normal_field'
subtract_normal_field=varargin{i + 1};
case 're'
Re = varargin{i + 1};
case 'gm'
gm = varargin{i + 1};
case 'cnm'
cnm = varargin{i + 1};
case 'snm'
snm = varargin{i + 1};
i = i + 2;
%% Check the path
% a simple way to check, whether also the subdirectories were added
if ~exist('asu-ch-0309.gfc' , 'file')
mfile = mfilename('fullpath');
[pathstr , name , ext] = fileparts(mfile);
%% Setting up
grid_stepm = grid_stepd * 60; % arcmin
nmax1 = nmax + 1;
if ~exist('cnm' , 'var') % If ``cnm`` is not exist as a variable
eval(['load ' model ]); % then load the model
% We could repeat this step for snm, but it doesn't matter. If we don't find either cnm, or snm then
% we will load coefficients from *.mat.
nmax_cnm = length(cnm) - 1; % We substract 1 because we added one in file Reader section.
if nmax_cnm < nmax
nmax = nmax_cnm;
nmax1 = nmax + 1;
fprintf('Model: %s, nmax=%d, half-wave: %.3g km\n' , model , nmax , 20e3/nmax);
fprintf('Grid step: %.3g deg = %.4g arcmin = %.3g km\n', grid_stepd, grid_stepm, grid_stepd/360*40e3);
if exist('functional' , 'var')
if strcmpi(functional , 'gh')
n_functional = 1;
label = 'geoid heights (m)';
% Here we could add some other functions, gravity gradient for instance, so that to be calculated
% within the same function. But one at a time.
% This feature was added to Mustafa Omer.
elseif strcmpi(functional,'ga')
n_functional = 2;
label='gravity anomaly (m/s2)';
elseif strcmpi(functional,'gd')
n_functional = 3;
label='gravity disturbance (m/s2)';
fprintf('Compute geoid grid: %s\n' , label);
if subtract_normal_field == 1
cnm(1:9 , 1:9) = cnm(1:9 , 1:9) - cnm_normal(8);
fprintf('Normal field was subtracted.\n');
elseif subtract_normal_field == 2
cnm(1,1) = 0;
fprintf('The central term C00 was zeroed.\n');
elseif subtract_normal_field == 3
cnm(1,1) = 0;
cnm(3,1) = 0;
fprintf('Coefficients C00, C20 were put equal to zero.\n');
fprintf('Normal field was not subtracted.\n');
Nlat = 180 / grid_stepd;
Nlon = 360 / grid_stepd;
% We'll write some modification here to make it possible for area calculation.
%latbp = [9:grid_stepd:22]
% latbp = 90 - (0 : Nlat) * 180 / Nlat;
% Comment the following three lines to override the calculation mode.
Nlat = (22-9)/grid_stepd;
Nlon = (39 - 20)/grid_stepd;
latbp = [9:grid_stepd:22];
lonbp = [20:grid_stepd:39];
Nlat = Nlat + 1;
colatd = 90 - latbp;
Ngrid = Nlon * Nlat;
fprintf('Number of points: %d = %.1f mil = %.1f mld\n' , Ngrid , Ngrid/1e6 , Ngrid/1e9);
%% Test, whether the grid is already computed
% In the folder 'temp' the computed geopotential grids are stored for speeding up the execution of the function.
% You may delete its contents if you wish.
% We save only grids which took more than 'time_limit_to_save_grids' seconds to compute.
filename = mfilename('fullpath');
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(filename);
temp_folder = [pathstr '/temp/'];
if ~exist(temp_folder, 'file')
fid = fopen([temp_folder 'readme.txt'] , 'w');
fprintf(fid,'%% This folder was created by function: geoidUndulation.m\n');
fprintf(fid,'%% In the folder ''temp'' the computed geopotential grids are stored for speeding up the execution of the function.\n');
fprintf(fid,'%% You may delete its contents if you wish.\n');
fprintf(fid,'%% We save only grids which took more than ''time_limit_to_save_grids'' seconds to compute.\n');
filename = sprintf('grid_%s_%d_%s_%03.3gm_subtr%d_SUDAN.mat', model, nmax, functional, grid_stepm, subtract_normal_field);
if exist(filename,'file')
fprintf('Loaded file: %s\n' , filename);
%% Computation
% The idea of this is to separate the equation into parts
% First we'll use the legendre function and pass to it the maximum degree, the order, and the geocentric latitute.
% Then we'll multiple the result, which we will assign it to some variable, by the cnm & snm coefficients.
h_waitbar = waitbar(0 , sprintf('Computation: %s ...',label));
Am = zeros(Nlat , nmax1);
Bm = zeros(Nlat , nmax1);
for m = 0 : nmax
m1 = m + 1;
Pnm = associatedLegendreFunction(nmax, m, colatd);
if n_functional == 1 % label = 'geoid heights (m)';
Am(:, m1) = Pnm * cnm(m1 : nmax1, m1);
Bm(:, m1) = Pnm * snm(m1 : nmax1, m1);
% Here we could pass functions like geoid disturbance, geoid anomaly, etc. It'd be great if we make the software
% Have some of ICGEM calculation service features.
% That might be added soon I guess.
% This functionallity was added to Mustafa Omer.
elseif n_functional == 2 %label='gravity anomaly (m/s2)';
Am(:,m1) = Pnm*((m-1:nmax-1)' .* cnm(m1:nmax1,m1));
Bm(:,m1) = Pnm*((m-1:nmax-1)' .* snm(m1:nmax1,m1));
elseif n_functional == 3 %label='gravity disturbance (m/s2)';
Am(:,m1) = Pnm*((m+1:nmax+1)' .* cnm(m1:nmax1,m1));
Bm(:,m1) = Pnm*((m+1:nmax+1)' .* snm(m1:nmax1,m1));
waitbar((m + 1) / nmax);
%lonbp = (0 : Nlon) * 360 / Nlon;
%lonbp = lonbp - 180;
lon = lonbp / rad;
cos_mlon = cos((0 : nmax)' * lon);
sin_mlon = sin((0 : nmax)' * lon);
if n_functional == 1
grid = Re * (Am * cos_mlon + Bm * sin_mlon);
% Here we should add some features like gravity disturbance, gravity anomaly, etc.
% This basically why we use these ifs, which we can get rid of.
% Now added
elseif n_functional==2 || n_functional==3
geopot_grid = gm/Re^2*(Am*cos_mlon+Bm*sin_mlon);
% This thing is for optimizing the function! we will use it to calculate the time that functions
% took to complete
% We have many ideas of how to optimize the function.
% One of them is to save the model that take more than *Time* to complete.
windowSize = 100;
toc1 = toc;
fprintf('Time of computation: %.0f sec = %.1f min\n' , toc1 , toc1 / 60);
% if toc1 > time_limit_to_save_grids
save([temp_folder filename], 'latbp' , 'lonbp' , 'grid', 'windowSize');
fprintf('Saved file: %s\n' , filename);
% end
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