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Created March 24, 2020 20:16
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  • Save adoprog/b4a62593d638aa878548287b1e139b5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adoprog/b4a62593d638aa878548287b1e139b5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compare local Docker images with the ones in Azure Container Registry (ACR)
$registry = "%registry name here, i.e. myregistry%"
$repositories = docker images --digests | % { $_ -replace " +", "," } | convertfrom-csv | where { $_.REPOSITORY.StartsWith($registry) } | group REPOSITORY
Write-Output "Found $($repositories.Count) local repositories from $($registry) registry"
foreach ($group in $repositories) {
$repository = $group.Name.Split('/')[1]
$remoteData = az acr repository show-tags -n $registry --repository $repository --detail | convertfrom-json
foreach ($localRepo in $group.Group) {
$localRepo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName REPO -NotePropertyValue $repository
$found = $false;
foreach ($remoteRepo in $remoteData ) {
if ($localRepo.TAG -eq $remoteRepo.Name) {
if ($localRepo.DIGEST -eq $remoteRepo.digest) {
$localRepo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName STATUS -NotePropertyValue "Up to date"
else {
$localRepo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName STATUS -NotePropertyValue "Outdated"
$found = $true;
$localRepo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName STATUS -NotePropertyValue "Not found"
Write-Output $group.Group | select REPO, TAG,@{
Label = "STATUS"
Expression =
switch ($_.Status)
'Not found' { $color = "93"; break }
'Up to date' { $color = "32"; break }
'Outdated' { $color = "31"; break }
default { $color = "0" }
$e = [char]27
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adoprog commented Mar 24, 2020



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