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Created October 8, 2013 19:33
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  • Save adorsk/6890224 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adorsk/6890224 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var audioContext = null;
var isPlaying = false; // Are we currently playing?
var startTime; // The start time of the entire sequence.
var current16thNote; // What note is currently last scheduled?
var tempo = 80; // tempo (in beats per minute)
var lookahead = 25.0; // How frequently to call scheduling function
//(in milliseconds)
var scheduleAheadTime = 0.1; // How far ahead to schedule audio (sec)
// This is calculated from lookahead, and overlaps
// with next interval (in case the timer is late)
var nextNoteTime = 0.0; // when the next note is due.
var noteResolution = 0; // 0 == 16th, 1 == 8th, 2 == quarter note
var noteLength = .1; // length of "beep" (in seconds)
var timerID = 0; // setInterval identifier.
var canvas, // the canvas element
canvasContext; // canvasContext is the canvas' context 2D
var last16thNoteDrawn = -1; // the last "box" we drew on the screen
var notesInQueue = []; // the notes that have been put into the web audio,
var pendingQ = [];
var scheduledQ = [];
var playingQ = [];
var mostRecentNoteTime = 0;
// First, let's shim the requestAnimationFrame API, with a setTimeout fallback
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function( callback ){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
function noteScheduler() {
// Add next notes to the pendingQ based on next lookahead and current BPS.
var spb = 60/tempo;
var currentTime = audioContext.currentTime;
var nextNoteTime = Math.ceil(currentTime/spb) * spb;
nextNoteTime = Math.max(mostRecentNoteTime + spb, nextNoteTime);
var newNotes = [];
for (var i = nextNoteTime; i < currentTime + 2*(lookahead/1000); i += spb){
var note = {
start: i,
length: noteLength
mostRecentNoteTime = i;
if (newNotes.length){
for (var i=0; i < newNotes.length; i++){
// while there are notes that will need to play before the next interval,
// schedule them and advance the pointer.
var idx = pendingQ.length;
var note = pendingQ[idx];
//if (note.start < audioContext.currentTime + scheduleAheadTime){
if (true){
timerID = window.setTimeout(noteScheduler, lookahead );
function scheduleNote(note) {
var osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
osc.connect( audioContext.destination );
osc.frequency.value = 440.0 + 110 * Math.round(3 * Math.random());
osc.start( note.start);
osc.stop( note.start + note.length );
function play() {
isPlaying = !isPlaying;
var osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
osc.connect( audioContext.destination );
osc.frequency.value = 440.0;
if (isPlaying) { // start playing
noteScheduler(); // kick off scheduling
return "stop";
} else {
window.clearTimeout( timerID );
return "play";
function addNotes(options){
options = options || {};
var bpm = options.bpm || 120;
var spb = 60.0/(bpm);
var numNotes = options.numNotes || 4;
var currentTime = audioContext.currentTime;
for (var i=0; i < numNotes; i++){
start: currentTime + (i * spb),
length: noteLength
function generateNotes(){
var notes = [];
var currentTime = audioContext.currentTime;
for (var i=0; i<5; i++){
notes.push({start: currentTime + (i * noteLength), length: noteLength});
return notes;
function loop() {
var currentTime = audioContext.currentTime;
var scheduledIdx = scheduledQ.length;
while (scheduledIdx--){
var note = scheduledQ[scheduledIdx];
if (note.start < currentTime){
var playingIdx = playingQ.length;
while (playingIdx--){
var note = playingQ[playingIdx];
if ((note.start + note.length )< currentTime){
// Add next notes.
addClass = function (el, cl) {
el.className += ' ' + cl;
removeClass = function (el, cl) {
var regex = new RegExp('(?:\\s|^)' + cl + '(?:\\s|$)');
el.className = el.className.replace(regex, ' ');
pulse = document.getElementById('pulse');
function onNoteStart(note){
console.log("started note: ", note);
removeClass(pulse, 'pulsing');
function onNoteStop(note){
console.log("stopped note: ", note);
addClass(pulse, 'pulsing');
function init(){
audioContext = new AudioContext();
requestAnimFrame(loop); // start the drawing loop.
window.addEventListener("load", init );
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