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Last active July 12, 2016 20:25
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debug script - log functions name in order to better understand the data-flow (it's not a subtle solution but I find it handy in some cases)
import sys
import re
import fileinput
import time
import pprint
import collections
def main():
with open('file.js', 'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()
temp = {}
lineno = 0
regex = re.compile('^((?!//).)*function.*{$')
for l in content:
lineno += 1
for m in []:
if m:
temp[lineno] =
for i in collections.OrderedDict(sorted(temp.items(), reverse=True)):
log = 'console.log("!!! {} !!!")\n'.format(pretty_print(content[i-1]))
content.insert(i, log)
with open("foo.js", "w") as f:
f.write(' '.join(content))
def pretty_print(log):
:param arg1: the string to clean
:type arg1: str
a = log.replace('\n', ' ').replace("\"", "'")
str_clean = a.translate ({ord(c): " " for c in "!@#$%^&*()[]{};:,./<>?\|`~-=_+"})
return str_clean
if __name__ == "__main__":
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