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Created October 1, 2016 03:08
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Matlab implementation of the Harris Corner Detector
function [ x, y, scores, Ix, Iy ] = harris_corners( image )
%HARRIS_CORNERS Extracts points with a high degree of 'cornerness' from
%RGB image matrix of type uint8
% Input - image = NxMx3 RGB image matrix
% Output - x = nx1 vector denoting the x location of each of n
% detected keypoints
% y = nx1 vector denoting the y location of each of n
% detected keypoints
% scores = an nx1 vector that contains the value (R) to which a
% a threshold was applied, for each keypoint
% Ix = A matrix with the same number of rows and columns as the
% input image, storing the gradients in the x-direction at each
% pixel
% Iy = A matrix with the same nuimber of rwos and columns as the
% input image, storing the gradients in the y-direction at each
% pixel
% compute the gradients, re-use code from HW2P, use window size of 5px
% convert image to grayscale first
G = rgb2gray(image);
% convert to double
G2 = im2double(G);
% create X and Y Sobel filters
horizontal_filter = [1 0 -1; 2 0 -2; 1 0 -1];
vertical_filter = [1 2 1; 0 0 0 ; -1 -2 -1];
% using imfilter to get our gradient in each direction
filtered_x = imfilter(G2, horizontal_filter);
filtered_y = imfilter(G2, vertical_filter);
% store the values in our output variables, for clarity
Ix = filtered_x;
Iy = filtered_y;
% Compute the values we need for the matrix...
% Using a gaussian blur, because I get more positive values after applying
% it, my values all skew negative for some reason...
f = fspecial('gaussian');
Ix2 = imfilter(Ix.^2, f);
Iy2 = imfilter(Iy.^2, f);
Ixy = imfilter(Ix.*Iy, f);
% set empirical constant between 0.04-0.06
k = 0.04;
num_rows = size(image,1);
num_cols = size(image,2);
% create a matrix to hold the Harris values
H = zeros(num_rows, num_cols);
% % get our matrix M for each pixel
for y = 6:size(image,1)-6 % avoid edges
for x = 6:size(image,2)-6 % avoid edges
% calculate means (because mean is sum/num pixels)
% generally, this algorithm calls for just finding a sum,
% but using the mean makes visualization easier, in my code,
% and it doesn't change which points are computed to be corners.
% Ix2 mean
Ix2_matrix = Ix2(y-2:y+2,x-2:x+2);
Ix2_mean = sum(Ix2_matrix(:));
% Iy2 mean
Iy2_matrix = Iy2(y-2:y+2,x-2:x+2);
Iy2_mean = sum(Iy2_matrix(:));
% Ixy mean
Ixy_matrix = Ixy(y-2:y+2,x-2:x+2);
Ixy_mean = sum(Ixy_matrix(:));
% compute R, using te matrix we just created
Matrix = [Ix2_mean, Ixy_mean;
Ixy_mean, Iy2_mean];
R1 = det(Matrix) - (k * trace(Matrix)^2);
% store the R values in our Harris Matrix
H(y,x) = R1;
% set threshold of 'cornerness' to 5 times average R score
avg_r = mean(mean(H));
threshold = abs(5 * avg_r);
[row, col] = find(H > threshold);
scores = [];
%get all the values
for index = 1:size(row,1)
%see what the values are
r = row(index);
c = col(index);
scores = cat(2, scores,H(r,c));
y = row;
x = col;
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