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Forked from jdp/
Created December 18, 2010 07:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import types
import operator
class Runtime:
def __init__(self, env={}, stack=[]):
self.env = {
# Primitive words, not an impressive base but it works
'.': lambda s,r: sys.stdout.write(repr(s.pop()) + "\n"),
'+': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.add),
'-': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.sub),
'*': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.mul),
'/': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.div),
'mod': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.mod),
'>': lambda s,r: self._math(s,,
'<': lambda s,r: self._math(s,,
'=': lambda s,r: self._math(s, operator.eq),
'f': lambda s,r: s.append(False),
'not': lambda s,r: s.append(not s.pop()),
'drop': lambda s,r: s.pop(),
'dup': lambda s,r: s.append(s[-1]),
'swap': self._swap,
'over': lambda s,r: s.append(s[-2]),
'clear': self._clear,
'quote': lambda s,r: s.append(list(s.pop())),
'call': self._call,
'r>': lambda s,r: r.append(s.pop()),
'>r': lambda s,r: s.append(r.pop()),
'?': self._which,
'curry': self._curry,
# Non-primitive words -- in essence, the prelude
'dip': ['swap', 'r>', 'call', '>r'],
'if': ['?', 'call'],
'when': ['swap', ['call'], ['drop'], 'if'],
'keep': ['over', ['call'], 'dip'],
'loop': [['call'], 'keep', ['loop'], 'curry', 'when']
self.stack = stack
self.frames = [] # Fudge of Factor's callstack
self.retain = [] # The retain stack, for >r and r>
def _swap(self, stack, retain):
stack[-1], stack[-2] = stack[-2], stack[-1]
def _clear(self, stack, retain):
del stack[:]
def _which(self, stack, retain):
falseq = stack.pop()
trueq = stack.pop()
stack.append(trueq if stack.pop() else falseq)
def _curry(self, stack, retain):
quot = stack.pop()[:]
quot.insert(0, stack.pop())
def _call(self, stack, retain):
if self.ptr < len(self.nodes) - 1:
self.frames.append((self.nodes, self.ptr + 1))
self.ptr, self.nodes = -1, self.stack.pop()
def _math(self, stack, func):
rhs = stack.pop()
lhs = stack.pop()
stack.append(func(lhs, rhs))
def evaluate(self, nodes):
self.nodes = nodes
self.retain, self.frames, self.ptr = [], [], 0
while True:
node = self.nodes[self.ptr]
# Strings are words, so a lookup is attempted.
if isinstance(node, str):
# Check if the word is defined in the environment.
if self.env.has_key(node):
defn = self.env[node]
# Python lists in the environment are quotations.
# They are from the prelude, or they are user-defined words.
if isinstance(defn, list):
# A call frame is only saved if the word being called
# is not the last word in the quotation.
# Tail-call optimization achieved. :)
if self.ptr < len(self.nodes) - 1:
self.frames.append((self.nodes, self.ptr + 1))
self.ptr, self.nodes = -1, defn
defn(self.stack, self.retain)
# To keep with Factor syntax, the : word-name definition... ;
# design choice was made. It would be entirely possible to
# have definitions be postfix as well, and probably more
# consistent with the implementation.
elif ':' == node:
name = self.nodes[self.ptr + 1]
body = []
self.ptr += 2
# Build a quotation until ; word is found, and add it to
# the environment.
while self.nodes[self.ptr] != ';':
self.ptr += 1
self.env[name] = body
raise NameError, "word %s not defined" % node
self.ptr += 1
# End of quotation reached, so pop off the call frame and
# start from there.
except IndexError:
(self.nodes, self.ptr) = self.frames.pop()
# No more call frames. Program is terminated.
except IndexError:
return self.stack
return self.stack
def read(s):
return parse(tokenize(s))
def tokenize(s):
return s.split()
def parse(tokens, depth=0):
program = []
if len(tokens) == 0:
return program
while len(tokens) > 0:
token = tokens.pop(0)
if '[' == token:
elif ']' == token:
return program
return program
def atom(token):
"Numbers become numbers; every other token is a symbol."
try: return int(token)
except ValueError:
try: return float(token)
except ValueError:
return str(token)
def repl():
runtime = Runtime()
while True:
result = runtime.evaluate(read(raw_input("> ")))
print "-- data stack --"
print "\n".join(map(lambda el: repr(el), result))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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