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Forked from manveru/pong.go
Created April 11, 2011 20:15
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package main
import (
A simple game of Pong.
Run `pong -h` for the available options.
Keyboard controls are:
j: paddle down
k: paddle up
p: pause
q: quit
On i686 you can build this with:
$ 8g pong.go && 8l pong.8
On x86_64, it's:
$ 6g pong.go && 6l pong.6
var worldHeight *int = flag.Int("height", 200, "Height of Game")
var worldWidth *int = flag.Int("width", 200, "Width of Game")
var paddleSpeed *int = flag.Int("player-speed", 4, "Speed of player paddle")
var enemySpeed *int = flag.Int("enemy-speed", 4, "Speed of enemy paddle")
var ballSpeed *int = flag.Int("ball-speed", 4, "Speed of the ball")
var showUsage *bool = flag.Bool("help", false, "Show help")
func main() {
sdl.WM_SetCaption("PonGo", "")
if *showUsage {
world := NewWorld(*worldHeight, *worldWidth)
go world.Run()
defer Quit(world)
type Ball struct {
vector *Vector2
velocity *Vector2
radius float64
speed float64
color uint32
func NewBall(x, y float64) (ball *Ball) {
ball = &Ball{
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
speed: float64(*ballSpeed),
radius: 2.0,
color: 0xffffff,
velocity := Vector2{X: float64(1 + rand.Intn(5)), Y: float64(rand.Intn(5))}
ball.velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(ball.speed)
func (self *Ball) Update(world *World) {
velocity := self.velocity
future := self.vector.Plus(velocity)
radius := self.radius
if velocity.Y < 0 && future.Y <= radius {
velocity.Y = -velocity.Y
if velocity.Y > 0 && future.Y >= (float64(world.Height)-radius) {
velocity.Y = -velocity.Y
if velocity.X < 0 {
paddle := world.Paddle
hit, _ := paddle.Hit(self.vector, future)
if hit {
velocity.X = -velocity.X
velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} else if future.X <= radius {
fmt.Println("Enemy scores")
velocity.X = -velocity.X
if velocity.X > 0 {
enemy := world.Enemy
hit, _ := enemy.Hit(self.vector, future)
if hit {
velocity.X = -velocity.X
velocity = velocity.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} else if future.X >= float64(world.Width) {
fmt.Println("Player scores")
velocity.X = -velocity.X
self.velocity = velocity
self.vector = self.vector.Plus(velocity)
func (self *Ball) Draw(world *World) {
world.Screen.FillRect(self.Rect(), self.color)
func (self *Ball) Rect() *sdl.Rect {
size := uint16(self.radius * 2)
x := self.vector.X - self.radius
y := self.vector.Y - self.radius
return &sdl.Rect{X: int16(x), Y: int16(y), W: size, H: size}
type Paddle struct {
vector *Vector2
target *Vector2
height, width, speed float64
color uint32
func NewPaddle(x, y, w, h float64) *Paddle {
return &Paddle{
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
target: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
height: h,
width: w,
color: 0x6666ff,
speed: float64(*paddleSpeed),
func (self *Paddle) Go(x, y float64) { = &Vector2{X: self.vector.X, Y: y}
func (self *Paddle) Update(world *World) {
goal :=
if goal.Length() > self.speed {
goal = goal.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
future := self.vector.Plus(goal)
if future.Y < (self.height / 2) {
if (future.Y + (self.height / 2)) > float64(world.Height) {
self.vector = future
func (self *Paddle) Draw(world *World) {
world.Screen.FillRect(self.Rect(), self.color)
func (self *Paddle) Rect() *sdl.Rect {
h := self.height
w := self.width
x := self.vector.X - float64(w/2)
y := self.vector.Y - float64(h/2)
return &sdl.Rect{X: int16(x), Y: int16(y), W: uint16(w), H: uint16(h)}
func (self *Paddle) Hit(past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// our front line
halfHeight := self.height / 2
halfWidth := self.width / 2
x0, y0 := (self.vector.X + halfWidth), (self.vector.Y - halfHeight)
x1, y1 := (self.vector.X + halfWidth), (self.vector.Y + halfHeight)
return self.hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1, past, future)
type Enemy struct {
func NewEnemy(x, y, w, h float64) *Enemy {
return &Enemy{
Paddle: Paddle{
width: w,
height: h,
color: 0xff6666,
speed: float64(*enemySpeed),
target: &Vector2{X: 0, Y: 0},
vector: &Vector2{X: x, Y: y},
func (self *Enemy) Hit(past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// our front line
halfHeight := self.height / 2
halfWidth := self.width / 2
x0, y0 := (self.vector.X - halfWidth), (self.vector.Y - halfHeight)
x1, y1 := (self.vector.X - halfWidth), (self.vector.Y + halfHeight)
return self.hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1, past, future)
func (self *Paddle) hitCore(x0, y0, x1, y1 float64, past, future *Vector2) (hit bool, place *Vector2) {
// line between past and future
x2, y2 := past.X, past.Y
x3, y3 := future.X, future.Y
d := (x1-x0)*(y3-y2) - (y1-y0)*(x3-x2)
if math.Fabs(d) < 0.001 {
} // never hit since parallel
ab := ((y0-y2)*(x3-x2) - (x0-x2)*(y3-y2)) / d
if ab > 0.0 && ab < 1.0 {
cd := ((y0-y2)*(x1-x0) - (x0-x2)*(y1-y0)) / d
if cd > 0.0 && cd < 1.0 {
linx := x0 + ab*(x1-x0)
liny := y0 + ab*(y1-y0)
hit = true
place = &Vector2{X: linx, Y: liny}
// no hit
func (self *Enemy) Update(world *World) {
if world.Ball.velocity.X > 0 {
targetY := world.Ball.vector.Y
targetX := self.vector.X
goal := (&Vector2{X: targetX, Y: targetY}).Minus(self.vector)
if goal.Length() > self.speed {
goal = goal.Normalize().MultiplyNum(self.speed)
} = goal
future := self.vector.Plus(
if future.Y < (self.height / 2) {
if (future.Y + (self.height / 2)) > float64(world.Height) {
self.vector = future
type World struct {
running bool
pause bool
Height, Width int
Screen *sdl.Surface
Ball *Ball
Paddle *Paddle
Enemy *Enemy
Score *Score
func NewWorld(height, width int) *World {
return &World{
Height: height,
Width: width,
Screen: NewSurface(width, height),
Ball: NewBall(float64(width)/2, float64(height)/2),
Paddle: NewPaddle(5, float64(height)/2, 5, 30),
Enemy: NewEnemy(float64(width-5), float64(height)/2, 5, 30),
Score: NewScore(),
running: true,
pause: false,
func (self *World) HandleEvents() {
for self.running {
e := &sdl.Event{}
for e.Poll() {
switch e.Type {
case sdl.QUIT:
self.running = false
case sdl.KEYDOWN:
switch sdl.GetKeyName(sdl.Key(e.Keyboard().Keysym.Sym)) {
case "p":
self.pause = !self.pause
case "j":
self.Paddle.Go(0, self.Paddle.vector.Y+self.Paddle.speed)
case "k":
self.Paddle.Go(0, self.Paddle.vector.Y-self.Paddle.speed)
case "q":
self.running = false
motion := e.MouseMotion()
self.Paddle.Go(float64(motion.X), float64(motion.Y))
func (self *World) Run() {
for self.running {
if !self.pause {
func (self *World) Update() {
func (self *World) Draw() {
self.Screen.FillRect(nil, 0x0)
center := &sdl.Rect{X: int16(self.Width/2) - 1, Y: 0, H: 200, W: 2}
self.Screen.FillRect(center, 0x333333)
type Score struct {
Enemy int
Paddle int
color *sdl.Color
func NewScore() (score *Score) {
score = &Score{
color: &sdl.Color{255, 255, 255, 0},
Enemy: 0,
Paddle: 0,
return score
func (self *Score) Draw(world *World) {
pRect := &sdl.Rect{
X: int16(world.Paddle.width + world.Paddle.vector.X),
Y: 3, W: 3, H: 3,
for p := self.Paddle; p > 0; p-- {
pRect.X += 6
world.Screen.FillRect(pRect, 0x6666ff)
if int(pRect.X) > world.Width {
fmt.Println("You Win!")
world.running = false
eRect := &sdl.Rect{
X: int16(world.Enemy.vector.X - world.Enemy.width),
Y: int16(world.Height - 6), W: 3, H: 3,
for e := self.Enemy; e >= 0; e-- {
eRect.X -= 6
world.Screen.FillRect(eRect, 0xff6666)
if eRect.X <= 0 {
fmt.Println("You Lose!")
world.running = false
type Vector2 struct {
X, Y float64
func (self *Vector2) Normalize() *Vector2 {
length := self.Length()
return &Vector2{X: (self.X / length), Y: (self.Y / length)}
func (self *Vector2) MultiplyNum(other float64) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X * other), Y: (self.Y * other)}
func (self *Vector2) Plus(other *Vector2) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X + other.X), Y: (self.Y + other.Y)}
func (self *Vector2) Minus(other *Vector2) *Vector2 {
return &Vector2{X: (self.X - other.X), Y: (self.Y - other.Y)}
func (self *Vector2) Length() float64 {
return math.Sqrt((self.X * self.X) + (self.Y * self.Y))
func NewSurface(height int, width int) (surface *sdl.Surface) {
surface = sdl.SetVideoMode(height, width, 32, 0)
if surface == nil {
func sdlSetup() (world *World) {
if sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0 {
sdl.EnableKeyRepeat(25, 25)
func Quit(world *World) {
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