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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Save adregan/32b1246c507d6c81647c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This simple little database server uses only standard libraries and runs with python 3.

Getting started


Or, if you prefer virtual environments:

pyvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Navigate to localhost:4000

import http.server
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json
DATA = {}
class Database(object):
''' A simple database object that can get and set data.
def __init__(self, data_location):
# Initializes with a data location
self._data_location = data_location
# Loads the data into = self._load_data()
def _load_data(self):
# Makes a copy of the data so that we don't accidentally
# blow away our data or modify the original directly.
data = self._data_location.copy()
return data
def _store_data(self):
# Storing data merges the old data and the new data
def get(self, key):
''' Takes a key to lookup as an argument.
Raises an error if the key isn't found.
except KeyError as error:
raise KeyError(
'The key `{key}` is not in the database'.format(key=key)
def set(self, key, value):
''' Takes a key and a value and sets the key on the data object.
# if the key exists, this is an update, return the status 200
_ = self.get(key)
status = 200
except KeyError as err:
# if the key didn't exist, we are creating, return a 201
status = 201[key] = value
# Call store data to save the change on the data store
return status
class DefaultHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def request_path(self):
# Returns the path portion of the URI without the query
return urlparse(self.path).path
def query_string(self):
# Returns only the query portion of the path
return urlparse(self.path).query
def db(self):
# Returns a connection to the database
return Database(DATA)
def do_GET(self):
if self.request_path == '/':
# The root handler returns an dictionary with all of the data
return self.respond(200,
elif self.request_path == '/set':
# First check for the query `?somekey=somevalue`.
# Return an error if it is missing
if not self.query_string:
body = {
'title': 'Missing Query',
'detail': 'Please provide a query listing the key '\
'(eg. `/get?somekey=somevalue`).'
return self.respond(status_code=400, body=body)
# Split the query on the equals sign and assign key and value
key, value = self.query_string.split('=')
# Set the data in the database and store the status
# (ie. was this a create or update event?)
status = self.db.set(key, value)
# Return success
return self.respond(status, {key: value})
elif self.request_path == '/get':
# First check for the query `?key=somekey`.
# Return an error if it is missing
if not self.query_string:
body = {
'title': 'Missing Query',
'detail': 'Please provide a query listing the key '\
'(eg. `/get?key=somekey`).'
return self.respond(status_code=400, body=body)
# Split the query
split_query = self.query_string.split('=')
# If the query isn't requesting a key, return an error
if split_query[0] != 'key':
body = {
'title': 'Query Error',
'detail': 'Query must be in the format `/get?key=somekey`.'
return self.respond(status_code=400, body=body)
key = split_query[1]
# Try to fetch the key from the database
value = self.db.get(key)
except KeyError as err:
# If the key doesn't exist, handle the error
# and return an error message
body = {
'title': 'Key Error',
'detail': err.args[0]
return self.respond(status_code=400, body=body)
# Return the data
return self.respond(200, {key: value})
# 404 handler
body = {
'title': 'Resource not found',
'detail': 'This URL doesn\'t exist!'
return self.respond(status_code=404, body=body)
def respond(self, status_code, body=None):
''' Respond takes a status code and an optional body.
if body != None and isinstance(body, (object)):
# Checks for the existence of the body, and if it's a dictionary,
# sets the content type to JSON and serialize the object.
content_type = 'application/json'
response_body = json.dumps(body)
# The default content type is text/html
content_type = 'text/html'
response_body = body if body else ''
# Send headers and set status codes and write the response
self.send_header('Content-type', content_type)
server = http.server.HTTPServer(('', 4000), DefaultHandler)
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