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Last active October 17, 2023 13:56
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Simple Analytics snippets
<script type="text/javascript">
// We enclose our code in an anonymous function, so it does not interfere with other code
(function () {
// What keyword should the links contain to create events for?
// If the URL is something like
// keyword = "/product/"
var keyword = "*"; // use * to track all buttons
// Name for the event
var eventName = "button_click";
// This function binds an events to a link
function bindToButtons(element) {
// We check if the keyword is filled in
if (!keyword && keyword !== "*")
return console.warn("Simple Analytics: No keyword set");
// Filter the links we want to bind to
if (!element.textContent.indexOf(keyword) === -1 && keyword !== "*") return;
// We use dataset to check if we already added our event to this link
if (element.dataset.simpleAnalytics) return;
element.dataset.simpleAnalytics = "button-event";
// Here we listen for links that are submitted
element.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
// Stop when we already handled this event
if (element.dataset.simpleAnalyticsClicked) return;
// If the Simple Analytics script is not loaded, we don't do anything
if (!window.sa_loaded) return;
// We prevent the visitor from being navigated away, because we do this later after sa_event
// We look for a button in the link to find the button text
var text = element.textContent
? element.textContent.trim()
: null;
// We add this text to the metadata of our event
var metadata = {
text: text,
id: element.getAttribute("id"),
classes: element.getAttribute("class"),
// We send the event to Simple Analytics
window.sa_event(eventName, metadata, function () {
// Now we click the link for real
element.dataset.simpleAnalyticsClicked = "true";;
// This function finds all links and passes it to the bindToButtons function
function onDOMContentLoaded() {
// This code runs the onDOMContentLoaded function when the page is done loading
if (document.readyState === "ready" || document.readyState === "complete") {
} else {
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (event) {
if ( === "complete") onDOMContentLoaded();
// If there is no MutationObserver, we skip the following logic
if (!window.MutationObserver)
return console.warn("Simple Analytics: MutationObserver not found");
// We look for new link elements when the MutationObserver detects a change
var callback = function (mutationList) {
mutationList.forEach(function (mutation) {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) {
// We look for link elements in the page
if (node && node.tagName === "BUTTON") bindToButtons(node);
// This is the observer that detects changes on the page
// it can happen that new links are created after the inital page load
// For example, in a modal that pops up to change some data.
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Here we start observing the page for changes
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// We enclose our code in an anonymous function, so it does not interfere with other code
(function () {
// Name for the event
var event = "form_submit";
// This function binds an events to a form
function bindToForms(element) {
// We use dataset to check if we already added our event to this form
if (element.dataset.simpleAnalytics) return;
element.dataset.simpleAnalytics = "submit-event";
// Here we listen for forms that are submitted
element.addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
// If the Simple Analytics script is not loaded, we don't do anything
if (!window.sa_loaded) return;
// We prevent the form from being submitted, because we do this later after sa_event
// We look for a button in the form to find the button text
var button = element.querySelector('[type="submit"], .button, .btn');
var text = button ? button.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() : null;
// We add some values to the metadata of our event
var metadata = {
button: text,
action: element.action,
id: element.getAttribute("id"),
classes: element.getAttribute("class")
// We send a form_submit event to Simple Analytics
window.sa_event(event, metadata, function () {
// Now we submit the form for real
// This function finds all forms and passes it to the bindToForms function
function onDOMContentLoaded() {
// This code runs the onDOMContentLoaded function when the page is done loading
if (document.readyState === "ready" || document.readyState === "complete") {
} else {
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (event) {
if ( === "complete") onDOMContentLoaded();
// If there is no MutationObserver, we skip the following logic
if (!window.MutationObserver)
return console.warn("Simple Analytics: MutationObserver not found");
// We look for new form elements when the MutationObserver detects a change
var callback = function (mutationList) {
mutationList.forEach(function (mutation) {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) {
// We look for form elements in the page
if (node && node.tagName === "FORM") bindToForms(node);
// This is the observer that detects changes on the page
// it can happen that new forms are created after the inital page load
// For example, in a modal that pops up to change some data.
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Here we start observing the page for changes
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
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