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adriaanm / vpm_opt_bench.scala
Created November 28, 2011 16:08
virtpatmat compilation of a match and various hand-coded optimizations
import improving.benchmark.Benchmark.Race
val list = List(1, 3, 4, 7)
val race = Race(() => fastMatch(list), () => virtMatch_no_option(list))(100000).converge()
def fastMatch(x1: List[Int]) = {
x1 match {
case 1 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: x => println("nope")
case 1 :: 3 :: 4 :: 6 :: x => println("nope") // only need to test whether the previous case failed due to the third element not being 5, and whether third element is 6
adriaanm / gist:1446946
Created December 8, 2011 13:06
[adriaan@lampmac13 scala (topic/virtpatmat)]$ qsc -Yvirtpatmat -Xprint:typer test/files/run/virtpatmat_alts.scala
sharedPrefix: List()
collapsedTreeMakers: List(AlternativesTreeMaker(value x1,List(if (
if (true.==(x1._1))
val x4: Boolean = x1._1;
if (true.==(x1._2))
val x5: Boolean = x1._2;
scala.this.Some[(Boolean, Boolean)](x1)
adriaanm / virtpatmat_skolems.scala
Created February 23, 2012 14:43
breaking virtpatmat with skolems
// exploring skolems/existentials that stem from scrutinee.tpe/unapply-type-params,
// and how they break virtpatmat
object Test {
object UnBounded {
def unapply[A](xs: UnBounded[A]): Option[A] = Some(xs.el)
class UnBounded[T](val el: T)
object Bounded {
def unapply[A <: Ord[A]](xs: Bounded[A]): Option[A] = Some(xs.el)
adriaanm / virtpatmat_scala.scala
Created February 24, 2012 11:03
Introducing virtpatmat
trait VirtualizeMatch {
type Pure[T] = T
type Monad[T] = Option[T]
object __match {
def zero: Monad[Nothing] = None
def one[T](x: Pure[T]): Monad[T] = Some(x)
def guard[T](cond: Pure[Boolean], then: => Pure[T]): Monad[T] = if(cond) Some(then) else None
def runOrElse[T, U](in: Pure[T])(matcher: Pure[T] => Monad[U]): Pure[U] = matcher(in) getOrElse (throw new MatchError(in))
def isSuccess[T, U](x: Pure[T])(f: Pure[T] => Monad[U]): Pure[Boolean] = !f(x).isEmpty
adriaanm / patmat_gadt.scala
Created February 27, 2012 17:05
why the old GADT typing rules are wrong
class TestPos2 {
class Base[+T]
case class C[T](x: T) extends Base[T]
def foo[T](b: Base[T]): T =
b match {
case C(x) =>
// since b: Base[T] and Base is covariant in T, b: Base[X forSome {type X <: T}], where we may assume Base to be invariant in its first type parameter
// thus, since b is actually a C[U], we may assume that U =:= X forSome {type X <: T}
// hence, x: X forSome {type X <: T}, or, by subsumption, x: T
adriaanm / fb_delete_allgroupmembers.js
Created March 2, 2012 23:55
delete all members of a fb group -- c'mon facebook, how hard can it be?
// first go to
// then paste this in the javascript console
deleteAll = [];
deleteAll.elms = [];
deleteAll.canClick = function (el) {
return (typeof el != 'undefined') && (typeof != 'undefined');
deleteAll.load = function() {
default = tracking
requireForce = false
lineNumber = true
extendedRegexp = true
# relative, local, default, iso, rfc, and short
date = relative
Buildfile: /Users/adriaan/git/scala-build/build.xml
[echo] Updating bootstrap libs. (To do this by hand, run ./
[exec] Resolving [943cd5c8802b2a3a64a010efb86ec19bac142e40/lib/ant/ant-contrib.jar]
[exec] Resolving [3fc1e35ca8c991fc3488548f7a276bd9053c179d/lib/ant/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar]
[exec] Resolving [7b456ca6b93900f96e58cc8371f03d90a9c1c8d1/lib/ant/ant.jar]
[exec] Resolving [7e50e3e227d834695f1e0bf018a7326e06ee4c86/lib/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar]

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adriaanm /
Created October 19, 2012 00:36
rewire sbt's directory structure so it adheres to a standard eclipse can deal with
for SRC in `find $BASE -not -path '*/src*/*' -name '*.scala'`;do
PKG=`grep "^\s*package " $SRC | perl -pse 's/\s*package\s*(\w*?)\b/package $1/' | tr -d '\r' | tr -d ';' | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr '\n.' '//'`
mkdir -p `dirname $SRC`/src/main/scala/$PKG
ln -s $SRC `dirname $SRC`/src/main/scala/$PKG`basename $SRC`