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Created February 23, 2015 14:40
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Kakuro solver in Python
import itertools
from copy import deepcopy
def possible_combinations(values, n, total):
# generate all combinations of given values with given sum
return [combination for combination in itertools.combinations(values, n) if sum(combination) == total]
def make_aval(board, clues):
Generates a set of all digits you can use in each cell, just like you do in sudoku board
for total, coords in clues:
# a set of all the digits you can use, excluding the ones already used
all_aval = set(range(1, 10)) - set(board[coord]["val"] for coord in coords)
# a number of all cells you still have to fill
n_empty = len([1 for coord in coords if board[coord]["val"] == 0])
# a sum you have to get, minus the numbers already written
total -= sum(board[coord]["val"] for coord in coords)
# all combinations of digits you can enter
combinations = possible_combinations(all_aval, n_empty, total)
# a set of all the digits you can enter in these cells based on this clue
all_aval = {num for combination in combinations for num in combination}
# only these digits can be used in these cells, so let's intersect the available digit sets
for coord in coords:
board[coord]["aval"] &= all_aval
def load_data():
first_board = {}
clues = []
_, *lines = open("inputs.txt").read().splitlines()
for line in lines:
total, *coords = line.split()
for coord in coords:
first_board[coord] = {"val": 0, "aval": set(range(1, 10))}
clues.append((int(total), coords))
return first_board, clues
def print_board(board):
for key in sorted(board):
print(key, board[key])
def main():
boards = []
solutions = []
first_board, clues = load_data()
# while there are still not-finished boards to analyze:
while boards:
# take the last one
board = boards.pop()
# generate all the available digits
make_aval(board, clues)
# if there is any empty cell with no available digits, the board is invalid
if any(cell["val"] == 0 and len(cell["aval"]) == 0 for cell in board.values()):
# if all cells are filled, we've found a solution
if all(cell["val"] != 0 for cell in board.values()):
# find the first empty cell you can try filling
coord = next(coord for coord in sorted(board) if board[coord]["val"] == 0)
# for each digit you can use in this cell:
for candidate in board[coord]["aval"]:
new_board = deepcopy(board)
# insert this digit in this cell
new_board[coord]["val"] = candidate
for solution in solutions:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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dandax123 commented Apr 1, 2019

Please, can you give a sample input format and a sample output format.
Also can this code check if multiple possible solutions exists

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