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Created April 7, 2018 00:11
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Simple implementation of the AWSIndentityManager
class AWSIdentityManager(context: Context) : IdentityManager {
* The stored "current user" object
private val mutableCurrentUser: MutableLiveData<User> = MutableLiveData()
* Reference to cognito user pools
private val userPool: CognitoUserPool
init {
val awsConfig = AWSConfiguration(context)
userPool = CognitoUserPool(context, awsConfig)
mutableCurrentUser.value = null
* Property for the current user record - null if the user is not signed in
override val currentUser: LiveData<User?> = mutableCurrentUser
* Sign in with a username / password
override fun signin(username: String, password: String) {
val cognitoUser = userPool.currentUser
val authHandler = object : AuthenticationHandler {
override fun onSuccess(userSession: CognitoUserSession?, newDevice: CognitoDevice?) {
val internalUser = User(cognitoUser.userId, userSession.username)
mutableCurrentUser.value = internalUser
override fun onFailure(exception: Exception?) {
// Do something with the failure here - this probably means setting an
// error property and then setting state to FAILED, which is picked up
// via LiveData<> observers
override fun getAuthenticationDetails(continuation: AuthenticationContinuation?, userId: String?) {
val authDetails = AuthenticationDetails(username, password, null)
override fun authenticationChallenge(continuation: ChallengeContinuation?) {
// Custom challenge (e.g. TOTP) - handle the same way as MFA codes
override fun getMFACode(continuation: MultiFactorAuthenticationContinuation?) {
// If you need to deal with MFA, do it here - generally speaking, add a state
// to the repository that is mutated according to the requirements. The activity
// (via the view model and observers) puts up an MFA request and submits
* Sign out of the system
override fun signout() {
val cognitoUser = userPool.currentUser
mutableCurrentUser.value = null
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