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from boto.ec2.autoscale import AutoScalingGroup, LaunchConfiguration, ScalingPolicy | |
from boto.ec2.cloudwatch import MetricAlarm | |
AMI_ID = 'your ami id here' | |
KEY_NAME = 'your key pair name here' | |
LOAD_BALANCER_NAME = 'your ELB name' | |
SECURITY_GROUPS = ['security groups here'] | |
AVAILABILITY_ZONES = ['us-east-1a', 'us-east-1b'] | |
INSTANCE_TYPE = 'm1.small' # Type of instance to use for new servers. | |
GROUP_NAME = 'group name here' | |
# Stuff to do on boot. | |
USER_DATA = """#!/bin/sh | |
/path/to/do_stuff | |
""".strip() | |
def set_up_aws(): | |
lc = LaunchConfiguration( | |
image_id=AMI_ID, | |
key_name=KEY_NAME, | |
security_groups=SECURITY_GROUPS, | |
user_data=USER_DATA, | |
instance_type=INSTANCE_TYPE, | |
instance_monitoring=True, | |
) | |
conn = boto.connect_autoscale() | |
conn.create_launch_configuration(lc) | |
ag = AutoScalingGroup( | |
group_name=GROUP_NAME, | |
load_balancers=[LOAD_BALANCER_NAME], | |
availability_zones=AVAILABILITY_ZONES, | |
launch_config=lc, | |
min_size=2, | |
max_size=20, | |
connection=conn, | |
) | |
conn.create_auto_scaling_group(ag) | |
scale_up_policy = ScalingPolicy( | |
name='scale_up', | |
adjustment_type='ChangeInCapacity', | |
as_name=GROUP_NAME, | |
scaling_adjustment=2, | |
cooldown=180, | |
) | |
conn.create_scaling_policy(scale_up_policy) | |
scale_up_policy = conn.get_all_policies(as_group=GROUP_NAME, policy_names=['scale_up'])[0] | |
scale_down_policy = ScalingPolicy( | |
name='scale_down', | |
adjustment_type='ChangeInCapacity', | |
as_name=GROUP_NAME, | |
scaling_adjustment=-1, | |
cooldown=180, | |
) | |
conn.create_scaling_policy(scale_down_policy) | |
scale_down_policy = conn.get_all_policies(as_group=GROUP_NAME, policy_names=['scale_down'])[0] | |
cloudwatch = boto.connect_cloudwatch() | |
alarm_dimensions = {'AutoScalingGroupName': GROUP_NAME} | |
scale_up_alarm = MetricAlarm( | |
name='scale_up_on_cpu', | |
namespace='AWS/EC2', | |
metric='CPUUtilization', | |
statistic='Average', | |
comparison='>', | |
threshold='80', | |
period='60', # seconds | |
evaluation_periods=2, # How many `period`s it should wait until the alarm is set off. | |
alarm_actions=[scale_up_policy.policy_arn], | |
dimensions=alarm_dimensions, | |
) | |
cloudwatch.create_alarm(scale_up_alarm) | |
scale_down_alarm = MetricAlarm( | |
name='scale_down_on_cpu', | |
namespace='AWS/EC2', | |
metric='CPUUtilization', | |
statistic='Average', | |
comparison='<', | |
threshold='40', | |
period='60', # seconds | |
evaluation_periods=2, # How many `period`s it should wait until the alarm is set off. | |
alarm_actions=[scale_down_policy.policy_arn], | |
dimensions=alarm_dimensions, | |
) | |
cloudwatch.create_alarm(scale_down_alarm) |
So how did you pass this in as user data when the autoscaling group would trigger a new EC2 instance to join it? Also based on:
Stuff to do on boot.
USER_DATA = """#!/bin/sh
How can I pass the latest application release to this autoscaling group from git? I see that you did:
su ubuntu
cd /path/to/soundslice/code
git pull
sudo service soundslice start
Do you use virtual env?
HI i am facing an issue whe i have migrated code from my local system to AWS
RawPostDataException at /users/
You cannot access body after reading from request's data stream
It seems i can't access request.method and request.data simulteneously.
Is this specific to AWS?Do i nedd to do some specific config changes to resolve this issue?
It would be great if you can suggest some work around for this issue
via http://www.holovaty.com/writing/aws-notes/