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Last active July 22, 2024 15:04
JS console.log() Tic-Tac-Toe Game
* Created by Adrian Jost
* Feel free to use, but please credit me
* Start the game by calling `ttt()`
function drawBoard(round, board){`Score after round ${round}`);
console.log(" ");
console.log(' ' + (board["7"] || '7 ') + " | " + (board["8"] || ' 8 ') + " | " + (board["9"] || ' 9 '));
console.log(' ' + (board["4"] || '4 ') + " | " + (board["5"] || ' 5 ') + " | " + (board["6"] || ' 6 '));
console.log(' ' + (board["1"] || '1 ') + " | " + (board["2"] || ' 2 ') + " | " + (board["3"] || ' 3 '));
console.log(" ");
function solutions(board) {
return false
// horizontal
|| (board["7"] && (board["7"] == board["8"] && board["7"] == board["9"]))
|| (board["4"] && (board["4"] == board["5"] && board["4"] == board["6"]))
|| (board["1"] && (board["1"] == board["2"] && board["1"] == board["3"]))
// vertical
|| (board["7"] && (board["7"] == board["4"] && board["7"] == board["1"]))
|| (board["8"] && (board["8"] == board["5"] && board["8"] == board["2"]))
|| (board["9"] && (board["9"] == board["6"] && board["9"] == board["3"]))
// diagonal
|| (board["7"] && (board["7"] == board["5"] && board["7"] == board["3"]))
|| (board["9"] && (board["9"] == board["5"] && board["9"] == board["1"]));
function pc_move(board, playerSymbol, opponentSymbol){
let testBoard;
// try to finish, then try to block opponent
const player = [playerSymbol, opponentSymbol];
for (var p = 0 ; p < 2; p++){
for (var i = 1 ; i < 10; i++){
if(board[i.toString()] !== null){
testBoard = Object.assign({}, board);
testBoard[i.toString()] = player[p];
return i.toString();
// guess any other free field
let guess = undefined;
while(guess === undefined || board[guess] !== null){
guess = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1).toString();
return guess;
var defaultConfig = {
title: "Player 1",
symbol: "💚"
title: "Player 2",
symbol: "❤️"
console.log("Wan't to play a game? Type `ttt()` ;)");
function ttt(config){
config = Object.assign(defaultConfig, config || {});
let gameOn = true;
let player1Move, round, computer, board, ask, currentPlayer, opponentPlayer;
console.log("%cWELCOME TO Tic Tac Toe", "font-size: x-large");
console.log(`${config.player1.title}: ${config.player1.symbol}`);
console.log(`${config.player2.title}: ${config.player2.symbol}`);
while (gameOn === true){
// init new game
round = 0
player1Move = true
board = {
"7": null,
"8": null,
"9": null,
"4": null,
"5": null,
"6": null,
"1": null,
"2": null,
"3": null
computer = prompt('Do you want to play with another person? (yes/NO)') !== 'yes';
drawBoard(round++, board);
// for loop for game logic
for (var i = 0 ; i < 9; i++){
if (solutions(board)){
console.log(`%c${currentPlayer.title} )(${currentPlayer.symbol}) wins!`, 'font-size: x-large');
gameOn = false;
currentPlayer = config.player1;
opponentPlayer = config.player2;
currentPlayer = config.player2;
opponentPlayer = config.player1;
ask = undefined;
while(board[ask] !== null || ask === undefined){
if(player1Move === false && computer === true){
ask = pc_move(board, currentPlayer.symbol, opponentPlayer.symbol);
ask = prompt(`${currentPlayer.title} (${currentPlayer.symbol}) where would you like to go (1-9)? (type "exit" to leave)`);
if(ask == 'exit') {
gameOn = false;
if(gameOn == false) {
board[ask] = currentPlayer.symbol;
player1Move = !player1Move;
drawBoard(round++, board);
if(gameOn === true) {
console.log("%cTie Game!", "font-size: x-large");
gameOn = false;
if(ask !== 'exit' && prompt("Play again? (YES/no)") !== "no"){
gameOn = true;
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