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Last active June 24, 2019 09:17
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Modernthesis Markdown to Latex converter
// Copyright (C) 2019 Adrian Jost
// This code is licensed under MIT license (see for details)
const fs = require("fs");
const readFile = filename => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(filename, "utf8", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
const escapeSpecialChars = text => {
const prefix = char => `\\${char}`;
text = text.replace(/([\&\%\$\#\_\{\}])/g, prefix);
text = text.replace(/([\~])/g, "\\textasciitilde ");
text = text.replace(/([\^])/g, "\\textasciicircum ");
text = text.replace(/([\\])/g, "\\textbackslash ");
return text;
const removeSpecialChars = text => {
return text.replace(/([\&\%\$\#\_\{\}\~\^\\])/g, "");
const mapHeadlines = (line, index) => {
// not a headline
if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
return line;
let content = line.replace(/^[#]+\W/, "");
const text = escapeSpecialChars(content);
const identifier = removeSpecialChars(content.toLowerCase()).replace(
const level = line.match(/^[#]+/g)[0].length;
switch (level) {
case 1:
return `%************************************************\n\\chapter{${text}}\n\\label{ch:${identifier}}\n%************************************************\n`;
case 2:
return `\\hypertarget{${identifier}}{\n\\section{${text}}\\label{${identifier}}}\n`;
case 3:
return `\\hypertarget{${identifier}}{\n\\subsection{${text}}\\label{${identifier}}}\n`;
case 4:
return `\\hypertarget{${identifier}}{\n\\subsubsection{${text}}\\label{${identifier}}}\n`;
console.error(`unsupported heading ${index}: "${line}"`);
return line;
const mapCodeblocks = (line, index) => {
if (!line.startsWith("```")) {
return line;
if (line.trim() === "```") {
return ` \\end{minted}
\\caption{Code SnippeCode Snipped ${index}}
const language = line
return `\\begin{listing}[H]
const mapInlineCodeblocks = line => {
return line.replace(/\`([^\`]*)\`/g, "\\colorbox{gray-light!}{\\texttt{$1}}");
const mapTextStyle = line => {
const replaceWithUnescapedMatch = newString =>
function(match) {
let out = newString;
Array.from(arguments).forEach((a, i) => {
// mimic .replace api
if (typeof a !== "string") {
// unescape
unescaped = a.replace(/\\([\*\_\\])/g, "$1");
out = out.replace(`$${i}`, unescaped);
return out;
// 1. escape all _ and * inside urls
line = line.replace(/(?<=[^\!]\[.*\]\(.*)([\\\_\*])(?=.*\))/g, "\\$1");
// 2. apply bold when not escaped. then unescape the text
line = line
// check regex for single character below for details
// 2. apply italic when not escaped. then unescape the text
line = line
return line;
const mapImages = line => {
const image = `\n\\begin{figure}[H]
return line.replace(/\!\[([^\]]*)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g, image);
const mapFootnotes = line => {
const footnote = `$1\n\\footnote{$2}\n`;
return line.replace(/[^\!]\[([^\]]*)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g, footnote);
const main = async () => {
let inCodeBlock = false;
let inList = false;
const content = await readFile("./");
const lines = content
.map(a => a.trimRight())
.map((a, i) => {
// block styles
if (a.startsWith("```")) {
inCodeBlock = !inCodeBlock;
a = mapCodeblocks(a);
if (inCodeBlock) {
return a;
// text styles
a = mapInlineCodeblocks(a, i);
a = mapTextStyle(a);
// headlines
a = mapHeadlines(a);
a = mapImages(a);
a = mapFootnotes(a);
// Lists
if (a.match(/^[1-9]+\.\s/)) {
a = a.replace(/^[1-9]+\.(\s)/, "\t\\item$1");
if (!inList) {
a = `\\begin{enumerate}\n${a}`;
inList = "\\end{enumerate}";
} else if (a.match(/^\-\s/)) {
a = a.replace(/^\-(\s)/, "\t\\item$1");
if (!inList) {
a = `\\begin{itemize}\n${a}`;
inList = "\\end{itemize}";
} else if (inList) {
a = `${a}${inList}\n`;
inList = false;
// Return Result
return a;
console.log("**********************\nOUTPUT START\n**********************");
console.log("**********************\nOUTPUT END\n**********************");
fs.writeFile("./out.tex", lines.join("\n"), function(err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("The file was saved!");
Copy link


  • Node.JS (>8.15.0)


The markdown input will be read from ./ and written to ./out.tex.

Supported features

  • Headlines up to level 4 (####)
  • Links will be converted to footnotes
  • Images
  • Bold (**bold**) & Italic Text (_italic_)
  • inline code
  • Codeblocks with syntax highlighting using minted

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