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Last active April 10, 2024 06:24
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My MacOS Setup
# ~/.config/fish/
set -x LANG en_US.UTF-8
if status is-interactive
# Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here
# load Fish Shell UI Configuration
starship init fish | source
# The next line updates PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
if test -f '/Users/aj/google-cloud-sdk/'
source '/Users/aj/google-cloud-sdk/'
# The next line enables shell command completion for gcloud.
if test -f '/Users/aj/google-cloud-sdk/'
source '/Users/aj/google-cloud-sdk/'
set -x PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH '/Applications/Google Chrome'
# set the workspace path
set -x GOPATH /users/aj/go
# add the go bin path to be able to execute our programs
set -x PATH $PATH /usr/local/go/bin $GOPATH/bin
echo "Setup Mac"
# Configurations
echo "Change MacOS Settings"
## Move Dock to right
defaults write orientation right
## Hide Dock immediately
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0
## Hide Dock without transition
defaults write "autohide-time-modifier" -float "0"
killall Dock
# Install Apps
echo "Install Apps"
## Development
### XCode
xcode-select --install
### Package Manager - Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
### Programming Languages
brew install node@20
brew install go
### Shell
brew install fish
curl -L | fish
sudo bash -c 'echo $(which fish) >> /etc/shells'
chsh -s $(which fish)
### Shell config
brew install starship
### Code Editor
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
### Git Manager
brew install --cask github
### Communication
brew install --cask slack
### Network Request Tests
brew install --cask postman
### Code Signing
brew install --cask gpg-suite
### Browser
brew install --cask google-chrome
brew install --cask microsoft-edge
brew install --cask firefox
brew install --cask polypane
### Arduino
brew install --cask arduino
### Docker
brew install docker
## Productivity
### Password Manager
brew install --cask 1password
brew install --cask safeincloud-password-manager
### Time Tracking
brew install --cask clockify
### Image Editor
# brew install --cask gimp
## Utilities
### Increase Screen Max Brightness
brew install --cask lunar
### Clipboard History
brew install --cask maccy
### Manual Fan Control
brew install --cask macs-fan-control
### Window Management
# brew install --cask spectacle
brew install --cask rectangle
### Emoji Shortcuts
brew install --cask rocket
brew install gitmoji
### Keep the audio balance from drifting
brew install --cask ballast
### Disable Keyboard for cleaning
brew install --cask keyboardcleantool
### Spotlight enhanced
brew install --cask raycast
### VPN
brew install --cask nordvpn
### Close Apps when last window is closed
brew install --cask swift-quit
## Configuration Generator
# brew install --cask imazing
## Entertainment
### Messaging
brew install --cask telegram-desktop
### Radio
# brew install --cask tunein
### Games
# brew install --cask steam
# Manual Install
echo "Install from AppStore:"
echo "- Xcode"
# echo "- Apple Configurator"
# echo "- WebSocket Client"
echo "\nConfigure Fish shell"
code ~/.config/fish/
code ~/.config/starship.toml
# ~/.config/starship.toml
format = """
add_newline = true
symbol = ''
format = '> [$symbol$branch(:$remote_branch)]($style) '
truncation_length = 32
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