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October 7, 2024 08:38
Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) and Kruskal-Wallis FAIL to compare medians in general. Quantile regression should be used to compare medians instead
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# Let's make some data to play with | |
set.seed(1234) | |
v1 <- rexp(500) | |
v2 <- rnorm(500) + log(2) | |
v3 <- -rgamma(500, 2.5, 3) | |
v4 <- runif(500, -2,4) | |
# Look at the data | |
layout(matrix(c(1:4), nrow = 2)) | |
hist(v1, xlim=c(-3, 5)) | |
abline(v = median(v1), col="red", lwd=2) | |
hist(v2, xlim=c(-3, 5)); | |
abline(v = median(v2), col="red", lwd=2) | |
hist(v3, xlim=c(-3, 5)); | |
abline(v = median(v3), col="red", lwd=2) | |
hist(v4, xlim=c(-3, 5)); | |
abline(v = median(v4), col="red", lwd=2) | |
# I will start from the quantile regression. Actually it doesn't matter where we will start. | |
# For a 2-level categorical predictor variables it's equivalent to comapre 2 medians (test for their differences). | |
# Here I use bootstrap to calculate the standard error. | |
# It's probably the safest option at this stage, and relaxes me from justifying the other options (believe me or not, it would be a complex discussion...) | |
stacked <- stack(data.frame(v1, v2)) | |
summary(rq(values~ind, data=stacked), se="boot", R=9999) | |
# Call: rq(formula = values ~ ind, data = stacked) | |
# | |
# tau: [1] 0.5 | |
# | |
# Coefficients: | |
# Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | |
# (Intercept) 0.68712 0.04500 15.26806 0.00000 | |
# indv2 -0.03418 0.06435 -0.53120 0.59540 <--- you can use this test (Value coef. is the difference) | |
# Warning message: | |
# In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique | |
# EM-means (estimated marginal means) is another name of the well-known in experimental research LS-means (least-square means) | |
# It's a model-based predicted (estimated) mean. If you know the definition of regression (NO, not the Machine Learning one...) | |
# then you know that regresion gives you a some function of the data conditional to the predictor. | |
# For the linear regression it's E(Y|X=x), for the GLM it is link(E(Y|X=x)), and here it's the median(Y|X=x). | |
# And since the predictor exclusively consists of categorical variables, they form sub-groups in which the (conditional) | |
# medians are calculated. Ignore the labelling - emmeans here just stand for predicted medians (check numerically if you don't believe me). | |
(emmeans_model <- emmeans::emmeans(rq(values~ind, data=stacked), ~ind)) | |
# ind emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL | |
# v1 0.687 0.0441 998 0.601 0.774 | |
# v2 0.653 0.0505 998 0.554 0.752 | |
# Confidence level used: 0.95 | |
# Warning message: | |
# In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique | |
# Compare the obtainedm edians. Effectively it's nothing but a between-group comparison of medians. | |
pairs(emmeans_model) | |
# contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value | |
# v1 - v2 0.0342 0.0671 998 0.510 0.6105 <- (minor difference from the above Wald's test for the model coeff.; testing over predictions) | |
# For 2+ groups we can test the coefficients jointly. If we wored with the linear regression model, this would result 1:1 in ANOVA. | |
stacked <- stack(data.frame(v1, v2, v3, v4)) | |
emmeans_model <- emmeans::emmeans(rq(values~ind, data=stacked), ~ind)) | |
# ind emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL | |
# v1 0.689 0.0440 1996 0.603 0.775 | |
# v2 0.653 0.0480 1996 0.559 0.747 | |
# v3 -0.725 0.0254 1996 -0.775 -0.675 | |
# v4 1.038 0.1470 1996 0.750 1.326 | |
# Confidence level used: 0.95 | |
# Warning message: | |
# In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique | |
# ANOVA-like table (joint Wald's test); For n-way design this would be the Type-3 analysis | |
(qrj_test <- emmeans::joint_tests(rq(values~ind, data=stacked))) | |
# model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value | |
# ind 3 1996 407.068 <.0001 | |
# Warning message: | |
# In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique | |
# BTW, we can perform various comparisons via vontrasts; here adjusted for multiplicity | |
# mvt = exact parametric adjustment employing multi-variate t distribution + estimates of the coefficients and variance-covariance(s) | |
# (numbers may vary a little due to Monte-Carlo integration over the multivariate t distribution; fix the seed or ignore it). | |
update(emmeans::contrast(emmeans_model, list(v1_v2 = c(1, -1, 0, 0), v2_v4 = c(0, 1, 0, -1)), adjust = "mvt"), infer = c(TRUE, TRUE)) | |
# contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value | |
# v1_v2 0.0363 0.0651 1996 -0.109 0.1816 0.558 0.8168 | |
# v2_v4 -0.3852 0.1546 1996 -0.730 -0.0399 -2.492 0.0252 | |
# Confidence level used: 0.95 | |
# Conf-level adjustment: mvt method for 2 estimates | |
# P value adjustment: mvt method for 2 tests | |
****************************************************************************************** | |
# Now the funny part. Let's compare v1 and v2 via quantile regression and Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) test | |
# Notice the difference. MW(W) is about pseudo-median of change. QR is about change in medians | |
# Difference in medians | |
median(v1) - median(v2) | |
# [1] 0.0367213 | |
# The quantile regression says: | |
update(emmeans::contrast(emmeans_model, list(v1_v2 = c(1, -1, 0, 0)), infer = c(TRUE, TRUE))) | |
# contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL t.ratio p.value | |
# v1_v2 0.0363 0.0651 1996 -0.0913 0.164 0.558 0.5766 | |
# Confidence level used: 0.95 | |
# No statistically significant difference (p=0.577) | |
# Let's confirm it via Brown-Mood test of medians (do NOT confuse it with R's mood.test, which is for DISPERSIONS (variances more/less)!) | |
stacked <- stack(data.frame(v1, v2)) | |
RVAideMemoire::mood.medtest(values~ind, stacked, exact=FALSE) | |
# Mood's median test | |
# | |
# data: values by ind | |
# X-squared = 0.484, df = 1, p-value = 0.4866 | |
# The test of medians returned p=0.487, quite close to the quantile regression. | |
# No surprise - they test almost the same (just through different formulation) | |
# Now let's calculate the median difference | |
median(v1-v2) | |
#[1] 0.237302 | |
# Wow! This is quite different from the difference in medians. | |
# What works for means, i.e. mean(difference) = difference(means) doesn't work (in general) for medians. | |
# Is this maybe the Hodges-Lehmann (location) estimator of the pseudo-median? | |
median(outer(v1, v2, "-")) # pseudomedian for the 2-sample case ( | |
#[1] 0.2063202 | |
# Nope. They're close, but not exactly same (if they were same, there wouldn't be a different name :D) | |
# Notice it's the same as the MWW returns | |
> broom::tidy(wilcox.test(v1, v2, = TRUE)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 7 | |
# estimate statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> | |
# 1 0.206 141300 0.000358 0.0917 0.324 Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction two.sided | |
# ****************************************************************************************** | |
# The Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) found statistically significant difference at p<0.001 (!) | |
# We can clearly see that Mann-Whitney is definitely NOT a test of difference in medians! | |
# It tests H0: stochastic equivalence vs. H1: stochastic dominance (superiority). | |
# Look at the histogram of v1 and v2 and you should see the point. | |
# Notice the medians are almost the same, but the "dominance" is visible on the skewed one. | |
# ****************************************************************************************** | |
# Confirm Mann-Whitney with its better version, the Brunner-Munzel test (more robust to between-group dispersions) | |
tidy(brunnermunzel::brunnermunzel.permutation.test(v1, v2)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 7 | |
# estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low.lower conf.high.upper method | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> | |
# 1 0.435 -3.57 0.000379 918. 0.399 0.471 Brunner-Munzel Test | |
# Warning message: | |
# In brunnermunzel.permutation.test.default(v1, v2) : | |
# Sample number is too large. Using 'brunnermunzel.test' | |
# If you run the test without broom::tidy, you'll get more information. Read it, it's very important: | |
# Brunner-Munzel Test | |
# | |
# data: x and y | |
# Brunner-Munzel Test Statistic = -3.5673, df = 918.41, p-value = 0.0003793 | |
# 95 percent confidence interval: | |
# 0.3989302 0.4706698 | |
# sample estimates: | |
# P(X<Y)+.5*P(X=Y) | |
# 0.4348 | |
# As you can see, the H0 about statistical equivalence (probability that for a pair of randomly chosen observations {v1, v2} | |
# from samples V1 and V2, the value of v1 <= value of v2 is < 0.5 and its confidence interval excludes 0.5. | |
# Similar analysis of the RTE (Relative Treatment Effect, related to the stochastic dominance) using the ATS (ANOVA-Type Statistic) | |
# and WTS (Wald-Type Statistic) confirms this finding | |
GFD::GFD(values~ind, stacked) | |
# Call: | |
# values ~ ind | |
# Wald-Type Statistic (WTS): | |
# Test statistic df p-value p-value WTPS | |
# 2.941036e+01 1.000000e+00 5.856387e-08 0.000000e+00 | |
# | |
# ANOVA-Type Statistic (ATS): | |
# Test statistic df1 df2 p-value | |
# 2.941036e+01 1.000000e+00 9.917439e+02 7.357885e-08 | |
# ****************************************************************************************** | |
# Now I'm going to show even a more extreme scenario! | |
# Same kind of right-skewness (log-normal), with numericall exact medians, differing only by dispersions | |
# On the list in my comment below find a paper saying that variance matters too. | |
# Notice the result of the MWW and quantile regression (and Brown-Mood test) | |
set.seed(1234) | |
v5 <- rlnorm(500, 0, 1) | |
# We will scale the data to increase dispersion but keep the medians | |
variance_factor <- 6 | |
median_v5 <- median(v5) | |
scaled_dev <- (v5 - median_v5) * sqrt(variance_factor) | |
v6 <- (median_v5 + scaled_dev) | |
# Are the variances diffent? | |
var(v5) | |
# [1] 5.718385 | |
var(v6) | |
# [1] 34.31031 | |
# What the various (common) tests say about it? | |
tidy(var.test(v5, v6)) | |
# Multiple parameters; naming those columns num.df, den.df | |
# A tibble: 1 × 9 | |
# estimate num.df den.df statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative | |
# <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> | |
#1 0.167 499 499 0.167 2.27e-79 0.140 0.199 F test to compare two variances two.sided | |
tidy(ansari.test(v5, v6)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 4 | |
# statistic p.value method alternative | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> | |
# 1 157454 0 Ansari-Bradley test two.sided | |
tidy(mood.test(v5, v6)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 4 | |
# statistic p.value method alternative | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> | |
# 1 -14.9 5.81e-50 Mood two-sample test of scale two.sided | |
tidy(fligner.test(list(v5, v6))) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 4 | |
# statistic p.value parameter method | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> | |
# 1 129. 8.26e-30 1 Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances | |
# Convinced enough about different dispersions? | |
# Now let's check the medians. Both diffence(medians) and median(difference) | |
median(v5) - median(v6) | |
# [1] 0 | |
median(v5 - v6) | |
# [1] 0 | |
# So, if the Mann-Whitney (-Wilcoxon) tests medians, the p-value should be practically equal to 1. Shouldn't it? | |
tidy(wilcox.test(v5, v6, = TRUE)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 7 | |
# estimate statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> | |
# 1 0.254 135056 0.0277 0.0293 0.455 Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction two.sided | |
# OUCH! | |
# Let's use the Brunner-Munzel test accounting for unequal dispersions: | |
tidy(brunnermunzel::brunnermunzel.test(v5, v6)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 7 | |
# estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low.lower conf.high.upper method | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> | |
# 1 0.460 -2.08 0.0384 640. 0.422 0.498 Brunner-Munzel Test | |
# Better (as it should be), but still we have a problem, Houston! | |
# And what does the quantile regrsssion say? | |
> # Quantile regression - notice how the p-value is close to 1 | |
stacked <- stack(data.frame(v5, v6)) | |
summary(rq(values~ind, data=stacked), se="boot", R=9999) | |
# Call: rq(formula = values ~ ind, data = stacked) | |
# | |
# tau: [1] 0.5 | |
# | |
# Coefficients: | |
# Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | |
# (Intercept) 0.97407 0.05720 17.02877 0.00000 | |
# indv6 0.01882 0.14777 0.12734 0.89870 | |
# Warning message: | |
# In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique | |
# p-value = 0.899, well... | |
# ... but maybe the Brown-Mood test of medians...? | |
tidy(RVAideMemoire::mood.medtest(values~ind, stacked, exact=FALSE)) | |
# A tibble: 1 × 4 | |
# statistic p.value parameter method | |
# <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> | |
# 1 0 1 1 Mood's median test | |
# nope. The medians were equal and the tests OF MEDIANS can see it even at this sample size (N=500 per group). | |
# ****************************************************************************************** | |
# OK, but it could be just a type-1 error. If it's controlled by the test at some low rate, like 5%, it's OK! | |
# Is it? | |
# I will evaluate 200 examples with same medians and different variances. | |
# I will be really honest and excluded the cases, where both medians differed by more than my machine epsilon for double precision, OK? | |
# It's a really SMALL number! | |
options(scipen = 16) | |
.Machine$double.eps | |
# [1] 0.0000000000000002220446 | |
# Ready? | |
set.seed(1234) | |
N <- 200 | |
failed_comparisons <- 0 | |
sapply(seq(N), function(i) { | |
x1 <- rlnorm(500, 0, 1) | |
variance_factor <- 6 | |
median_x1 <- median(x1) | |
scaled_dev <- (x1 - median_x1) * sqrt(variance_factor) | |
x2 <- (median_x1 + scaled_dev) | |
diff_med <- median(x1) - median(x2) | |
if(diff_med <= .Machine$double.eps) { | |
wilcox.test(x1, x2)$p.value | |
} else { | |
print(paste("Ouch! Medians differ by:", diff_med, "which is more than my machine epsilon")) | |
failed_comparisons <<- failed_comparisons + 1 | |
} | |
}) -> sim_p | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
# [1] "Ouch! Medians differ by: 0.000000000000000444089209850063 which is more than my machine epsilon" | |
sprintf("Fraction of rejections for same medians: %d / %d (%.2f%%)", | |
sum(sim_p <= 0.05), | |
N-failed_comparisons, | |
100*(sum(sim_p <= 0.05) / (N-failed_comparisons))) | |
# [1] "Fraction of rejections for same medians: 64 / 193 (33.16%)" | |
# OUCH! This is FAR beyond "a well controlled type-1 error rate" | |
# Remember, we did this at honestly practically identical medians |
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A number of important resources.
I highly recommend reading them as they will clear all doubts, especially if your statistical reviewer claims otherwise and insists that you should use the Mann-Whitney (-Wilcoxon) and Kruskal-Wallis tests for medians without making additional distributional assumptions. Do not give up, and remember that the inappropriate use of statistical tools can harm science and increase the risk of publishing nonsensical outcomes.
(❗ must-read) Formulating Appropriate Statistical Hypotheses for Treatment Comparison in Clinical Trial Design and Analysis

(source: the article)
(❗must read) K. Barbe, Statistical Methods I: Nonparametric statistical inference, Master Mathematics Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Antwerpen, [2.1 Walsh Average and Wilcoxon rank test] (a copy of the PDF from the Wayback Machine)
The Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney Procedure Fails as a Test of Medians
What hypotheses do “nonparametric” two-group tests actually test?
The Mann-Whitney test doesn't really compare medians
Example 2014.6: Comparing medians and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test
Mann-Whitney test is not just a test of medians: differences in spread can be importan
FAQ: Why is the Mann-Whitney significant when the medians are equal?
Wilcoxon signed-rank test null hypothesis statement
Conover WJ (1999) Practical nonparametric statistics, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons., [CHAPTER 5. SOME METHODS BASED ON RANKS : The Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon sign ranks) Test]
Interpretation of a Mann Whitney Wilcoxon test
Is my interpretation for Wilcoxon Signed Rank test correct?
Yoon-Jae Whang, Econometric Analysis of Stochastic Dominance. Concepts, Methods, Tools, and Applications, ISBN: 9781108602204. [page 64: Test of stochastic dominance: Basic results]

(source: Google Books,
(❗must-read) Edgar Brunner, Arne C. Bathke, Frank Konietschke, Rank and Pseudo-Rank Procedures for Independent Observations in Factorial Designs. Using R and SAS

[page 135, 3.6 Consistency of Two-Sample Rank Tests]
(source: Google Books,
[page 136, 3.6 Consistency of Two-Sample Rank Tests :: 3.6.1 Consistency of the WMW-Test]

(source: Google Books,
[page 136, 3.6 Consistency of Two-Sample Rank Tests :: 3.6.2 Consistency of the Fligner–Policello and Brunner–Munzel Tests]

(source: Google Books,
A few related topics. Read them too for a more comprehensive view:
Why is my Spearman's Rho result contradicting my Wilcoxon matched pairs?
Wilcoxon signed rank test - help on interpretation of pseudo median
SAS documentation. The NPAR1WAY Procedure. Hodges-Lehmann Estimation of Location Shift
Justin Sytsma, Jonathan Livengood, The Theory and Practice of Experimental Philosophy, ISBN13: 978-1554810086, [page 232, chapter 12]

(source: Google Books,
Unobvious problems of using the R's implementation of the Hodges-Lehmann estimator
Parameters behind “nonparametric” statistics: Kendall’s tau, Somers’ D and median differences