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Created November 18, 2018 20:06
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Testcase for
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.*;
public class BarcodeUtilsTest {
public void testToTypefulLine47() throws Throwable {
final String barcode = "23791620800000586754150094900407757300003200";
final String expected = "23794.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final String typefulLine = BarcodeUtils.toTypefulLine(barcode);
assertEquals(expected, typefulLine);
public void testToTypefulLine48() throws Throwable {
final String barcode = "81770000000010936599704113107970300143370831";
final String expected = "81770000000-0 01093659970-2 41131079703-9 00143370831-8";
final String typefulLine = BarcodeUtils.toTypefulLine(barcode);
assertEquals(expected, typefulLine);
public void testToBarcode47() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "23794.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final String expected = "23791620800000586754150094900407757300003200";
final String barcode = BarcodeUtils.toBarcode(typefulLine);
assertEquals(expected, barcode);
public void testToBarcode48() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "81770000000-0 01093659970-2 41131079703-9 00143370831-8";
final String expected = "81770000000010936599704113107970300143370831";
final String barcode = BarcodeUtils.toBarcode(typefulLine);
assertEquals(expected, barcode);
public void testExpiresAtTypefulLine() throws Throwable {
final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2014, Calendar.OCTOBER, 6);
final Date expected = calendar.getTime();
final String typefulLine = "23794.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final Date expiresAt = BarcodeUtils.expiresAt(typefulLine);
assertEquals(expected, expiresAt);
public void testExpiresAtBarcode() throws Throwable {
final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2014, Calendar.OCTOBER, 6);
final Date expected = calendar.getTime();
final String barcode = "23791620800000586754150094900407757300003200";
final Date expiresAt = BarcodeUtils.expiresAt(barcode);
assertEquals(expected, expiresAt);
public void testDocumentValueTypefulLine47() throws Throwable {
final double expected = 586.75;
final String typefulLine = "23794.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final double documentValue = BarcodeUtils.documentValue(typefulLine);
assertEquals(expected, documentValue);
public void testDocumentValueBarcode47() throws Throwable {
final double expected = 586.75;
final String barcode = "23791620800000586754150094900407757300003200";
final double documentValue = BarcodeUtils.documentValue(barcode);
assertEquals(expected, documentValue);
public void testDocumentValueTypefulLine48() throws Throwable {
final double expected = 1.09;
final String typefulLine = "81770000000-0 01093659970-2 41131079703-9 00143370831-8";
final double documentValue = BarcodeUtils.documentValue(typefulLine);
assertEquals(expected, documentValue);
public void testDocumentValueBarcode48() throws Throwable {
final double expected = 0.0;
final String barcode = "81770000000010936599704113107970300143370831";
final double documentValue = BarcodeUtils.documentValue(barcode);
assertEquals(expected, documentValue);
public void testIsValidDocketDocumentTrue() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "23794.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final boolean isValidContractDocument = BarcodeUtils.isValidDocketDocument(typefulLine);
public void testIsValidDocketDocumentFalse() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "23791.15009 94900.407753 73000.032000 1 62080000058675";
final boolean isValidContractDocument = BarcodeUtils.isValidDocketDocument(typefulLine);
public void testIsValidContratDocumentTrue() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "81770000000-0 01093659970-2 41131079703-9 00143370831-8";
final boolean isValidContractDocument = BarcodeUtils.isValidContractDocument(typefulLine);
public void testIsValidContratDocumentFalse() throws Throwable {
final String typefulLine = "81770000000-0 01093659970-2 41131079703-9 00143370831-1";
final boolean isValidContractDocument = BarcodeUtils.isValidContractDocument(typefulLine);
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