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Last active August 24, 2022 13:55
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// ==UserScript==
// @id iitc-plugin-ingressportaljsonexport
// @name IITC Plugin: Ingress GYM Portal Exporter
// @category Information
// @version 0.0.1
// @include*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/*global $:false */
/*global map:false */
/*global L:false */
function wrapper() {
// in case IITC is not available yet, define the base plugin object
if (typeof window.plugin !== "function") {
window.plugin = function() {};
// base context for plugin
window.plugin.portal_json_export = function() {};
var self = window.plugin.portal_json_export;
window.__master_portal_list = {};
window.__portal_scraper_enabled = false;
window.__current_area_scraped = false;
self.portalInScreen = function portalInScreen(p) {
return map.getBounds().contains(p.getLatLng());
// adapted from
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #0]
self.portalInPolygon = function portalInPolygon(polygon, portal) {
var poly = polygon.getLatLngs();
var pt = portal.getLatLng();
var c = false;
for (var i = -1, l = poly.length, j = l - 1; ++i < l; j = i) {
((poly[i].lat <= && < poly[j].lat) || (poly[j].lat <= && < poly[i].lat)) && (pt.lng < (poly[j].lng - poly[i].lng) * ( - poly[i].lat) / (poly[j].lat - poly[i].lat) + poly[i].lng) && (c = !c);
return c;
// return if the portal is within the drawtool objects.
// Polygon and circles are available, and circles are implemented
// as round polygons.
self.portalInForm = function(layer) {
if (layer instanceof L.Rectangle) {
return true;
if (layer instanceof L.Circle) {
return true;
return false;
self.portalInGeo = function(layer) {
if (layer instanceof L.GeodesicPolygon) {
return true;
if (layer instanceof L.GeodesicCircle) {
return true;
return false;
self.portalInDrawnItems = function(portal) {
var c = false;
window.plugin.drawTools.drawnItems.eachLayer(function(layer) {
if (!(self.portalInForm(layer) || self.portalInGeo(layer))) {
return false;
if (self.portalInPolygon(layer, portal)) {
c = true;
return c;
self.inBounds = function(portal) {
if (window.plugin.drawTools && window.plugin.drawTools.drawnItems.getLayers().length) {
return self.portalInDrawnItems(portal);
} else {
return self.portalInScreen(portal);
self.getPortalData = function getPortalData(portal, portalGuid) {
var lat =,
lng = portal._latlng.lng,
title = || "untitled portal",
image = || "";
return {
id: portalGuid,
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng,
image: image,
descricao: title
self.addPortalToExportList = function(portalStr, portalGuid) {
if (typeof window.__master_portal_list[portalGuid] == 'undefined') {
window.__master_portal_list[portalGuid] = portalStr;
self.updateTotalScrapedCount = function() {
self.drawRectangle = function() {
var bounds =;
var bounds = [[, bounds._southWest.lng], [, bounds._northEast.lng]];
L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#00ff11", weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}).addTo(;
self.managePortals = function managePortals(obj, portal, x) {
if (self.inBounds(portal)) {
var str = self.getPortalData(portal, x);
obj.count += 1;
self.addPortalToExportList(str, x);
return obj;
self.checkPortals = function checkPortals(portals) {
var obj = {
list: [],
count: 0
for (var x in portals) {
if (typeof window.portals[x] !== "undefined") {
self.managePortals(obj, window.portals[x], x);
return obj;
self.generateJsonData = function() {
var jsonData = [];
$.each(window.__master_portal_list, function(key, value) {
return jsonData;
self.downloadJson = function() {
var jsonData = self.generateJsonData();
var link = document.createElement("a"); = 'portals.json';
link.href = "data:text/json," + escape(JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 4));;
self.showDialog = function showDialog(o) {
var jsonData = self.generateJsonData();
var data = `
<form name='maxfield' action='#' method='post' target='_blank'>
<div class="row">
<div id='form_area' class="column" style="float:left;width:100%;box-sizing: border-box;padding-right: 5px;">
<textarea class='form_area'
placeholder='Zoom level must be 15 or higher for portal data to load'
style="width: 100%; white-space: nowrap;">${jsonData}</textarea>
var dia = window.dialog({
title: "Portal Export",
html: data
$(".ui-dialog-buttonpane", dia).remove();
dia.css("width", "600px").css("top", ($(window).height() - dia.height()) / 2).css("left", ($(window).width() - dia.width()) / 2);
return dia;
self.gen = function gen() {
var dialog = self.showDialog(JSON.stringify(self.generateJsonData(), null, 4));
return dialog;
self.setZoomLevel = function() {;
self.updateZoomStatus = function() {
var zoomLevel =;
if (zoomLevel != 15) {
window.__current_area_scraped = false;
$('#currentZoomLevel').css('color', 'red');
if (window.__portal_scraper_enabled) $('#scraperStatus').html('Invalid Zoom Level').css('color', 'yellow');
else $('#currentZoomLevel').css('color', 'green');
self.updateTimer = function() {
if (window.__portal_scraper_enabled) {
if ( == 15) {
if ($('#innerstatus > > span').html() === 'done') {
if (!window.__current_area_scraped) {
window.__current_area_scraped = true;
$('#scraperStatus').html('Running').css('color', 'green');
} else {
$('#scraperStatus').html('Area Scraped').css('color', 'green');
} else {
__current_area_scraped = false;
$('#scraperStatus').html('Waiting For Map Data').css('color', 'yellow');
self.panMap = function() {;{lat: 40.974379, lng: -85.624982});
self.toggleStatus = function() {
if (window.__portal_scraper_enabled) {
window.__portal_scraper_enabled = false;
$('#scraperStatus').html('Stopped').css('color', 'red');
} else {
window.__portal_scraper_enabled = true;
$('#scraperStatus').html('Running').css('color', 'green');
// setup function called by IITC
self.setup = function init() {
// add controls to toolbox
var link = $("");
var jsonToolbox = `
<div id="jsonToolbox" style="position: relative;">
<p style="margin: 5px 0 5px 0; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Portal Exporter</p>
<a id="startScraper" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0 5px 0 5px;" onclick="window.plugin.portal_json_export.toggleStatus();" title="Start the portal data scraper">Start</a>
<a id="stopScraper" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: none; margin: 0 5px 0 5px;" onclick="window.plugin.portal_json_export.toggleStatus();" title="Stop the portal data scraper">Stop</a>
<div class="zoomControlsBox" style="margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px 0 5px 5px;">
Current Zoom Level: <span id="currentZoomLevel">0</span>
<a style="margin: 0 5px 0 5px;" onclick="window.plugin.portal_json_export.setZoomLevel();" title="Set zoom level to enable portal data download.">Set Zoom Level</a>
<p style="margin:0 0 0 5px;">Scraper Status: <span style="color: red;" id="scraperStatus">Stopped</span></p>
<p id="totalPortals" style="display: none; margin:0 0 0 5px;">Total Portals Scraped: <span id="totalScrapedPortals">0</span></p>
<div id="jsonControlsBox" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px 0 5px 5px; border-top: 1px solid #20A8B1;">
<a style="margin: 0 5px 0 5px;" onclick="window.plugin.portal_json_export.gen();" title="View the portal data.">View Data</a>
<a style="margin: 0 5px 0 5px;" onclick="window.plugin.portal_json_export.downloadJson();" title="Download the portal data.">Download</a>
window.jsonUpdateTimer = window.setInterval(self.updateTimer, 500);
// delete self to ensure init can't be run again
delete self.init;
// IITC plugin setup
if (window.iitcLoaded && typeof self.setup === "function") {
} else if (window.bootPlugins) {
} else {
window.bootPlugins = [self.setup];
// inject plugin into page
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode("(" + wrapper + ")();"));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement)
// ==UserScript==
// @id iitc-plugin-l17cells@vib
// @name IITC plugin: Show Level 17 Cells
// @author vib
// @category Layer
// @version 0.1.5
// @namespace
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @description IITC: Shows level 17 cells on the map
// @include https://**
// @include http://**
// @match https://**
// @match http://**
// @include https://**
// @include http://**
// @match https://**
// @match http://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// This plugin is a simple fork of the Regions plugin by Jonatkins
// original plugin at:
function wrapper(plugin_info) {
// ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded
if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {};
//PLUGIN AUTHORS: writing a plugin outside of the IITC build environment? if so, delete these lines!!
//(leaving them in place might break the 'About IITC' page or break update checks)
plugin_info.buildName = 'l17cells';
plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = '20170109.010105';
plugin_info.pluginId = 'l17cells';
// PLUGIN START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// use own namespace for plugin
window.plugin.showcells = function() {};
var input=document.createElement("input");
input.value="Set Level";
input.onclick = setCellLevel;
input.setAttribute("style", "font-size:18px;position:absolute;top:120px;left:40px;color:black;cursor:pointer;pointer-events:all;z-index:2999;");
window.plugin.showcells.cellLevel = 17;
function setCellLevel()
var newCellLevel = prompt("Set a cell level", "17");
newCellLevel = parseInt(newCellLevel, 10);
//alert("new cell=" + newCellLevel);
if (newCellLevel !== isNaN && newCellLevel >= 2 && newCellLevel <= 20) {
//alert("Valid cell value");
window.plugin.showcells.cellLevel = newCellLevel;
} else {
alert("Invalid cell value. Must be a number between 2 and 20");
// use own namespace for plugin
window.plugin.regions = function() {};
window.plugin.regions.setup = function() {
/// S2 Geometry functions
// the regional scoreboard is based on a level 6 S2 Cell
// -
// at the time of writing there's no actual API for the intel map to retrieve scoreboard data,
// but it's still useful to plot the score cells on the intel map
// the S2 geometry is based on projecting the earth sphere onto a cube, with some scaling of face coordinates to
// keep things close to approximate equal area for adjacent cells
// to convert a lat,lng into a cell id:
// - convert lat,lng to x,y,z
// - convert x,y,z into face,u,v
// - u,v scaled to s,t with quadratic formula
// - s,t converted to integer i,j offsets
// - i,j converted to a position along a Hubbert space-filling curve
// - combine face,position to get the cell id
//NOTE: compared to the google S2 geometry library, we vary from their code in the following ways
// - cell IDs: they combine face and the hilbert curve position into a single 64 bit number. this gives efficient space
// and speed. javascript doesn't have appropriate data types, and speed is not cricical, so we use
// as [face,[bitpair,bitpair,...]] instead
// - i,j: they always use 30 bits, adjusting as needed. we use 0 to (1<<level)-1 instead
// (so GetSizeIJ for a cell is always 1)
(function() {
window.S2 = {};
var LatLngToXYZ = function(latLng) {
var d2r = Math.PI/180.0;
var phi =*d2r;
var theta = latLng.lng*d2r;
var cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
return [Math.cos(theta)*cosphi, Math.sin(theta)*cosphi, Math.sin(phi)];
var XYZToLatLng = function(xyz) {
var r2d = 180.0/Math.PI;
var lat = Math.atan2(xyz[2], Math.sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]));
var lng = Math.atan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]);
return L.latLng(lat*r2d, lng*r2d);
var largestAbsComponent = function(xyz) {
var temp = [Math.abs(xyz[0]), Math.abs(xyz[1]), Math.abs(xyz[2])];
if (temp[0] > temp[1]) {
if (temp[0] > temp[2]) {
return 0;
} else {
return 2;
} else {
if (temp[1] > temp[2]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
var faceXYZToUV = function(face,xyz) {
var u,v;
switch (face) {
case 0: u = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; break;
case 1: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; break;
case 2: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; break;
case 3: u = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; break;
case 4: u = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; break;
case 5: u = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; break;
default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'}; break;
return [u,v];
var XYZToFaceUV = function(xyz) {
var face = largestAbsComponent(xyz);
if (xyz[face] < 0) {
face += 3;
uv = faceXYZToUV (face,xyz);
return [face, uv];
var FaceUVToXYZ = function(face,uv) {
var u = uv[0];
var v = uv[1];
switch (face) {
case 0: return [ 1, u, v];
case 1: return [-u, 1, v];
case 2: return [-u,-v, 1];
case 3: return [-1,-v,-u];
case 4: return [ v,-1,-u];
case 5: return [ v, u,-1];
default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'};
var STToUV = function(st) {
var singleSTtoUV = function(st) {
if (st >= 0.5) {
return (1/3.0) * (4*st*st - 1);
} else {
return (1/3.0) * (1 - (4*(1-st)*(1-st)));
return [singleSTtoUV(st[0]), singleSTtoUV(st[1])];
var UVToST = function(uv) {
var singleUVtoST = function(uv) {
if (uv >= 0) {
return 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 + 3*uv);
} else {
return 1 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 - 3*uv);
return [singleUVtoST(uv[0]), singleUVtoST(uv[1])];
var STToIJ = function(st,order) {
var maxSize = (1<<order);
var singleSTtoIJ = function(st) {
var ij = Math.floor(st * maxSize);
return Math.max(0, Math.min(maxSize-1, ij));
return [singleSTtoIJ(st[0]), singleSTtoIJ(st[1])];
var IJToST = function(ij,order,offsets) {
var maxSize = (1<<order);
return [
// hilbert space-filling curve
// based on
// note: rather then calculating the final integer hilbert position, we just return the list of quads
// this ensures no precision issues whth large orders (S3 cell IDs use up to 30), and is more
// convenient for pulling out the individual bits as needed later
var pointToHilbertQuadList = function(x,y,order) {
var hilbertMap = {
'a': [ [0,'d'], [1,'a'], [3,'b'], [2,'a'] ],
'b': [ [2,'b'], [1,'b'], [3,'a'], [0,'c'] ],
'c': [ [2,'c'], [3,'d'], [1,'c'], [0,'b'] ],
'd': [ [0,'a'], [3,'c'], [1,'d'], [2,'d'] ]
var currentSquare='a';
var positions = [];
for (var i=order-1; i>=0; i--) {
var mask = 1<<i;
var quad_x = x&mask ? 1 : 0;
var quad_y = y&mask ? 1 : 0;
var t = hilbertMap[currentSquare][quad_x*2+quad_y];
currentSquare = t[1];
return positions;
// S2Cell class
S2.S2Cell = function(){};
//static method to construct
S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng = function(latLng,level) {
var xyz = LatLngToXYZ(latLng);
var faceuv = XYZToFaceUV(xyz);
var st = UVToST(faceuv[1]);
var ij = STToIJ(st,level);
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ (faceuv[0], ij, level);
S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ = function(face,ij,level) {
var cell = new S2.S2Cell();
cell.face = face;
cell.ij = ij;
cell.level = level;
return cell;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'F'+this.face+'ij['+this.ij[0]+','+this.ij[1]+']@'+this.level;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getLatLng = function() {
var st = IJToST(this.ij,this.level, [0.5,0.5]);
var uv = STToUV(st);
var xyz = FaceUVToXYZ(this.face, uv);
return XYZToLatLng(xyz);
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getCornerLatLngs = function() {
var result = [];
var offsets = [
[ 0.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0 ],
[ 1.0, 1.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0 ]
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var st = IJToST(this.ij, this.level, offsets[i]);
var uv = STToUV(st);
var xyz = FaceUVToXYZ(this.face, uv);
result.push ( XYZToLatLng(xyz) );
return result;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getFaceAndQuads = function() {
var quads = pointToHilbertQuadList(this.ij[0], this.ij[1], this.level);
return [this.face,quads];
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getNeighbors = function() {
var fromFaceIJWrap = function(face,ij,level) {
var maxSize = (1<<level);
if (ij[0]>=0 && ij[1]>=0 && ij[0]<maxSize && ij[1]<maxSize) {
// no wrapping out of bounds
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ(face,ij,level);
} else {
// the new i,j are out of range.
// with the assumption that they're only a little past the borders we can just take the points as
// just beyond the cube face, project to XYZ, then re-create FaceUV from the XYZ vector
var st = IJToST(ij,level,[0.5,0.5]);
var uv = STToUV(st);
var xyz = FaceUVToXYZ(face,uv);
var faceuv = XYZToFaceUV(xyz);
face = faceuv[0];
uv = faceuv[1];
st = UVToST(uv);
ij = STToIJ(st,level);
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ (face, ij, level);
var face = this.face;
var i = this.ij[0];
var j = this.ij[1];
var level = this.level;
return [
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i-1,j], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i,j-1], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i+1,j], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i,j+1], level)
window.plugin.regions.regionLayer = L.layerGroup();
.prop("type", "text/css")
.html(".plugin-regions-name {\
font-size: 14px;\
font-weight: bold;\
color: gold;\
opacity: 0.7;\
text-align: center;\
text-shadow: -1px -1px #000, 1px -1px #000, -1px 1px #000, 1px 1px #000, 0 0 2px #000; \
pointer-events: none;\
addLayerGroup('Score Regions', window.plugin.regions.regionLayer, true);
map.on('moveend', window.plugin.regions.update);
window.plugin.regions.FACE_NAMES = [ 'AF', 'AS', 'NR', 'PA', 'AM', 'ST' ];
window.plugin.regions.CODE_WORDS = [
// This regexp is quite forgiving. Dashes are allowed between all components, each dash and leading zero is optional.
// All whitespace is removed in onSearch(). If the first or both the first and second component are omitted, they are
// replaced with the current cell's coordinates (=the cell which contains the center point of the map). If the last
// component is ommited, the 4x4 cell group is used.
window.plugin.regions.REGEXP = new RegExp('^(?:(?:(' + plugin.regions.FACE_NAMES.join('|') + ')-?)?((?:1[0-6])|(?:0?[1-9]))-?)?(' +
plugin.regions.CODE_WORDS.join('|') + ')(?:-?((?:1[0-5])|(?:0?\\d)))?$', 'i');
window.plugin.regions.regionName = function(cell) {
// ingress does some odd things with the naming. for some faces, the i and j coords are flipped when converting
// (and not only the names - but the full quad coords too!). easiest fix is to create a temporary cell with the coords
// swapped
if (cell.face == 1 || cell.face == 3 || cell.face == 5) {
cell = S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ ( cell.face, [cell.ij[1], cell.ij[0]], cell.level );
// first component of the name is the face
var name = window.plugin.regions.FACE_NAMES[cell.face];
if (cell.level >= 4) {
// next two components are from the most signifitant four bits of the cell I/J
var regionI = cell.ij[0] >> (cell.level-4);
var regionJ = cell.ij[1] >> (cell.level-4);
name += zeroPad(regionI+1,2)+'-'+window.plugin.regions.CODE_WORDS[regionJ];
if (cell.level >= 6) {
// the final component is based on the hibbert curve for the relevant cell
var facequads = cell.getFaceAndQuads();
var number = facequads[1][4]*4+facequads[1][5];
name += '-'+zeroPad(number,2);
return name;
}; = function(query) {
var terms = query.term.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(/[,;]/);
var matches = {
return string.match(window.plugin.regions.REGEXP);
if(!matches.every(function(match) { return match !== null; })) return;
var currentCell = window.plugin.regions.regionName(S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng(map.getCenter(), 6));
matches.forEach(function(match) {
match[1] = currentCell.substr(0, 2);
match[1] = match[1].toUpperCase();
match[2] = currentCell.substr(2,2);
match[3] = match[3].toUpperCase();
var result = window.plugin.regions.getSearchResult(match);
if(result) query.addResult(result);
// rot and d2xy from Wikipedia
window.plugin.regions.rot = function(n, x, y, rx, ry) {
if(ry == 0) {
if(rx == 1) {
x = n-1 - x;
y = n-1 - y;
return [y, x];
return [x, y];
window.plugin.regions.d2xy = function(n, d) {
var rx, ry, s, t = d, xy = [0, 0];
for(s=1; s<n; s*=2) {
rx = 1 & (t/2);
ry = 1 & (t ^ rx);
xy = window.plugin.regions.rot(s, xy[0], xy[1], rx, ry);
xy[0] += s * rx;
xy[1] += s * ry;
t /= 4;
return xy;
window.plugin.regions.getSearchResult = function(match) {
var faceId = window.plugin.regions.FACE_NAMES.indexOf(match[1]);
var id1 = parseInt(match[2]);
var codeWordId = window.plugin.regions.CODE_WORDS.indexOf(match[3]);
var id2 = match[4] === undefined ? undefined : parseInt(match[4]);
if(faceId === -1 || id1 < 1 && id1 > 16 || codeWordId === -1 || id2 < 0 || id2 > 15) return;
// looks good. now we need the face/i/j values for this cell
// face is used as-is
// id1 is the region 'i' value (first 4 bits), codeword is the 'j' value (first 4 bits)
var regionI = id1-1;
var regionJ = codeWordId;
var result = {}, level;
if(id2 === undefined) {
result.description = 'Regional score cells (cluster of 16 cells)';
result.icon = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+btoa('<svg xmlns="" width="12" height="12" version="1.1">\n <path style="fill:orange;stroke:none" d="M 1,3.5 9,0 11,8.5 3,12 z"/>\n</svg>\n'.replace(/orange/, 'gold'));
level = 4;
} else {
result.description = 'Regional score cell';
result.icon = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+btoa('<svg xmlns="" width="12" height="12" version="1.1">\n <path style="fill:orange;stroke:none" d="M 1,3.5 9,0 11,8.5 3,12 z"/>\n</svg>\n');
level = 6;
var xy = window.plugin.regions.d2xy(4, id2);
regionI = (regionI << 2) + xy[0];
regionJ = (regionJ << 2) + xy[1];
// as in the name-construction above, for odd numbered faces, the I and J need swapping
var cell = (faceId % 2 == 1)
? S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ(faceId, [regionJ,regionI], level)
: S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ(faceId, [regionI,regionJ], level);
var corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs();
result.title = window.plugin.regions.regionName(cell);
result.layer = L.geodesicPolygon(corners, { fill: false, color: 'red', clickable: false });
result.bounds = L.latLngBounds(corners);
return result;
window.plugin.regions.update = function() {
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var seenCells = {};
var drawCellAndNeighbors = function(cell) {
var cellStr = cell.toString();
if (!seenCells[cellStr]) {
// cell not visited - flag it as visited now
seenCells[cellStr] = true;
// is it on the screen?
var corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs();
var cellBounds = L.latLngBounds([corners[0],corners[1]]).extend(corners[2]).extend(corners[3]);
if (cellBounds.intersects(bounds)) {
// on screen - draw it
// and recurse to our neighbors
var neighbors = cell.getNeighbors();
for (var i=0; i<neighbors.length; i++) {
// centre cell
var zoom = map.getZoom();
var maxzoom = 16;
if (window.plugin.showcells.cellLevel <= 14) maxzoom = 10;
if (window.plugin.showcells.cellLevel <= 8) maxzoom = 5;
if (zoom >= maxzoom) { // 5 // ;;;;
// var cellSize = zoom>=7 ? 6 : 4; // ;;;;vib
var cellSize = window.plugin.showcells.cellLevel;
var cell = S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng ( map.getCenter(), cellSize );
// the six cube side boundaries. we cheat by hard-coding the coords as it's simple enough
var latLngs = [ [45,-180], [35.264389682754654,-135], [35.264389682754654,-45], [35.264389682754654,45], [35.264389682754654,135], [45,180]];
var globalCellOptions = {color: 'red', weight: 7, opacity: 0.5, clickable: false };
for (var i=0; i<latLngs.length-1; i++) {
// the geodesic line code can't handle a line/polyline spanning more than (or close to?) 180 degrees, so we draw
// each segment as a separate line
var poly1 = L.geodesicPolyline ( [latLngs[i], latLngs[i+1]], globalCellOptions );
//southern mirror of the above
var poly2 = L.geodesicPolyline ( [[-latLngs[i][0],latLngs[i][1]], [-latLngs[i+1][0], latLngs[i+1][1]]], globalCellOptions );
// and the north-south lines. no need for geodesic here
for (var i=-135; i<=135; i+=90) {
var poly = L.polyline ( [[35.264389682754654,i], [-35.264389682754654,i]], globalCellOptions );
window.plugin.regions.drawCell = function(cell) {
//TODO: move to function - then call for all cells on screen
// corner points
var corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs();
// center point
var center = cell.getLatLng();
// name
var name = window.plugin.regions.regionName(cell);
var color = cell.level == 6 ? 'gold' : 'orange';
// the level 6 cells have noticible errors with non-geodesic lines - and the larger level 4 cells are worse
// NOTE: we only draw two of the edges. as we draw all cells on screen, the other two edges will either be drawn
// from the other cell, or be off screen so we don't care
var region = L.geodesicPolyline([corners[0],corners[1],corners[2]], {fill: false, color: color, opacity: 0.5, weight: 5, clickable: false });
// move the label if we're at a high enough zoom level and it's off screen
if (map.getZoom() >= 9) {
var namebounds = map.getBounds().pad(-0.1); // pad 10% inside the screen bounds
if (!namebounds.contains(center)) {
// name is off-screen. pull it in so it's inside the bounds
var newlat = Math.max(Math.min(, namebounds.getNorth()), namebounds.getSouth());
var newlng = Math.max(Math.min(center.lng, namebounds.getEast()), namebounds.getWest());
var newpos = L.latLng(newlat,newlng);
// ensure the new position is still within the same cell
var newposcell = S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng ( newpos, 6 );
if ( newposcell.toString() == cell.toString() ) {
// else we leave the name where it was - offscreen
var marker = L.marker(center, {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'plugin-regions-name',
iconAnchor: [100,5],
iconSize: [200,10],
html: name,
//window.plugin.regions.regionLayer.addLayer(marker); // ;;;;vib
var setup = window.plugin.regions.setup;
// PLUGIN END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property
if(!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = [];
// if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function
if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup();
} // wrapper end
// inject code into site context
var script = document.createElement('script');
var info = {};
if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name:, description: GM_info.script.description };
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+JSON.stringify(info)+');'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
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