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Last active March 5, 2020 15:56
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\draw (3,0) node[spdt,xscale=-1,yscale=-1] (SwR) {};
\draw (1,0) node[spdt] (SwL) {};
\draw (SwL.out 1) -- (SwR.out 2);
\draw (SwL.out 2) -- (SwR.out 1);
\draw (
-- (0,0) to[sV=220<\volt>] (0,3)
-- (1,3) to[lamp] (3,3) -| (;
octagon/.style={shape=regular polygon, regular polygon sides=8, draw, minimum width=2cm, thick},
pvc/.style={double, double distance=0.5cm, thick},
\node (utility 1) at (4,0) [draw,thick,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=2cm] {};
\node (utility 2) at (4,-4) [draw,thick,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=2cm] {};
\node (junction) at (10,0) [octagon] {};
\draw[pvc] (0, 0) -- (utility 1);
\draw[pvc] (utility 1) -- (junction);
\draw[pvc,transform canvas={xshift = 1cm}] (utility 1) -- (utility 2);
\draw (utility 1) node[spdt, yshift=-0.1cm] (SwL) {};
\draw (utility 2) node[spdt] (SwR) {};
\coordinate (traveler) at ([xshift=1.75cm,yshift=-0.5cm];
\draw[wire] (0, -0.1) -- (;
\draw[wire] (SwL.out 1) -- ++(0.25,0) |- (SwR.out 1);
\draw[wire] (SwL.out 2) -- ++(0.4,0) |- (SwR.out 2);
( |- (traveler) |- (junction.west| to[connect with angle=-45]
([yshift=-0.6cm] to[lamp] ++(0,1.2)
to[connect with angle=45] ([yshift=0.2cm]junction.west| -- ([yshift=0.2cm]traveler| |- ++(-2.5,0.5) |- (0,0.1);
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