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Last active April 27, 2021 18:18
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A Sinus Activated Multi-Stochastic-Descending/Ascending (MSD/A) Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Computed by GPU via JavaScript and WebGL GLSL (GATO 2014) :: Fiddle:
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<pre id="page" style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;">
<h3>A Sinus Activated Multi-Stochastic-Descending/Ascending (MSD/A) Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Computed by GPU via JavaScript and WebGL GLSL (GATO 2014)</h3>This web page attempts to outline an implementation for solving non-linearly-separable (NLS) classification and function approximation problems using a sinus activated feed forward neural network, trained via multi-stochastic-descension/ascension (MSD/A), and evaluated using the GPU via JavaScript and WebGL GLSL source code.
In order to overcome NLS using MSD/A, a sinus activation function: <b>sin(x)</b>, has been used in place of sigmoid: <b>1 / (1 + exp(-x))</b>, hyper-tangent: <b>htan(x)</b>, and/or averaging: <b>sum / count</b>, activation functions.
Although ANNs capable of overcoming NLS problems are said to be capable of entering any computationally complete state, actually finding and entering a specific state required to solve a real world problem is the hard part, and falls to the responsibility of the training algorithm;
Training via backpropagation has proved remarkably successful for a number of production ANNs, and remains the de facto standard for finding (at least local) optimizations via gradient descent, momentum cultivation and rectification of a chaotic initialization state. Backpropagation requires the standard forward pass to evaluate a vector, but then also requires the calculation of an error delta per neuron in a backwards pass. In this way all neurons are slowly brought into an optimized state in a fashion similar to that of an annealing particle swarm optimization. Backpropagation can have difficulties with 'sharp' problems, often described as 'finding a needle in a haystack'; Upon which training almost exclusively learns an identity function, as opposed to some comprehensive emulation of the true function that produced the training data.
Training via genetics is currently the alternate de facto standard in production grade environments. By considering the weight and bias values of the ANN to be individual genes, and their combination therein to be an ANN DNA: a population of ANN DNAs can be created, mutated and can most importantly breed to produce offspring; effectively merging and crossing over the DNA from multiple parents. Genetics are an incredibly powerful, and virtually unbounded means of training an ANN into literally any potential state. Genetics also reduce the chaos assumption by gaining traction on approachable solutions in the same manner as backpropagation, but reduce it further still by 1) including fully random DNA offspring, 2) relative value snapping, and 3) backwards traversal of the genetic family tree to exit local optimums. Storing ANN DNA populations for a small network is a trivial space requirement, but as networks approach billions of neurons that requirement becomes a major concern for small scale computation which might otherwise only be capable of holding a single network in memory.
Finally the simpler and more naive method used here, MSD/A, builds a chain of fully stochastic mutation changes (a series of address marked random value writes), then applies those changes to the ANN in an attempt to descend the error surface. If the multi-stochastic change fails to provide a descension, the chain is rewound, effectively undoing those changes to the ANN and recovering it's original more advantageous position. In this way the ANN continuously attempts to make a step in a better direction, immediately undoing worse steps; colloquially referred to as 'hill climbing', but applied here using space optimizing methods borrowed from version control change calculations. MSD/A benefits from the same advantageous gains as genetics, however because only a single ANN is ever stored in memory, breeding, merging and crossover have no other parents to operate against; effectively removing the potential to make some intelligent large jumps on certain error surfaces. MSD/A makes up for the lack of breeding by not only requiring the least space to train, but also the least computations per epoch (or iteration). MSD/A does not claim to be the fastest, nor the most effective - but it is arguably the simplest working solution to implement effectively (even with a low grade compute shader), and the easiest to scale laterally across virtually infinite machines (machines receive updated gains and post only updated gains, messages consisting easily of less than 8 bytes of transport data).
For almost all real world classification and forecasting problems, backpropagation and/or genetics are the obviously superior training methodologies. However there is a very specific subset of problems that suffer from inherent difficulties in training, commonly due to a recursive data source not expressible in a closed form, or the need to isolate an exact constant required to exhibit a target behavior (notably primes and factoring). Backpropagation and genetics both fall prey to false positives or 'red herrings', and are usually unable (or are extremely unwilling) to train into the global optimum. The 'unapproachability' of the error surface causes effectively junk local optimums that are unusable as discrete data, such as in password auditing.
By removing the bias of approachability, whilst maintaining advantageous position gaining, and by using a stabilizing activation function (<b>sin(x)</b>), MSD/A shows remarkable potential in production environments for WPA auditing, PRNG auditing and the reverse engineering of complex recursive functions not expressible in a closed form - although a great deal of further research is still required to understand the nature of convergence times in very deeply layered networks.
<pre id="cons" style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre-wrap;"></pre>
<div id="btn" style="text-align:center;"><button onclick="go();">Prove It</button></div>
<script id="vs" type="text/plain">
attribute vec2 VTXPOS; // the position of this vertex
varying vec2 TEXPOS; // the UV coordinates of this vertex (also known as texCoord or texture coordinates)
// render a quad, wooo exciting *confetti*
void main() {
TEXPOS = (VTXPOS / 2.) + vec2(0.5, 0.5);
gl_Position = vec4(VTXPOS, 0, 1);
<script id="fs" type="text/plain">
precision mediump float; // standard GLSL declarator of medium precision floating point numbers
varying vec2 TEXPOS; // the UV coordinates of this fragment (also known as texCoord or texture coordinates)
uniform sampler2D TEX_CARRIES; // a texture containing the signal being carried through the network (outputs)
uniform sampler2D TEX_WEIGHTS; // a texture containing the weights of the neurons in this layer of the network
uniform sampler2D TEX_BIASES; // a texture containing the biases of the neurons in this layer of the network
uniform float TOTAL_CARRIES; // the total number of carry values on the texture (NOTE:A)
uniform float TOTAL_NEURONS; // the total number of neurons in this layer of the network (NOTE:A)
As textures in WebGL GLSL are required to be of power of two dimensions (1, 2, 4, 128, 1024, etc.),
and because the input and output layers may have a different amount of neurons, we are required to
include an actual hard set uniform value indicating the number of carried values (TOTAL_CARRIES) and
the number of neurons (TOTAL_NEURONS).
const float CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = {{CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT}}; // {{double-moustache values are
const float WEIGHT_TEXTURE_WIDTH = {{WEIGHT_TEXTURE_WIDTH}}; // string replaced in, then compiled}}
const float WEIGHT_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = {{WEIGHT_TEXTURE_HEIGHT}}; // dimensions of sampler textures
You can't use a uniform value as a for loop comparator, for example:
for (float carry_index = 0.0; carry_index < CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; carry_index++)
If CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT was a uniform this shader would throw an error on compilation.
It's still not very happy about looping over 128.0 here using floats, but this
implementation is designed as a pragmatic demonstration for teaching purposes only.
In order to get the space efficiency from using the smallest textures needed, while
still being able to compile, we first calculate the dimensions, then replace the
{{appropriate markers}} with the appropriate values. The GLSL compiler only sees
literal float values (i.e. 420.420) not {{mustaches}}.
// WebGL GLSL doesn't do the bitwise operations we need to encode floats
// use algebra instead
float extract_bits (float num, float from, float to) {
from = floor(from + 0.5);
to = floor(to + 0.5);
return mod(floor((floor(num) + 0.5) / exp2(from)), floor(1.0 * exp2(to - from) + 0.5));
// WebGL GLSL renders to a non-floating point texture where each byte represents
// a color channel. Instead we use those 4 bytes to encode a float using the IEEE 754.
vec4 encode_float (float val) {
// it works, don't touch it
if (val == 0.0) return vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float sign = val > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
val = abs(val);
float exponent = floor(log2(val));
float biased_exponent = exponent + 127.0;
float fraction = ((val / exp2(exponent)) - 1.0) * 8388608.0;
float t = biased_exponent / 2.0;
float last_bit_of_biased_exponent = fract(t) * 2.0;
float remaining_bits_of_biased_exponent = floor(t);
float byte4 = extract_bits(fraction, 0.0, 8.0) / 255.0;
float byte3 = extract_bits(fraction, 8.0, 16.0) / 255.0;
float byte2 = (last_bit_of_biased_exponent * 128.0 + extract_bits(fraction, 16.0, 23.0)) / 255.0;
float byte1 = (sign * 128.0 + remaining_bits_of_biased_exponent) / 255.0;
return vec4(byte4, byte3, byte2, byte1);
// fragment compute shader entry point
void main() {
// determine neuron's index by it's UV 'y' coordinate (TEXPOS)
float neuron_index = floor(TEXPOS.y * CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT);
// if the index of this neuron is over the total neurons return early
// this occurs when we have a non power of 2 total neurons, or on
// the input and output layers where we may have wonky neuron counts
if (neuron_index >= TOTAL_NEURONS) return;
// sample bias pixel
vec4 bias_pixel = texture2D(TEX_BIASES, vec2(floor(neuron_index / 4.0) / (BIAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH / 4.0), 0.5));
// calculate which component of bias pixel is bias value
float bias_value = floor(mod(neuron_index, 4.0));
// determine bias value (this is a switch case for rgb or a)
if (bias_value == 0.0) bias_value = bias_pixel[0];
else if (bias_value == 1.0) bias_value = bias_pixel[1];
else if (bias_value == 2.0) bias_value = bias_pixel[2];
else if (bias_value == 3.0) bias_value = bias_pixel[3];
// iterate through carried outputs (inputs for this neuron)
for (float carry_index = 0.0; carry_index < CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; carry_index++) {
// since we can't 'for' to a non-const variable, we use this to short out extra carries
// caused by having a non power of 2 number of inputs
if (carry_index >= TOTAL_CARRIES) continue;
// sample weight pixel
vec4 weight_pixel = texture2D(TEX_WEIGHTS, vec2(floor(carry_index / 4.0) / (WEIGHT_TEXTURE_WIDTH / 4.0), neuron_index / WEIGHT_TEXTURE_HEIGHT));
// calculate which component of weight pixel is weight value
float weight_value = floor(mod(carry_index, 4.0));
// determine bias value (this is a switch case for rgb or a)
if (weight_value == 0.0) weight_value = weight_pixel[0];
else if (weight_value == 1.0) weight_value = weight_pixel[1];
else if (weight_value == 2.0) weight_value = weight_pixel[2];
else if (weight_value == 3.0) weight_value = weight_pixel[3];
// add weighted carried output to bias value
bias_value += weight_value * texture2D(TEX_CARRIES, vec2(0.5, carry_index / CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT)).r;
// average activation
//bias_value /= TOTAL_CARRIES + 1.0;
// sigmoid activation
//bias_value = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(bias_value));
// hypertan activation
//bias_value = exp(bias_value);
//bias_value = (bias_value - 1.0 / bias_value) / (bias_value + 1.0 / bias_value);
// sin activation
bias_value = sin(bias_value);
// set the fragment color to the activated (bias value + weighted transfer)
// but as an encoded float to be converted in JS by typed array buffer conversion
gl_FragColor = encode_float(bias_value);
// program entry point, use this function to create a configured network
// that comes with packaged training functions
function GPU_MSDA_FF_ANN (cfg) {
// ensure all the configuration values are there
if (!cfg) throw 'expecting cfg object';
if (!cfg.inputs) throw 'expecting cfg.inputs: 1->128'; // the number of inputs per vector
if (!cfg.outputs) throw 'expecting cfg.outputs: 1->128'; // the number of outputs per vector
if (!cfg.hidden_layers) throw 'expecting cfg.hidden_layers: 1->MemoryException'; // the number of hidden layers
if (!cfg.hidden_neurons) throw 'expecting cfg.hidden_neurons: 1->128'; // the number of hidden neurons per hidden layer
// this is one of the places a little dirty optimization sneaks in,
// in order to reduce the texture space needed we use the next highest
// power of two texture, but each texture can sneak off little corners
// thanks to things like the input layer not needing weights or biases.
// don't touch this unless you are absolutely sure you know whats up.
cfg.carry_texture_width = 1;
cfg.carry_texture_height = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log( Math.max(cfg.inputs, cfg.outputs, cfg.hidden_neurons) ) / Math.log(2)));
cfg.weight_texture_width = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.ceil(Math.max(cfg.inputs, cfg.hidden_neurons) / 4)) / Math.log(2)));
cfg.weight_texture_height = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log( Math.max( cfg.outputs, cfg.hidden_neurons) ) / Math.log(2)));
cfg.bias_texture_width = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.ceil(Math.max(cfg.outputs, cfg.hidden_neurons) / 4)) / Math.log(2)));
cfg.bias_texture_height = 1;
// create buffers for all the layer textures and for reading values back out
cfg.carry_texture_buffer = new Float32Array(cfg.carry_texture_width * cfg.carry_texture_height * 4);
cfg.carry_texture_buffer_read = new Uint8Array (cfg.carry_texture_width * cfg.carry_texture_height * 4);
cfg.weight_texture_buffers = [];
cfg.bias_texture_buffers = [];
for (var hidden_layer = 0; hidden_layer < cfg.hidden_layers + 1; hidden_layer++) { // the output layer is a hidden layer (+1)
cfg.weight_texture_buffers.push(new Float32Array(cfg.weight_texture_width * cfg.weight_texture_height * 4));
cfg.bias_texture_buffers .push(new Float32Array(cfg.bias_texture_width * cfg.bias_texture_height * 4));
// initialize whole network to 1
var init_to = 1;
for (var hidden_layer = 0; hidden_layer < cfg.hidden_layers + 1; hidden_layer++) { // the output layer is a hidden layer (+1)
for (var w = 0; w < cfg.weight_texture_buffers[hidden_layer].length; w++)
cfg.weight_texture_buffers[hidden_layer][w] = init_to;
for (var b = 0; b < cfg.bias_texture_buffers[hidden_layer].length; b++)
cfg.bias_texture_buffers[hidden_layer][b] = init_to;
// create a canvas to hook WebGL draw calls to
cfg.render_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// the canvas needs to be precisely sized so that every pixel
// of our textures renders with exact values (no interpolation),
// this way each pixel represents a single neuron
cfg.render_canvas.width = cfg.carry_texture_width;
cfg.render_canvas.height = cfg.carry_texture_height;
// create a helper function for compiling shaders
function create_shader (gl, str, type) {
var shader = gl.createShader(type);
gl.shaderSource(shader, str);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) throw gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
return shader;
// hook WebGL = cfg.render_canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl');
// acquire input texture float support (no output support *sad face*) ='OES_texture_float');
if (! throw 'no oes texture float support, shitting the bed instead';
// make a gl program =;
// read and compile vertex shader,
// read and compile the fragment shader {{replace mustache values too}},
.split('{{CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT}}') .join(cfg.carry_texture_height + '.') // the '.'s are because GLSL
.split('{{WEIGHT_TEXTURE_WIDTH}}') .join(cfg.weight_texture_width + '.') // likes it's float values
.split('{{WEIGHT_TEXTURE_HEIGHT}}').join(cfg.weight_texture_height + '.') // to be expressed with a dot;
.split('{{BIAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH}}') .join(cfg.bias_texture_width + '.'), // for example: '420.';
// link shader programs;
// give up writing WebGL shaders because apparently everything is an error,
// check for linker errors
if (!, throw;
// create the vertex buffer for a screen shaped quad =; = 2; = 4;,;, new Float32Array([-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]),;
// mark the compiled program as to use;
// attach vertex buffer to program;, 2,, false, 0, 0);
// pull all the uniform locations for the fragment shader =, 'TEX_CARRIES'); =, 'TEX_WEIGHTS'); =, 'TEX_BIASES'); =, 'CARRY_TEXTURE_HEIGHT'); =, 'WEIGHT_TEXTURE_WIDTH'); =, 'WEIGHT_TEXTURE_HEIGHT'); =, 'BIAS_TEXTURE_WIDTH'); =, 'TOTAL_CARRIES'); =, 'TOTAL_NEURONS');
// create textures references for all three textures =; =; =;
// define the function that will actually evaluate a network given input = function (inputs) {
// define a helper function to load textures using pixel perfect settings
function load_texture (texture_unit, tex_ref, tex_width, tex_height, tex_buffer, tex_sampler) {
// set the active texture unit (0, 1, or 2 in our case) + texture_unit);
// bind the texture reference, tex_ref);
// copy the buffer of the texture pixel data to the GPU, 0,, tex_width, tex_height, 0,,, tex_buffer);
// use pixel perfect right to the edges rendering,,;,,;,,;,,;
// set the sampler to point at the correct texture unit, texture_unit);
// define a helper function to render each layer of the network
function render_layer (layer_index) {
// load carries, weights and biases into texture units 0 1 and 2 respectively
load_texture(0,, cfg.carry_texture_width, cfg.carry_texture_height, cfg.carry_texture_buffer,;
load_texture(1,, cfg.weight_texture_width, cfg.weight_texture_height, cfg.weight_texture_buffers[layer_index],;
load_texture(2,, cfg.bias_texture_width, cfg.bias_texture_height, cfg.bias_texture_buffers[layer_index],;
// make draw call, 0, 4);
// read output of draw call to ubyte buffer, 0, cfg.carry_texture_width, cfg.carry_texture_height,,, cfg.carry_texture_buffer_read);
// view output of draw call as floats
var asfloats = new Float32Array(cfg.carry_texture_buffer_read.buffer);
// transpose floats back into carry 'r' values for next layer
for (var f = 0; f < asfloats.length; f++)
cfg.carry_texture_buffer[f * 4] = asfloats[f];
// load inputs into carry, zeros for rest (we only use 'r' on carry writes,
// we read carries out as floats from .RGBA though)
for (var carry = 0; carry < cfg.carry_texture_buffer.length; carry += 4)
cfg.carry_texture_buffer[carry] = inputs[carry / 4] || 0;
// setup shader texture bounds for the input layer to the first hidden layer, inputs.length);, cfg.hidden_neurons);
// render hidden layer 0
// setup shader texture bounds for a hidden layer to a hidden layer, cfg.hidden_neurons);, cfg.hidden_neurons);
// render all hidden layers, exempting output layer which may have
// a different number of neurons
for (var hidden_layer = 1; hidden_layer < cfg.hidden_layers; hidden_layer++)
// set uniforms for output layer, cfg.hidden_neurons);, cfg.outputs);
// render output layer
// collect outputs
var output = [];
for (var o = 0; o < cfg.outputs; o++)
output.push(cfg.carry_texture_buffer[o * 4]);
// return output
return output;
// define a passable euclidean error function
cfg.error_euclidean = function (a, b) {
var distance = 0;
for (var component = 0; component < a.length; a++)
distance += Math.pow(a[component] - b[component], 2);
return Math.sqrt(distance);
// define a passable absolute error function
cfg.error_absolute = function (a, b) {
var distance = 0;
for (var component = 0; component < a.length; a++)
distance += Math.abs(a[component] - b[component]);
return distance;
// define a useable fitness total function
cfg.fitness_total = function (test, fn_error) {
var error = 0;
for (var t = 0; t < test.length; t++)
error += fn_error([t][0]), test[t][1]);
return error;
// define a useable fitness average function
cfg.fitness_average = function (test, fn_error) {
var error = 0;
for (var t = 0; t < test.length; t++)
error += fn_error([t][0]), test[t][1]);
return error / test.length;
// define a useable mutation function
cfg.mutate = function (total_mutations) {
// create an array to hold an undo changes record
var mutations = [];
// iterate through mutations requested
for (var m = 0; m < total_mutations; m++) {
// decide to mutate a weight or a bias
var weight_or_bias = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
// if we decided to mutate a weight
if (weight_or_bias == 1) {
// randomly choose a hidden layer's texture index
var texture_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cfg.weight_texture_buffers.length);
// randomly choose a float in that layer's texture
var float_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cfg.weight_texture_buffers[texture_index].length);
// add an undo record
mutations.push({weight_or_bias: weight_or_bias, texture_index: texture_index, float_index: float_index, original_value: cfg.weight_texture_buffers[texture_index][float_index]});
// mutate
cfg.weight_texture_buffers[texture_index][float_index] = Math.random();
// otherwise we decided to mutate a bias
} else {
// randomly choose a hidden layer's texture index
var texture_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cfg.bias_texture_buffers.length);
// randomly choose a float in that layer's texture
var float_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cfg.bias_texture_buffers[texture_index].length);
// add an undo record
mutations.push({weight_or_bias: weight_or_bias, texture_index: texture_index, float_index: float_index, original_value: cfg.bias_texture_buffers[texture_index][float_index]});
// mutate
cfg.bias_texture_buffers[texture_index][float_index] = Math.random();
// return undoable record of mutations
return mutations;
// define a useable unmutation function
cfg.unmutate = function (mutations) {
// iterate backwards (the direction is important) over mutations made
for (var m = mutations.length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
// if this was a weight mutation
if (mutations[m].weight_or_bias == 1)
// return the weight to it's original value
cfg.weight_texture_buffers[mutations[m].texture_index][mutations[m].float_index] = mutations[m].original_value;
// otherwise this was a bias mutation
// return the bias to it's original value
cfg.bias_texture_buffers[mutations[m].texture_index][mutations[m].float_index] = mutations[m].original_value;
// return the configured network with baked in functions
return cfg;
// hook the DOM for writing results like a console
var cons = document.getElementById('cons');
// create an XOR test set
var test = [
[[0, 0], [0]],
[[0, 1], [1]],
[[1, 0], [1]],
[[1, 1], [0]]
// create a GPU_MSDA_FF_ANN using 2 inputs, 1 output, 3 hidden layers each with 3 hidden neurons
var gnn = GPU_MSDA_FF_ANN({inputs: test[0][0].length, outputs: test[0][1].length, hidden_layers: 3, hidden_neurons: 3});
// calculate the starting fitness as a benchmark
var best_fitness = gnn.fitness_average(test, gnn.error_euclidean);
// define a background iteration function
function iter () {
// define a helper function for expressing all outputs values and errors
function express () {
// define a helper function for padding the left of a string
function pad_left (str, len) {
// ensure numbers are strings
str = str + '';
// while the string isnt long enough
while (str.length < len)
// add spaces to the left
str = ' ' + str;
// return the padded string
return str;
// iterate through all tests to express outputs
for (var t = 0; t < test.length; t++) {
// generate an estimate by running the test input through the network
var esti =[t][0])[0];
// log the result to the console
cons.innerHTML = 'inpu: ' + test[t][0] + ', real: ' + test[t][1] + ', esti: ' + pad_left(esti.toFixed(8), 11) + ', erro: ' + pad_left(Math.abs(test[t][1][0] - esti).toFixed(8), 11) + '<br>' + cons.innerHTML;
// log the overal best fitness to the console
cons.innerHTML = '<br>(fitness: ' + best_fitness + ')<br>' + cons.innerHTML;
// for every pass (or epoch) add a dot to the console to show the user
// the network is training
cons.innerHTML = '. ' + cons.innerHTML;
// perform a single mutation (XOR is easy, some larger networks can use values
// as high as 1000->10000 depending on how many neurons are involved)
var mutations = gnn.mutate(1);
// calculate the fitness of the mutated network
var mutated_fitness = gnn.fitness_average(test, gnn.error_euclidean);
// if the mutated fitness worse than the original fitness
if (mutated_fitness >= best_fitness)
// undo mutation changes
// otherwise the mutated fitness is better than the original fitness
else {
// associate a new best fitness and keep changes
best_fitness = mutated_fitness;
// tell the user we made an improvement and show them the results
// if the best fitness is worse than 1% error
if (best_fitness > 0.01)
// keep iterating in the background to not lock up the DOM
setTimeout(iter, 1);
// otherwise the fitness is better than 1% error
else {
// tell the user how well the end result was
// tell the user we are done!
cons.innerHTML = 'done!<br><br>' + cons.innerHTML;
// create an entry point function
function go () {
// hide button
document.getElementById('btn').style.display = 'none';
// begin iteration in the background to not lock up the DOM
setTimeout(iter, 1);
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