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Created May 2, 2019 16:37
vulnerable driver scanner
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>
static_assert( sizeof( void* ) == 8 );
constexpr auto kernel_image_name = "ntoskrnl.exe";
const auto searched_imports = {
namespace pe
inline PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS get_nt_headers_unsafe( uint8_t* base )
const auto dos_header = PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER( base );
const auto nt_headers = PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS( base + dos_header->e_lfanew );
return nt_headers;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS get_nt_headers( uint8_t* base )
const auto dos_header = PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER( base );
if( dos_header->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )
return nullptr;
const auto nt_headers = PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS( base + dos_header->e_lfanew );
if( nt_headers->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE || nt_headers->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 )
return nullptr;
return nt_headers;
template <typename T>
T* file_rva_to_va( uint8_t* base, const uint32_t rva )
const auto nt_headers = get_nt_headers_unsafe( base );
const auto sections = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( nt_headers );
for( size_t i = 0; i < nt_headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i )
const auto& section = sections[ i ];
if( rva >= section.VirtualAddress && rva < section.VirtualAddress + section.SizeOfRawData )
return ( T* )( base + ( rva - section.VirtualAddress + section.PointerToRawData ) );
return ( T* )( base + rva );
std::vector<uint8_t> read_file( const std::string& file_path )
std::ifstream stream( file_path, std::ios::in | std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary );
if( !stream )
return {};
const auto size = stream.tellg( );
stream.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer( size ); ( char* ) ), size );
return buffer;
void check_file( const std::string& display_path, const std::string& file_path )
auto buffer = read_file( file_path );
if( buffer.empty( ) )
std::printf( "Failed to read file: %s.\n", display_path.c_str( ) );
const auto base = );
const auto nt_headers = pe::get_nt_headers( base );
if( !nt_headers || nt_headers->OptionalHeader.Subsystem != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE )
const auto import_dir = nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT ];
if( !import_dir.Size || !import_dir.VirtualAddress )
bool printed_name = false;
auto import_descriptor = pe::file_rva_to_va<IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR>( base, import_dir.VirtualAddress );
for( ; import_descriptor->Name; ++import_descriptor )
const auto module_name = pe::file_rva_to_va<const char>( base, import_descriptor->Name );
if( strcmp( module_name, kernel_image_name ) != 0 )
auto imported_func = pe::file_rva_to_va<IMAGE_THUNK_DATA>( base,
import_descriptor->OriginalFirstThunk ? import_descriptor->OriginalFirstThunk : import_descriptor->FirstThunk );
for( ; imported_func->u1.AddressOfData; ++imported_func )
if( imported_func->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG )
const auto import_name = pe::file_rva_to_va<IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME>( base,
uint32_t( imported_func->u1.AddressOfData ) )->Name;
if( std::find( std::begin( searched_imports ), std::end( searched_imports ), std::string( import_name ) )
!= searched_imports.end( ) )
if( !printed_name )
std::printf( "\n%s:\n", display_path.c_str( ) );
printed_name = true;
std::printf( " => %s\n", import_name );
void check_files_in_directory( const std::string& directory_path )
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
const auto normalized_path = fs::path( directory_path ).string( ) + "\\";
for( const auto& file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator( directory_path ) )
if( fs::is_regular_file( file ) && file.path( ).extension( ) == ".sys" )
const auto file_path = file.path( ).string( );
const auto has_substr = file_path.find_first_of( normalized_path ) != std::string::npos;
const auto display_path = has_substr ? ( ".\\" + file_path.substr( normalized_path.size( ) ) ) : file_path;
check_file( display_path, file_path );
int main( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
if( argc != 2 )
std::printf( "Invalid arguments.\n" );
std::printf( "Searching in %s.\n", argv[ 1 ] );
check_files_in_directory( argv[ 1 ] );
std::printf( "\nDone.\n" );
std::cin.get( );
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NmLa0s commented May 3, 2019

Thanks AdrianVPL.

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