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Created January 12, 2021 16:08
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Make path into crumbs - array of objects with title and link
* Generate breadcrumb based on the path given
* Taken/adapted from here
const generateCrumbsFromPath = (url, opts) => {
// options
opts = opts || {};
opts.home = opts.home || "Home";
opts.endingSlash = opts.endingSlash || false;
opts.beautify =
opts.beautify ||
function(str) {
// Take off -, _ and make every first letter capitalized
return str
.replace(/[-_]/g, " ")
.replace(/\w\S*/g, (w) => w.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()));
// extract url path (without querystring and without hash)
const urlPath = url.split(/[?#]/)[0];
// split segments by slash and filter empty elements
const segments = urlPath.split("/").filter(Boolean);
// add first element for `home` element
// enhance segments array
return, i, arr) => {
// join the segments array up to the actual element with slash
var p = arr.slice(0, i + 1).join("/");
if (opts.endingSlash) {
// the last element must get the ending slash back, if it was there originally (lost during split)
// every higher path segment must get an ending slash.
if (i < arr.length - 1 || urlPath.endsWith("/")) p += "/";
} else {
// the first element must always be a slash
if (i === 0) p = "/";
// the first element must get the `home` name, every other element must be uri decoded
crumb = i === 0 ? opts.home : decodeURIComponent(crumb);
return {
name: crumb,
title: opts.beautify(crumb),
link: segments.length - 1 === i ? null : p,
export default generateCrumbsFromPath;
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