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Last active June 6, 2024 16:25
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This is a quick and dirty POC to show how it can be achieve to create dynamically generated entity. The end code will not look at all like this
function buildEntity(entityName: string, properties: [{ name: string, type: string, columnType: string, index?: boolean }]) {
class DMLEntity {
[key: string]: any
constructor() {
for (const property of properties) {
this[] = undefined
Object.defineProperty(DMLEntity,'name', {
get : function () {
return upperCaseFirst(entityName);
const tableName = camelToSnakeCase(entityName)
for (const property of properties) {
if (property.index) {
const index = createPsqlIndexStatementHelper({
type: property.type,
columnType: property.columnType,
return Entity({ tableName })(DMLEntity)
const Currency = buildEntity("currency", [{
name: 'code',
type: 'string',
columnType: 'text',
index: true,
const metadata = MetadataStorage.getMetadataFromDecorator(Currency);
console.log(new Currency())
[class Currency]
Currency { code: undefined }
EntityMetadata {
propertyOrder: Map(0) {},
properties: {
code: {
reference: 'scalar',
type: 'string',
columnType: 'text',
name: 'code',
getter: false,
setter: false
props: [],
primaryKeys: [],
filters: {},
hooks: {},
indexes: [
name: 'IDX_currency_code',
expression: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "IDX_currency_code" ON "currency" (code)',
properties: 'code'
uniques: [],
checks: [],
referencingProperties: [],
concurrencyCheckKeys: Set(0) {},
className: 'Currency',
path: 'Currency',
collection: 'currency',
class: [class Currency],
name: 'Currency'
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