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Last active November 27, 2019 15:04
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Fancy text shell

Terminal emulator:

  • iterm2: pretty standard, easy to use, looks nicer
  • alacritty: more complex to install and build but I liked running it and it pairs well with tmux.


There are customized fonts that add special characters, it's not strictly useful but it's very good looking. Powerline characters are some of those extra characters that add the diamonds to your terminal. I like "Source Code Pro Powerline" and "Ubuntu Mono Powerline""

Note - this repo is massive. Clone it with something like git clone --depth=1


Oh my tmux is a bunch of extensions to make tmux more usable.

Quick install:

cd ~
git clone 
ln -s -f .tmux/.tmux.conf
cp .tmux/.tmux.conf.local .

My customizations:


Some of these might ship with the default .zshrc. Check that file before adding things.

basic prompt:

autoload -Uz promptinit
prompt -l # list prompts
prompt fire

basic completions:

autoload -Uz compinit

Oh my zsh

Oh my zsh is a huge plugin framework for zsh. It comes with a lot of neat stuff, but it can set up some unusual defaults. Use it thoughfully.

My customizations:

Note - this loads a prompt plugin, powerlevel9k. I do not recommend installing it from the start, as it's even more complexity.

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